
23. pro 2013.

The 2014 TBR Pile Challenge by Tanja

Hi all. You might remember that I did this challenge last year and completed it earlier this year. Honestly I enjoyed it and I read some books that would probably be on my shelf even today. So when you get all that there is no reason to do it again this year. Again thank you Roof Beam Reader for organizing this challenge.

In case you wanna sign up for this challenge all the info is in THIS POST.

So here is the list of my 12 books that I hope to read:

1. Grave Mercy  by Robin LaFevers - REVIEW
5. Cinder  by Marissa Meyer  - REVIEW
8. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare  - REVIEW

I cannot wait to start this again and I hope that I'll complete my goal this time again.

Also thank you for your support and I hope you'll read all the books you have on your mind next year too.

Until the next time,

32 komentara:

  1. That's a very nice list of books. The only one I've read is City of Ashes, and I loved it. I do want to read Cinder.
    Good luck!

    1. I must read it as everyone seem to love it. Thanks Andrea :)

  2. The Girl with Glass Feet and The Time Traveler's Wife are two books which I really want to read, too. I know there's a movie for The Time Traveler's Wife, but I don't want to watch it before reading the book. In 2014 I'll try reading classics, such as Russian writers or German ones - I've always avoided them because their books are ginormous and - in most cases - psychological.

    Mada @ All Fantasy Worlds

    1. Me neither, I want to read the book first :) I wish you good luck with it :) I'm dealing with enough classic as it is.

  3. Eon is one of all time favourite reads, Tanja. I promise it won't disappoint! Grave Mercy is pretty awesome too. You haven't read S & B and Cinder? :o I hope you love them as much as I do! Falling Kingdoms was by no means a perfect read, but still it was very enjoyable.

    1. I know trust me. I've been planing to read them for so long. It's high time :)

  4. Good luck Tanja!!! You've got some of my favorites on that list in Shadow and Bone and Cinder, and I really want to read Grave Mercy and Shadows. I've heard such amazing things about both of those series!!!

  5. Lots of books I want to read from your list too like Shadow and Bone, Cinder, We Need to Talk about Kevin, etc. I wish you luck!!

  6. Oh Shadow and Bone is an awesome read! And I adore the Mortal Instruments, so I hope you love City of Ashes! Happy reading!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  7. There are some amazing books on your list, Tanja. I promise! ;) Grave Mercy, Shadow and Bone, Cinder and Shadows are some of my favorite books and I hope they become yours as well.

    1. I cannot wait to discover what hides inside ;) Thanks Nick :)

  8. Oh Tanja you have some awesome, amazing books to get through!! Some of my favorites are listed. Good luck. In March I host a month long event called Take Control of Your TBR Pile and you can win a new release based on how many books you read that month. Info will publish Jan 1st. It is tons of fun and should help you meet these goals!

    1. I'll make sure to join that challenge too :) Thanks for letting me know ;)

  9. There are some pretty fantastic books in that list!!

  10. I've read a few of the books on your list and enjoyed them :) I thinking about setting challenges up for myself for 2014 because I didn't do it last year. Great list and good luck with your goal Tanja :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  11. Yes, yes, and yes! Awesome picks, Tanja - you have some amazing reads to look forward to. Shadow and Bone and Grave Mercy are some of my all time favorites!

    1. I'm actually happy how excited you all are :) I cannot wait to read them :)

  12. I suck at challenges because I never keep track of them so I gave up on them. Still, I promised myself that 2014 would be more about reading what I want to read and going through the TBR. You have some great picks up there. I loved Shadow and Bone and Grave Mercy! Enjoy. I will be on blog break starting tomorrow so I will catch up with you in 2014! Happy Holidays!

    1. Enjoy your holidays Heidi and I hope you'll enjoy all the books in 2014 ;)

  13. Shadow & Bone and Cinder are amaaaazing! I know my sister LOVED Grave Mercy! That's definitely a great list you got there! Good luck Tanja!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

    1. I truly hope you'll get to read Grave Mercy too :) Thanks Farah :)

  14. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger is one of my favorite books of all time. The movie was ok, but the book? My gahhhhd! It was so good. Also, Cinder--didn't love it the first time around, DNF for me around the third part. Read it again this fall and actually really enjoyed it. Can't wait to review it :) This tbr is sooooooooo good. I hope that you love everything and I can't wait to see your thoughts :) Have a great Christmas, love! x

    1. I'm so happy to hear that. I have the book on my shelf but still haven't read it :) Glad you like my picks! ;) Thanks and happy Christmas girl ;)

  15. So glad you're taking part in this, Tanja. Challenges really help to control your TBR. I'm taking part this time too! All the best to us!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  16. Love so many of these books! The Falling Kingdoms series is so cool and i adore the Legend series. Have fun!

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