
24. lis 2014.

ARC Review: Get Happy by Mary Amato

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Book summary:
In this poignant, realistic, contemporary YA by a state master list star, perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen and Gayle Forman, a young songwriter builds a substitute family with her friends in place of the broken family she grew up with.
A hip high school girl who loves music, writes songs, and is desperate for a ukelele, learns to her shock that her father did not abandon her years ago and has been trying to keep in touch. She begins to investigate him, only to discover that he has a new life with a new family, including the perfect stepdaughter, a girl who Minerva despises.
         It's been a while since I have read (and loved) Guitar Notes and in the meantime a lot has changed. I became a different reader and my reading preferences have changed as well. But good thing about all this is that I can change, but my love for realistic stories and characters never will. Luckily, Mary Amato really knows how do write them.

         I don't know for you but when I was a kid I really wanted to learn how to play piano (It's still something I desire to know), so to say that I understood and connected with Minerva would be an understatement. Her love for ukelele was so pure that it's hard not to cheer for her. Not only her love for music, but also her views and coming of age which was realistically portrayed. Also her understanding of the family and what values it has.

        Besides Minerva, who was out main character other characters in this book were amazing. Each of them was real and what's more it was so easy to see differences between them and how despite them they could work together in "Get Happy". Another great thing is the image of parents in this story. Usually in YA books they are MIA, but here we get parents that care and protect their children, and sometimes do what they think is right without taking in consideration everything. They make mistakes, but they are humans after all.

       While you'll find some topics like single parents and how hard being one sometimes is, this book is hilarious! I loved how it seemed light and easy to read, but still deep and real. Perfect for younger readers if you ask me!

Rating: 5 stars

Until the next time,
*Note: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Egmont USA via Edelweiss. Thank you! 

Broj komentara: 16:

  1. Yay that you loved this so much, it sounds great!
    Nice review Tanja! :)

  2. I knew you would give it five stars! :)

  3. Light and easy to read sounds great

  4. This looks really good, great review!

  5. Oh it sounds very well done! I don't think I knew about this one but I think I really need to read a book with music in it, don't think I ever tried one yet.

  6. How did I miss this one, Tanja! I love myself a good YA contemporary and I heard so much about Guitar Notes that I need to put this series on my list ASAP! Great review! :D

  7. I'm reading this one right now, but I'm not far in as my schedule on college is crazy and I barely have enough time to catch a few hours for sleeping, but anyway, as far as I gathered, this book is intended for younger YA, right? It may be just me, but nonetheless, I'm liking it so far. Great review Tanja!

  8. I love when a light read turns deeper and real. I think those are always fantastic and interesting. Glad you enjoyed this one :) it does look really good.

  9. Oh this sounds great, Tanja. I can totally tell that you fell in love with this book. I must get to this series and check out the awesomeness.
    Lovely review!

  10. This looks and sounds wonderful. I wanted to play guitar in the worst way, but as a left no one in our small town could teach me. boo.

  11. Finally, I have been waiting for your review! I'm so glad you loved this book, I couldn't agree more with everything you said.

    I've been through multiple stages musically, I've always wanted to learn to play paino and I figured keyboard works...I bought one and never learned to play. Next it was guitar because I wanted to be an epic rock star...I also got one of those and never learned to play... Oddly enough after reading this book I really wanted a Ukelele! =)

    Great review!

  12. This sounds like a light hearted and quick read, but an enjoyable one as well! I have heard a bit about this book but passed up a review opportunity. I might go back and check it out though! It sounds good, especially for someone like me who enjoys realistic fiction.

  13. I wished I knew how to play the piano, too, Tanja! I guess we could go take lessons, although I have no idea when I'd squeeze that in. My nose is usually stuck in a book! Lol! Great review. :)

  14. I love the cover for this and I love books with music. So glad you enjoyed!

  15. I was just telling someone (I seriously don't remember who, but my family mostly, if I'm not mistaken) how much I love realisttic stories. And I'm so glad this one falls under that category. Also, the importance and presence even of parents makes me really appreciate a book since it's so rare these days. I'm going to be keeping an eye out for this book as you've made it sound really nice. Great review, Tanja!

    P.S: Let's join piano classes! I tried it once and sucked, but I would love to try again.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts


  16. WOW - I was just browsing through & stumbled upon your lovely blog - It looks gorgeous and it has interesting posts that I can relate to! - Def. checking out these new reads! I'm now following you via gfc, Hope you check out my blog? keep in touch love x

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