
3. sij 2015.

Glass' Top 10 Books in 2014

I was so lucky with books I picked up in 2014, it was much better year than 2013 I felt less pressured to read for blog or because all my friends had read certain book. It was definitely year marked by great new adult romances and fun buddy reads. 
So, here are my top ten 2014 books. 

1. The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon
This book was the biggest surprise for me last year, mostly because I had mixed reactions on previous books written by this author. Finding five greats have became part of my everyday routine and I still get back to it sometimes to reread my favorite parts.

2. Maybe Someday and Maybe Not by Colleen Hoover
Why are these two books on my list? Besides the fact that I love them to pieces? Tanja read them and loved them. That was one of the most epic moments if 2014. I recommended her new adult novels and she gave them five stars. :)

3. His Fair Assassin Trilogy by Robin LaFevers
It is fantasy and it is historical - not my usual picks, but I just adore these stories about kick-ass female assassins. 

4. Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley
The Colorado Mountain is my favorite KA series, but if I have to pick one, it will be Sweet Dreams. Come on... Tatum Jackson? Yes, please!!!

5. Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher
Weird and twisted and so good! Plus, her writing is perfect and music she mentions in this books happens to be some of my favorites.

6. Reclaiming The Sand by A. Meredith Walters
One of the popular discussion topics in 2014 was diversity in YA, but no one mentioned same thing when it comes to new adult novels. Story about a bully and Asperger's, girl being a bully, second chances and growing up... Reclaiming The Sand should be on your must read list this year.

7. Tease by Amanda Maciel
 Speaking about bulling, there is no way I could skip this book. It was one of the hardest reads for me in 2014 and it was not because of the things that happened in the book itself - Amanda Maciel made us confront ourselves with Tease, with all bad things we might have done and never really thought about it. 

8. Take Me On by Katie McGarry
This is the most perfect book by Katie McGarry so far. There is no young adult author that knows how to write epic romance stories like this woman does. 

9. Burying Water by K.A. Tucker
After Ten Tiny Breaths which was mediocre for me, I thought that K.A. Tucker won't ever appear among five stars ratings on my list. I was wrong. Burying Water was so different from her debut novel and so much better. 

10. Addicted/Calloway Sisters Series by Krista and Becca Ritchie
2014 ended in the best possible company - fictional and real. Ritchie twins were quite popular among my friends last year, but I was a stubborn mule who refused to read their novels. Siiri from Little Pieces of Imagination finally managed to made me read it and I am so grateful because this series is one of my absolute favorites. Also, it was even more fun to read it because of all lovely ladies who talked with me on Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads - thank you all. 

And there you go - my top 10 picks in 2014. It was a great year and I honestly hope that this one will be even better. 


Broj komentara: 16:

  1. I LOVE THIS LIST. I read 6 of your books. I am glad you had a great year of reading! <3

  2. I really need to read The law of moses! Everyone seems to have loved that book. Grave Mercy is definitely a series that I have to pick up this year!

    Great list there, Glass! <33

  3. I have the Hoover book but I still need to read it. Thanks for sharing your list.

  4. LOVED Grave Mercy, Take Me On and Addicted to You. Need to look into all your other picks. Thanks for sharing Glass :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  5. Great list! I have hear so many great things about Addcited series, I need to read it soon :)

  6. I can't wait to read the Grave Mercy trilogy this year!

    I wasn't a fan of Tease. It just didn't resonate the way I thought it would.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  7. I actually don't think I've read any of these but the fact that they made your favorites list have me curious to pick them up. Great list, Glass! :)

  8. I couldn't agree more with you Glass on the ones that I read, I loved them as well and as for the others, I have plans to read them too!

  9. I loved Sweet Dreams, Burying Water and Grave Mercy, too! Glad to see you did as well, Glass! :)

  10. I'm glad that you had such a wonderful reading year Glass! Grave Mercy made it to my top books of the year too! I so need to make sure I get started on the Addicted series. I hope 2015 is another great reading year for you :)

  11. Also loved Take Me ON and Burying Water

  12. Great picks!! I Definitely love Grave Mercy~~ I'm really looking forward to The Law of Moses and Maybe Someday.

  13. Great list! I too loved Grave Mercy even though it's not typically the kind of books I would read(not a fan of historical!).

    I really really need to read something by Colleen Hoover, I feel like I say that every time I see a post that mentions one of her books!

    Hope you have an equally awesome reading year this year! =)

  14. I so, so, so agree with Tease! It's probably one of the most surprising reads I've had last 2014 and one of the best for sure. I love how it's from the perspective of the bully and we get a dark and intimate peek of their thought processes. It was scary but informative... I'll need to read your other picks!!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  15. Tease looks like it might be a good read, but for some reason I just can't get past the cover xD I really do like the sound of The Law of Moses and have it on my TBR since your review. Can't wait to try some of these :)

  16. Ah, I have yet to read a single Colleen Hoover book though I see them everywhere :O :O. Maybe I should start with Maybe Someday, esp if you and Tanja got to bond over it :). YESSSSSSSS to His Fair Assassin trilogy. I have yet to read Mortal Heart, but I am so, so looking forward to it! Ah, you liked Take Me On the most of Katie McGarry's books? I must confess, I liked it the least of them all. So far Pushing the Limits is my favorite, reverse order of recent publication, I guess. She is really good about writing epic romances... and ha! I'm not at all surprised that Siiri had you read the Ritchie twin books. I've heard really great things about their books from her too and I hope to try them in the future as well :). Here's to us having a good coming year of reading!
