
30. sij 2015.

Bookish Problems #19 - Spread Love, Not War

Hiya! Well, I know it's been a while since we posted one of these, but you know holidays and brain goes off. Anyhow this one won't be much of a huge discussion post but rather support one. So here is the story...

Last week, while stalking checking other blogs I noticed one post that really got my attention. You already know Jeann and her blog Happy Indulgence and well I saw this post and then show it to Glass and we both agreed with her. (I know I'm blabbing, but you know dramatic setting) Anyhow post was about wars that happen every now and then in our little world.

Here is the Chatterbox post: Spread Love, Not War 

I don't think there is much to add to Jeann's words, but to completely agree with them. It's a community which should spread the most love, same as books do. So don't turn this into something it was never meant to be.

Yes! There will always be JEALOUSY! It's a fact and who wouldn't get jealous when sees the amazing hauls and recap posts! There will always be STRUGGLE! You will sometimes want to give up as you work hard, but it seems to you that no one recognize your hard-work. WE DO!

That's the bottom line of this, WE DO! We as the community will always support and be there for each other. Just remember all the FRIENDS you met while blogging. All DISCUSSIONS you were part of. All amazing REVIEWS you've read. All amazing COMMENTS that you've got and that you gave.


Spreading love,

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. I think I'm going to have to go read that post real quick! I couldn't agree more with what you all are saying.

    Great post girls! =)

  2. I have to do one of these posts as well. It's thoughtful and this community needs to share more love. :)

  3. I agree, this is a great community and we should all be excited for others, not jealous or snotty. ;)

    Great post and reminder that we are all in this together and all sharing the same love and passion for reading and books.

  4. Thanks for sharing, and I agree that being positive is the way to go. There's real people behind every word - be it author, blogger, or even publisher. I love sharing my passion about books, and enjoy my fellow blogger friends.
    Thanks for the lovely post and reminder :)

  5. Great post and so true. I hate the drama!

  6. Love this post ladies and I totally agree with you, we have such a great book community that I'm hugely grateful for. So glad to have met you guys too! <333

  7. This post is absolutely lovely. I love blogging and the blogging community in general but all this drama feels so silly. I'm hugely grateful to be a part of this wonderful blogging community and you've just cemented that for me.

  8. I love this post ;) Yes, there will always be other blogs that seem to be competition to yours but it is important that we keep on reading and just be happy. If we all choose it to be, this can be a friendly community. Let's aim for that.

    Check out my review:

  9. We always have to remind ourselves why we do blogging in the first place. It's the best resort in order to avoid drama and to stay positive - to keep it coming back to you and why you should focus on the positive. Jealousy will always be there, but it's what you will do about it that matters, and hopefully, we will all turn this negative energy into a positive one because the community won't survive if we continue to drown in drama. Like you said, Spread LOVE!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  10. Jeann's post was really timely, and I'm glad you guys took the time to reinforce the important message that there is no reason to make blogging a negative space! We all do this for love, and for the enjoyment! Great post!

  11. Oh, I really agree with you and the main post to which you linked up.

    We really shouldn't bother with what the other has and we don't. You can't have everything after all. Besides, we blog because we are passionate about books and reading. And the most important lesson that books teach us is to not be judgemental.

    Yes to love! Thank you for making this really nice post, girls. I'm with you.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  12. I think it's great to stand still every now and then to realize what an amazing community we have. Despite the ups and downs, we share something beautiful: our passion for books/words/authors/stories :)
