
14. ruj 2014.

The Sunday Post (#24)

Hello all. Well, as some of you know Sundays are always reserved for Sunday Post which is a meme created by lovely Kim @Caffeinated Book Reviews!

It'll be pretty chaotic this week on the blog as we actually don't have things planned out. Glass's been busy with job hunting still and well Tanja's mom has this thing that's called fall clean, as you know normal people have big spring clean, but in her household it's fall clean - logic was never strong with us. Tanja has been dusting and vacuuming all week and didn't have much time to plan the next week. So this schedule below might wary! 
At the same time we're way behind responding to comments and we shall get to it soon. 
Also Tanja is taking part in #TackleTBR read-a-thon and below you'll see update. 
Thanks for being around peps! Catching up to come! 
  • Bookish Problems #9 - Reading and music 
  • Crown of Ice by Vicki L. Weavil (review)
  • Waiting on Wednesday (#113)
  • ReBorn by Ada Adams (Cover Reveal)
  • Month9Books (Cover Reveal) 
  • Dunno - go with the flow people! 
Tanja's haul 
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (bought) 

Tackle your TBR read-a-thon - Check in! 

So we're half way through this read-a-thon and I can actually be very optimistic about reaching my goal. Hopefully it'll stay that way. Now this is just a quick update about my reads till now. I've managed to read 4.5 books till now and they are: 

Crushed by Eliza Crewe 
Ghost Heart by Ripley Patton 
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis - last 50% of it. 
Love and Other Unknown Variables by Shannon Lee Alexander 
Stray by Elissa Sussman 

My goal is to read at least 6 books, but I'm secretly hoping to get to 10. We shall see. Till the wrap-up stay cool!

Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 15:

  1. I heard great things about The Fault in Our Stars, one day I'll have to read it as well. Happy reading!

  2. Oh you're doing so well with your read-a-thon Tanja! I hope you're able to reach your goal. I hope things get less busier for you both and you're able to read all the books! Have a great week! :)

  3. Oh I wish I participated in this read-a-thon. I had a lot of time on my hands so I would've read many on my TBR as its huge! Loving the end plan... its good to go with the flow sometimes. Glass, hope the job hunting is going well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Tanja, hope the fall clean is coming to the end for you, but you know what they say tidy house, tidy mind. You'll be reading in no time. Hehe! Lovely post ladies, Enjoy! :)

  4. Really looking forward to see what you think of Rites of Passage! Rashika reviewed this not too long ago and absolutely loved it as well ^_^

  5. Good luck with the job hunting and the fall clean. Neither are very fun!

  6. Ah, The Fault in Our Stars. Keep a box of tissues handy ladies!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  7. Fantastic progress on the TBR read-a-thon! I really wanted to join in the fun but knew I wouldn't really be able to participate so I'm just living vicariously through those that are. I actually think a fall clean makes sense - you get rid of the all the dust and pollen you've been tracking in all summer before you close the house down for the winter. I'm trying to get some heavy cleaning done myself but the problem with being in charge is that you don't have anyone motivating (or forcing) you to keep going and I really hate deep cleaning!

  8. I love The Fault in our Stars, I hope I buy my copy soon in Croatian. And I look forward to Bookish problems post :) Hope you had a great weekend..

  9. Wow great progress on the read-a-thon! Also I'm so jealous that you've already read Love and Other Unknown Variables!
    At my house we have winter cleaning in preparation for holiday decorating/lots of baking. =)

  10. Good luck with the job hunting and cleaning. I could do with fall cleaning we are decorating and the mess... Have a good week :)

  11. I do a big spring and fall clean here so twice as much work. :P I can't help it though, after the kids have been home all summer I feel like I can finally get the house clean again when they are in school all day so I do two cleanings.

    I hope you ladies have a good week and good luck job hunting!

  12. I have a copy of The Fault of Our Stars but I don't want to read it any time soon. I can't handle sad books very well. Especially cancer related ones. Enjoy your reads ladies! :)

  13. Good job with the read-a-thon!! Ah, The Fault in Our Stars. Love that book...can't wait to see the movie again with it coming out on DVD here.

  14. Oh, Tanja! I really can't wait to read your thoughts about Crown of Ice. Going to read Crushed by Eliza Crewe too :D Are you participating in the blog tour as well? Ooh, love that TFiOS hardcover. Happy reading!
