
29. tra 2014.

ARC Review - Tease by Amanda Maciel

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Publication date: April 29th, 2014

My rating: 4 stars

Book summary:

"Emma Putnam is dead, and it's all Sara Wharton's fault.

At least, that's what everyone seems to think. Sara, along with her best friend and three other classmates, has been criminally charged for the bullying and harassment that led to Emma's shocking suicide. Now Sara is the one who's ostracized, already guilty according to her peers, the community, and the media.

During the summer before her senior year, in between meetings with lawyers and a court-recommended therapist, Sara is forced to reflect on the events that brought her to this moment—and ultimately consider her role in an undeniable tragedy. And she'll have to find a way to move forward, even when it feels like her own life is over.

In this powerful debut novel inspired by real-life events, Amanda Maciel weaves a narrative of high school life as complex and heartbreaking as it is familiar: a story of everyday jealousies and resentments, misunderstandings and desires. Tease is a thought-provoking must-read that will haunt readers long after the last page."

      You have never read a book like this one. I won't lie and tell you how amazing this book is, that you'll feel as if you just have to read it in one sitting and that you will love a main character. But it is a brilliant book. Amanda Maciel speaks up about the things we'd rather push under the mat and not think about them and she does all that from unexpected point of view. That is the reason why Tease is not an easy book to read.

      We need more books like this. If you read only to escape from reality, to swoon over fictional romances and not think about anything relevant for few hours, Tease won't give you that. Told form the perspective of Sara, popular high school student and one of the bullies, this tale will make you think and ask yourself a lot of questions. It might even make you feel really uncomfortable, upset or mad. Few will recognize themselves in the characters, but they won't like that feeling at all. That's why they will say how bad this book is, give it a low rating or ignore it completely because we don't like to admit that we are bad persons. Or bullies. Even if we didn't realize how wrong some of our actions were.

      No one is perfect. All the characters in this novel are deeply flawed, even Emma, the girl who was bullied. No one is left blameless - parents, kids, teachers, school head master, family... What I liked the most is that author is giving you a lot of facts and snippets about past and present, but not once she makes you pick sides intentionally - she doesn't push you or make obvious remarks about what is right or wrong. Show, don't tell at its best.

      Who should read this book? There are no exceptions with this one. Everyone. I really hope it will be translated on a lot of languages, including mine because I plan to make all of my kids read it.

Happy reading,
***Copy of this book was provided by publisher, Balzer + Bray, via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.***

Broj komentara: 28:

  1. I have heard quite a few things about this one, all very similar to what you are saying. I think this is one that I would want to try as well but would need to be in the right mind set to read.

    1. It id definitely one of the books that are worth your time and that speaks up about socially important issues. Everyone should read it - adults and young adults.

  2. I looked this one up on Goodreads awhile ago and it had an average of 3.24 (It looks like the rating has gone back up now) which really scared me away from it but now I'm intrigued. You've for sure sold me on this one when you said you will recognize some of the behavior as your own because I've made more than a few mistakes and realized them afterwards.

    1. I think that is one of the main reasons why a lot of readers didn't enjoy reading Tease - it makes you feel uncomfortable because it point out your own flaws. If you are not ready to confront your own darkness (no one is perfect and blameless), it might be a little bit too "realistic" for you.
      As I said, reading should be more than escaping reality - at least fro time to time.

  3. I've seen this cover around a lot, but I dismissed it and haven't heard too much about it either, though you've made me seriously reconsider this title. I'll have to check it out for sure, Glass -- thanks for such a convincing review!

    1. Keertana, I think that you will like this book too. I hope you'll give it a go.

  4. oh yes I keep hearing so many amazing things about this one, I'm glad you liked it as well. I'm so curious after all the reviews to try it, mainly to discover another point of view because it's something really different from what we can have. Thanks for the review!

    1. So far I've never read a novel told from the perspective of bully - I admire author for taking such a brave choice.

  5. I started reading this one and then stopped... I think it was because I just was not in the right frame of mind for this book... I liked the writing style and I really admired the choice to write from the bully's perspective but something about it just was not working for me at that time. I hope to go back to it one day, because it really does seem like a very different kind of read. Glad you enjoyed! Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  6. You really do have to be in the right mood fort Tease, because it's not the fluffy and mindless read.
    Thank you, Teressa.

  7. This is clearly going to be a book that polarizes its readers, but books like that always make me curious. I enjoy stories that make me a little uncomfortable and have me asking myself questions I might not love the answers to. Glad this worked so well for you Glass!

    1. Then you should read this one, Jenny. I think that bulling is one of the things that should be addressed more often.

  8. I applaud the author for writing a book on such a difficult subject matter. I plan on reading this one myself and I agree with you, everyone should read it.

  9. Wow, this sounds like a novel on the reflection of life itself rather than the one you want to escape from. For me I would find this difficult to read, because I enjoy reading to escape from reality. Not that there is anything bad with it. Granted though I did want to request this one I just didn't know if I would be my sort of genre. Lovely review, though Glass! :)

  10. Wonderful review and I love that this shows all sides and that no one is blameless and all parties have issues. Great review Glass!

  11. I do think that there's a blurry line between good and bad and it's rare that we actually see all sides. I've been thinking about bullying lately because I'm in a group where they often start talking about other people and it makes me uncomfortable because when they start going off about them it really becomes kind of mean. They start off talking about the person because they feel they did something wrong so it's kind of hypocritical. I've stayed in the group cause I've learned some stuff but I don't comment much. Anyway, this sounds like a must read. She's signing here soon so if I can go I'll pick up a copy.

  12. I read another review of this book just recently and I have to say if Emma stole my boyfriend away I'd be angry and upset too, like Sara. Unfortunately it seems like things were blown out of proportion and I suspect that social media had something to do with that. I'm so glad social media wasn't around when I was in school. What an utter mess and nightmare it can be for some kids who are singled out. I can appreciate why this would be a good book for any student and I hope you do share it with your kids, Glass. Wonderful review! :)

  13. This seems like an interesting title/cover for the it seems to imply a completely different meaning to the story. It does sound interesting though, so thanks for your review! we do need more books talking about these hard topics.

  14. It always weirds me out a bit if I can see a character reflecting myself back at me. I would almost be nervous to read this.

  15. I can't decide on this one. I read a book like this last year and I can't remember the name. Anyway I applaud the author for bringing a bully's view point. I really should just read it and form my own opinion.

  16. Definitely agree with everything here. This was an unconventional book, but it was really written well. I was uncomfortable in a couple of instances, but I think the reader is meant to feel those things, if only to solidify that slut and victim shaming are wrong in so many levels. I'm so happy you loved this one, Glass. It's a book everyone needs to read. Very thought-provoking!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  17. Initially I wasn't too interested in this book, but only recently did I become really curious. Sometimes I need a read like this, ya know?

  18. I agree, such an emotional and unique look at bullying. They were all so flawed and we didn't know the whole story

  19. You had me wanting to read this one after reading the opening sentence of your review. That was easy. LOL

  20. Lovely review Glass, I think I'm going to really enjoy this book because it's from a lesser read perspective. I think everyone will have something to gain from this book, thanks for the recommendation!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  21. I have to admit i've seen mixed reviews for this one but i'm just do drawn to this book because it's told from a very DIFFERENT perspective and that's awesome!
    great review!
    Lily @ Lilysbookblog

  22. Tease looks so intense and from your review I can see that it is a thought provoking book. I love that the author doesn't push her opinions on you but lets you decide your choices on your own. Thanks for sharing Glass! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  23. Wow I hadn't heard too much about this one but now I definitely want to read it! I love books that take issues like this and make you think about them, even if it's uncomfortable. I think any book you declare important enough to recommend to kids is something I definitely need to check out. Wonderful review!
