
15. ruj 2014.

Bookish Problems #10 - Reading and music

Greetings all. While writing an review last week I started thinking about this question and actually problem for me. I have met many people who like to listen to music while reading or studying and I've always admired them. My brain seems to lose it when I try to do both simultaneously. 

Paying attention to words (but which ones?).

       However, I do love both and I don't think I can imagine my life without any of the two so why cannot I combine them. The answer is really simple. While listening to music I can't focus on the words if there is some lyrics in the song. I either sing it or try to understand and catch all the words. I lost track of the story and I need to reread that part again. I don't need complete silence though. I live in the city where there is always some noise and I got used to it so it's not really bothering me. But I do like to read with my TV and music player off.

But writing and music 

      Well this is another story altogether. While writing posts and reviews I noticed that I usually do that with some background music. There is a catch of course. I listen to classical music while doing this. Now, don't give me weird looks and no I'm not such geek (even though Zemira probably considers me the biggest geek in the Geekdom), but classical music rarely (if ever) has words and all those soothing and melodic pieces really give me inspiration. However, I really don't know all Beethoven's or Mozart's pieces by heart and I probably never will. There are rarely ever on my playlist. But there is one piece that I truly love and listen often. Its by an amazing violinist Itzhak Perlman.

What about you - music or not? If yes, please share your magical powers with me and teach me how to train my brain to process both?  

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 27:

  1. I love this post! So I always have music on no matter what I am doing(unless I'm like watching TV), it's weird because I can absolutely not concentrate on reading when people around me are talking(or the tv is on), I read extremely slow because I cannot shut them out.
    But that's not the case with music, most the time I can't read or write without music, the silence disturbs me. I don't have any secrets to how I can do this though! I mean sometimes when I'm really hyper(because I've drank too much coffee) then I can't concentrate on whatever I am doing because instead I just keep singing along to whatever I'm listening too, but that's very rare for me. I guess most the time I get so into whatever I'm doing(reading or writing) that I completely block out the sound of the music and then when I'm bored with what I'm reading or writing all I can do is focus on the music. I obviously don't know how to explain this!
    Basically for the most part the only thing that doesn't distract me from reading or writing is music!

    Really awesome post! =)

  2. I can listen to music while writing reviews and/or reading, but I usually don't focus on the lyrics as much as you do, so maybe that's the trick. However, I can't listen to an audiobook while doing something that requires thought for the very reasons that you mentioned. You just love music too much! Not that that's a problem really. :)

  3. I am use to having noise around me while doing anything (hey, what can I say, I am a mom so there is almost always something going on) but I rarely listen to music while reading or writing reviews. I have no idea why I just don't. Maybe I should try it though if so many of you do?

  4. I can typically read with more noise around me than I can write. I've learned to read with the TV on, though there are certain times where it's still too distracting, but I can't write with any type of noise or my thoughts get all jumbled. Classical music might be okay though since, like you said, there aren't any words for me to focus on:)

  5. Haha yes! I can't read when there's music or noise of any kind around me which is why I never bother playing music when I read. I tend to sing like you do. :D
    I do put on some music when writing reviews though. I feel like they give me inspiration! ;)
    Great post!

  6. I like background noise for writing reviews, for sure. But I've noticed that I do have to turn volume down if I'm struggling. As for reading, it's mostly the same, but still very low volume.
    Great discussion!

  7. I do everything with music--homework, reading, blogging, surfing the web. I have to have music or I go mad with the silence. Interesting how we differ on that count, Tanja, but I love this post! :)

  8. I COMPLETELY agree. I cannot read with music on but when it comes to writing reviews, commenting or writing in general, it is soo soothing. I usually listen to Pirates of the Caribbean because I am weird like that. And you're not the biggest geek in geekdom, not even CLOSE.

    Also, HIIIIIII

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  9. Lol it depends on where I am to be able to listen to music and read. If I'm at home, I can't do it. But when I went out of town and had a 6 hour car ride, I did it and didn't have any problems. Writing and reading is easy breezy for me though. Great post Tanja!

  10. I love listening to music (especially instrumentals) while reading and writing. My annoying habit when writing? I have to get up every 15-20 minutes and walk around.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  11. I love listening to music when doing practically anything. Walking, taking a shower, putting on makeup, etc. While on the computer doing blog stuff i'm a huge fan of playing music but while reading I cannot have any noise. I don't even read in the room that others are in if there talking or the tv is on!

  12. Oooh you're not the only one, Tanja! I just can't seem to concentrate when there's music on the background, unless I'm in a public place and I really need music to wash out the noise. We're so alike, Tanja. I just have to sing along or listen to the words. About writing with music, I realized I can do it with instrumentals. I especially liked listening to Yiruma (you should totally check him out if you're into classicals. That's not geeky btw. I totally approve! haha). I also recently discovered that I could write with Korean songs in the background because I don't understand a thing and I can't sing along either. Haha.

  13. I get distracted so easily and that is one of the reasons and I can't do music and reading at the same time. Also, how I feel while listening to the song may not be the same as what I'm feeling while reading a particular book in the scene so I keep it separate. great post Tanja! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  14. I like to read posts of other people and write reviews to music. But I can't read novels to music, or write my own fiction to it either. I just lose the music and end up blocking it out, so it's pointless to listen to it ^^

  15. I can't do much of anything while I read. LOL. Having music or tv on while reading is too distracting for me. I need to focus 100% on my book. ;)

  16. I don't really listen to background music when I read or work on the blog. I used to in college, but now I've gotten out of the habit.

  17. I write comments and sometimes reviews while listening to music or watching tv. When I am actually writing a story I have to listen to relaxed music or nothing at all.
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  18. Even though I ADORE music, I just can't listen to it while reading or writing. It just distracts me from reading since I get so involved with the music in the background; so I'm not sure I'd be much of a help here - LOL. Hope you find a solution that works for you Tanja!

  19. I love listening to music while studying but it has to be instrumentals, mainly piano for me. Most of the time I'm listening to Yiruma collections on youtube and turn it very low. It's more for background noise because I get tired and bored easily when reading my textbook or doing work in silence. But it's not loud enough and has no words to really distract you. Some times I watch reruns of my favorite tv shows while doing my work too (can't watch new episodes cause I'd be too absorbed with what was going on lol). Wonderful post, Tanja :D

  20. Oh I'm the opposite, I usually read with TV or music on in the background... I hate complete silence lol Great post!

    Oh Maria Snyder, I have been meaning to pick up her books forever now. Great list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  21. I'm like you, Tanja, there's no way I can listen to music when I read! It's too distracting. :)

  22. When I first begin a book, I need total quiet, but once I am a few chapters could hold a three ring circus around me and I wouldn't hear a thing. I only listen to books or music when I am doing mundane chores..never when I need to think. Although I bet I could listen to classical. Hmm, I will try :)

  23. I can write reviews when I'm listening to music and do work too, but not studying. Not anymore at least. I used to study with shows on the background and followed both well, but I can't multitask that much anymore when studying. Same with books. Listening to classic music is a great option though! I like to listen to instrumental music and sometimes if it's a more mindless read that doesn't require all that much attention on my part, I can listen to some songs. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one lol :D

  24. Either I read or I listen to music, but I'm completely unable to do both at the sametime. I can't even listen to music when I write review, I can't concentrate.

  25. Yes, this is the same for me, too. I love listening to "Space ambient music" or any instrumental music really while reading. It soothes me and I can even pay more attention the the stuff I'm hearing. But if it's a song with lyrics, it's harder to concentrate unless you completely tune out the song. While commenting though, I don't mind really haha. Why is it this way?! That's really an interesting train of thought... a thesis should be written about this :P

    Faye at The Social Potato
