
28. tra 2014.

Falling Under (Falling, #3) by Jasinda Wilder

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My rating: 2 stars

Book summary:

"My name is Colton Calloway. You've heard part of my story, but it turns out there's more. My little girl, Kylie, is all grown up. Seventeen, beautiful, and talented, just like her mother. And just like Nell, my daughter seems to have fallen for a bad boy, one with a lot of darkness and a lot of secrets.

*  *  *

You thought you knew the whole story. You thought it was over. Happily ever after for everyone.

You were wrong.

My name is Oz Hyde, and you’ve never met me. I’m part of the story, too, but I’m an aside, a quick line or two you’d all but forgotten about. Well guess what? I’ve got my own story to tell."

      Third book in Falling series. I have love/hate relationship with this Falling series. To be perfectly honest I don't even know why I read them. Maybe it's because of Purple form Way Too Hot Books who surprised me with her high rating for the first novel, Falling Into You (you can read her review here).Or because I find out about amazing musicians like Dallas Green and heartbreaking songs like The Girl. Or I'm masochist and I like to torture myself.

      So much expectations... I was really curious to see what did Jasinda Wilder cooked up in the Falling Under, mostly because it's the story about Colton and Nell's daughter and book summary isn't revealing almost anything. Epic fail in my judgement. It turned out to be more or less same as the first novel - music, good girl/bad boy, record deal and a lot of drama.

      On the plus side... you find out about few great songs, but putting a music background in the almost every scene is over the top. Couple of swoonish moments.

       What completely ruined it for me? Last third of the book - there is so much drama that I felt like I was watching Esmeralda or Suleiman the Magnificent.

      Final word? If you usually aren't a fan of new adult romance novels, skip it. If you love soap operas, you'll like it.

Happy reading,

34 komentara:

  1. Isn't it funny how we can not love a book but still want to know how it all ends so we keep picking them up? Sorry this one disappointed.

    1. I know - this is that kind of series for me. There must be something that makes me get back to it, but so far this is the weakest sequel.

  2. I'm not one for drama in the least, so I'll be skipping this for sure. I hope your next read is far better, Glass!

    1. This is not your kind of read for sure, Keertana. Thank you.

  3. Oh I'm sorry it wasn't for you... I didn't know this one but now I think I'll pass as well.

    1. You can read the first book - that one was okay.

  4. I'm sorry this wasn't so great, but at least you got some cool music out of it :/ I'm thinking I'll pass on this one . . .

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    1. I love first book just because of Dallas Green.

  5. I don't care for over the top drama. Sorry this didn't work out for you, Glass. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea either. Great honest review. :)

  6. I'm not the biggest fan of soap operas, so I think this would definitely be a miss for me as well. Sorry this wasn't more enjoyable for you, but I appreciate your honest and thoughtful review!

  7. Definitely going to take a pass on this one Glass! My favorite NA novels are the ones that are low on the drama and angst, so this is not going to be one that works for me I don't think! Thanks for the heads up:)

  8. Urgh! I hate drama, and when the last third of the book ruins the whole experience for me. I'm going to steer clear of this one. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. I was looking forward to this story, but I am so sorry it was a disappointing read.

  9. I am in the skip it category. I am not a fan of NA drama. Sorry you tortured yourself again.

    1. If you are on the fence with NA, this is not a good book for you.


  10. This isn't one I probably would have picked up but I definitely know to skip it now! I'm not a fan of drama at all!

  11. Well, I def love the cover, but don't know about the soap opera feel unless that is just how you normally feel when reading NA.

    1. Not always - there are really great NA stories with no drama at all.

  12. Uhh...I have a couple of her books, but just don't know if they're for me. A couple of my friends read the series and it makes them crazy.
    Thanks for the review!

    1. I 'm curious to see what you will think, Andrea.

  13. hahaha..Glass you crack me up. I am not interested in all that drama. LOL

  14. I've heard of the series but haven't read any of the books. The synopsis definitely makes me interested but I'm not really into the books that don't have a lot of depth or a repetitive plot.

    1. If you are curious about it, you can read first book - that one is not bad.

  15. I do enjoy soap operas but for some reason, sometimes it gets a bit unbearable to have them all the time in books. Lovely review Glass! <3

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    1. Hahaha, I know what you mean. :)
      Thank you.

  16. lol...Thank you so much for your honesty on this one. I know from your review that this would be just one more book that makes me struggle with this genre. Drama...falling for the bad boy...etc. All things that make me cringe. Great review!

  17. I did love the first book, I thought it was awesome. I just bought the second book to test the waters, but if this is similar to the first I will prob defer.

  18. Gah, no thanks! I'm done with soap operas. I've been forced to sit through them when we used to share TVs in the house. No more, no more! :)) Thanks for your honestly, love. Shall avoid and deflect this one.

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  19. I think I'll be passing on this one - I'm not a huge fan on New Adult books, though I do like a handful. But a soap opera does not appeal and since I'm not that into music either, I wouldn't even get that out of it. Too bad. Great review though!!
