
28. stu 2014.

Bookish Problems #16 - All About DNF

      One of the things you can read in reviews on Goodreads lately is: "DNF at 30%" (or some other percentage). Are you one of those readers?

      DNF or "did not finish" is a absolutely legitimate right of every reader  - not to finish reading a book because for some reason, we didn't like it. I have my share of DNF books, even review copies that I got from publishers and authors. Some would say that it is not okay not to finish a book that you were gifted in exchange for a review, but in the last year or two I realized that I do not have time or patience to waste my time on something that doesn't keep my attention or I have no interest in. Yes, I did learn not to request or accept books for which I know aren't my cup of tea, but still sometimes I do make a mistake. I blame it on my eagerness to help spread the word about debuts and new authors, but there were few occasions when book failed to deliver what was promised in book summary.
      I am even more sharp-tongued when it comes to the books that I bought, borrowed from library or got as Kindle freebies. Back in the days when I was still in school and, later, uni I thought that I had to finish every book. Some of those were required reads for my classes and others were not. Nowadays, I realized that I am getting to old to waste my time on the things I do not enjoy, so I feel zero guilt for not finishing something I don't like.

Fellow bookworms,
what is your opinion about DNFing books? 
Do or don't? 


21 komentar:

  1. I don't have time for books I can't get through, so I totally DNF
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Smart! :) I refuse to feel guilty because of that!

  2. I WISH I could DNF books, but unfortunately I'm a stickler for finishing everything I start, and that applies to novels too. Thus why I vet my potential TBR candidates like nobody's business.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads.

    1. I used to be like that, but when I make myself read something I really don't like, I lose will to read. Suddenly even ironing looks more appealing than getting back to the book.
      I did learn to choose more carefully what I will accept to read and review.

  3. It's really really difficult for me to DNF a book, I really need to finish it to know how I feel about it and I always keep hope about it getting better.

    1. I'm same when it comes to the book that everyone loves except me.

  4. I do DNF books, especially more lately because like you, I just don't think it's worth my time, and now I don't get to read as much, so I have to be a little more picky, unfortunately. I think it's okay to DNF books. You shouldn't be reading for the sake of reviewing or blogging or for the sake of others. If you don't like a book and it starts feeling like a chore, move on! i say.

    Great post, Glass <33

    1. My thoughts exactly, Melanie! Especially if you're blogger - people start noticing when you lose interest.

  5. I know some people struggle with DNFing books, but fortunately I'm not one of those people. I have absolutely no guilt over not finishing books. Like you said, I have limited time to read and if I'm not going to like a book from early on, there is no point in me even attempting to read it.
    Great post, Glass!

    1. Thank you, Nick!
      I do try to give it a chance even if I notice after first two chapters that it's not for me, but if the third one doesn't improve, I'm giving up on it.

  6. I try to give every book a fair chance but I agree, some are just so not for you that you have to DNF it.

    1. Exactly! Sometimes I pick book because I love synopsis and then it turns out that it's nothing like it was described.

  7. I say do DNF. Reading should be fun and if you have to force yourself to finish a book, you're obviously not having fun with it. I used to think I had to finish every book I started, and this was actually before I started blogging, but then I realized, no. Who's making me finish this book that I already know I hate?

    I try to give review books a good chance, even if I think within the first few chapters that I'm not going to like it, because I already hate the main character or despise the writing style, I try to stick it out through at the very the least the first 100 pages. Beyound that I try not to obsess over whether or not it's "right" to DNF review books. As long as I give them a fair chance then I move on.

    1. I used to obsess in the beginning - I felt like I was doing something wrong, but like you said, I got over it. Why to waste my time on a book that in the end I'll rate with two or even one star, when there are so many better books out there?

  8. DNF is totally fine. However, if you write a review for a DNF it has to be more than "I didn't like this book." or "This book sucked." If you are leaving a review for a DNF, tell my WHY you decided not to finish it. The reason you didn't finish it might be the exact reason I will LOVE the book.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

    1. I agree, Terri. Sometimes you might like the book for the same reason someone else gave up on it.

  9. For 30+ years I suffered through never not finishing a book. Now I will DNF at about one hundred pages if I am not connecting. As for publishers, authors etc who send me book for review..I send them email stated why it didn't work for me, and mark it as DNF on Goodreads with a few sentences as to why.

  10. I tend to give a book 50 pages at least, but it doesn't happen very often when I can't finish a book.

    I, too, have become better at picking those review books....but I ended up with a stack of ten books I purchased more than seven years ago that I decided to give to the library. I didn't even start them!

    Thanks for the post.

  11. I have absolutely no patience for books that don't hold my attention and interest. I've run out ever since high school, with the required books that were so boring to me. I figure my time is too precious to spend on books I don't like. Which is probably also why I don't write negative reviews (or below 2 stars), because I just can't make myself read a book where all I do is roll my eyes and wonder "Am I done reading this book?" I feel bad though, especially when it's a popular and loved books by others, because I feel like I'm missing something and that sucks :(

  12. I totally agree with you, Glass, I don't have time to waste on a book I'm not enjoying and so I have no problem DNFing a book. I don't feel guilty for writing back a publisher back with that either even if I did request the book. I've become better at ferreting out the duds, but still some books are hyped and presented to much better then they actually are. I read to be happily entertained not to be frustrated and if I make myself finish a book I'm annoyed with the review is not going to be pretty. Great post here, Glass! :)

  13. If you don't finish a book, I don't think you should be forced or prompt yourself to keep reading! I try to give a book as much of a chance as I can because who knows, it might get good. But if it is boring me, or nothing is going right there is a point where I will just simply give up. And yes, it's because we have so much we can read, so many more interesting books, it is best not to waste time!
