
21. lis 2013.

2013-TBR-pile-challenge: Update

I'm so good at posting these updates that I should get some award! Really, I'm sorry but my memory is pretty bad. So yeah I missed a month or two and couple of days but here it is - the update:

Books read and reviewed before the last update

1. Whenever You Go by Heather Davis - REVIEW
2. Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher - REVIEW
3. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - REVIEW
4. The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta - REVIEW
5. The Dark Divine by Bree Despain - REVIEW
6. The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams - REVIEW
7. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - REVIEW
8. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - REVIEW

Books read and reviewed since the last update 

9. You Against Me by Jenny Downham - REVIEW
10. Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta - REVIEW
11. The Taker by Alma Katsu - REVIEW

Books left to be read reviewed*

12. The Unbecoming of Maya Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

*I have read the book and I hope that I'll write a review till the next update. 

Until the next time, 

43 komentara:

  1. I think I ought to participate in this next year, my TBR needs some flattening *pokes pile*

    Keep up the great work! <33

    1. I'll be participating too! I have read some books that have been on my shelf forever ;) Thanks :)

  2. I SO need to read Melina Marchetta books. I'm trying very hard to get my hands on them as I want to own physical copies of them. You've cleared quite a few books on your pile Tanja. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. You really must read it and I support you in getting your own books. You won't regret it :) Thanks Janhvi :)

  3. I am horrible at writing these updates too, which is why I gave up on challenges altogether. It's not like my schedule leaves me time to read at will anyway.
    I hope you'll have at least some luck with Mara Dyer, I know most people didn't. Looking forward to your review.

    1. Yeah I know how it is, but I try to squeeze in as many books as I can. Because I'll never get to read them this way.
      I won't say it was a great read to me. I had some issues with it.
      Thanks :)

  4. I have soooo many books in my TBR pile, that I really drastically need to read more of them and stop buying new books...Which is probably the hardest challenge.

    1. It truly is! That's why I joined this challenge. Like Maja said my schedule is not really leaving me much space for the books I want to read :)

  5. I took on so many challenges this year but forgot about all of them, so I'm amazed that you've been keeping up with this so studiously, Tanja! Great work - keep it up!(:

  6. I really enjoyed On the Jellicoe Road. Great read.

  7. Looks like you are doing well with your reading! Congrats on getting so many read.

  8. I'm excited to see what you think of Mara Dyer Tanja! I loved that one so much, but it's definitely one that inspires conflicting opinions which I think makes things fun. I still really want to read Finnikin of the Rock. I've only read one Marchetta book and that's simply not enough!

    1. Sadly I wasn't so fascinated by it. :( You must read the whole series Jenny :)

  9. I am horrible at these challenges so I don't sign up for them. Looks like you've accomplished a lot and the books you've read I either love or want to read. Congrats, Tanja! :)

    1. I really wanted to stick to this one and I'm glad I did :) Thanks Rachel :)

  10. I've tried doing these before but always fail. To much self induced pressure ack! Looks like you've been doing well though.

  11. Haha, I bet your memory skills can't beat mine. I procrastinate till I forget, which is the worst! At least you still remembered. :) You've reviewed a couple of books I really liked; I'll check them out right after this. I'm also super excited for your thoughts on MARA DYER. I can't say that I was a huge fan, but I did enjoy the book fairly well, so I hope you did, too.

    And gah. More FINNIKIN. I've been seeing that book around a lot, lately. Maybe it's a sign that I should stop putting it off and just get to it already!

    1. LOL It's actually nice to hear that someone is wore than me. My memory sucks, like big time! I did enjoy it somehow but some issues weren't to my liking.

      YOU SHOULD MEG! You really should :)

  12. Awesome job, Tanja! You're kicking tbr butt! Thanks for the update.

  13. You've read some really great books! I can't wait for your review of Mara Dyer, love those books!

  14. Just had a read of your review of Jellicoe Road - beautiful! Couldn't have said it better myself. ^^

    1. That was the most challenging review to write. Thank you Ranu :)

  15. I really enjoyed the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer so I can't wait to see what you think. I also really liked You Against Me, but didn't care to much for the Dark Divine. Great post!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Yeah Dark Divine was a miss to me too. Thanks Janina :)

  16. You SHOULD get a reward for being so good about your challenge! I am far too lazy to ever keep up with such things, hah. Good luck with your goal!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  17. Congrats on knocking some books off your tbr pile. I refuse to look at my numbers as I add two to three for every book I read..LOL

    1. LOL I do pretty much the same but I try to control it :)

  18. Haha (: Well at least you read and review all the books you say you are going to! I am a whole other story :P

  19. It seems to me like I'm the only one not liking it :D Thanks :)

  20. Awesome! Look at all that Marchetta :-) Congrats on kicking butt on the challenge so far!

    1. It's easy to accomplish goals if Melina is one the list ;) Thanks :)

  21. Good job!! I've been reading a bit slower these days because of work and school, but I'm trying to get through a lot in my TBR pile too.

    1. Me too, but I had enough free time during summer so I managed to accomplish my goal :)

  22. You made a good dent in your TBR pile! Congrats :D Mine is pitiful. This month may just be the worst reading month for me EVER. (It's that bad.) *hides in shame*

    1. It's same for me, only I have read a lot during the summer so it's balanced :D
