
14. lip 2014.

Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira

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Book summary:
 It begins as an assignment for English class: Write a letter to a dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain because her sister, May, loved him. And he died young, just like May did. Soon, Laurel has a notebook full of letters to people like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Amelia Earhart, Heath Ledger, and more; though she never gives a single one of them to her teacher. She writes about starting high school, navigating new friendships, falling in love for the first time, learning to live with her splintering family. And, finally, about the abuse she suffered while May was supposed to be looking out for her. Only then, once Laurel has written down the truth about what happened to herself, can she truly begin to accept what happened to May. And only when Laurel has begun to see her sister as the person she was; lovely and amazing and deeply flawed; can she begin to discover her own path.
          This is one of those books that I've expected so much from. Not only the pretty cover and the fact I love epistolary novels, but Glass has got to read the ARC of it and she loved it. I couldn't wait. Now I think that I put my expectations too high, as this book was good but didn't blow me away.

         So as I have said, this is an epistolary novel, meaning it's written in forms of letter. Our main character here Laurel is a teenage girl, who has been going through some hard period. She has lost her sister, person who has been her support and best friend. Now Laurel doesn't know how to deal with everything and has to find a way to express her pain. The solution comes in letters, actually her assignment to write a letter to dead person. So the story goes and we find many layers to Laurel that might not be visible at first.

         Despite the fact that little piece of me died every time Laurel didn't know who some of the greatest rock or movie stars were, it sadly portrays the knowledge of young people about Rock and Roll. The biggest problem with reviewing this book is just the fact that I have no idea how to express my feelings. This book was great in terms that is deals with some issues in a different way. I really enjoyed letters and the way Laurel wrote them. It was really poetic and beautiful.

        However, Laurel and I had some issues. I liked her most of the time, but from time to time she behaved like brat and then like an adult. I do understand why it was like that. Just the fact that she is in 9th grade means that she is in transition from one period of life to another. But at times it really bothered me. Luckily it wasn't often.

       Also if you want to read a second opinion, go and check out Sarika's review at The Readdicts

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

24 komentara:

  1. i kind of enjoyed the format it was written in, so glad you liked it!!

  2. Thanks Tanja, this was a really heart breaking read I think. Interesting review about Laurel's acting adolescent sometimes, I think her writing voice is a lot more mature than herself.

  3. Glad you liked this overall. I do love books told through letters. I hope to read this soon - I bought a copy around the time it was released.

    1. I really hope you'll read it soon. Thanks, Lauren :)

  4. glad you liked it Tanja! and unfortunately i didn't know some of the people the letters were dedicated to. I didn't think Laurel was that immature because she was dealing with so much crap and the whole secret. I loved the writing though.. especially towards the end, felt it was very emotional. Then again, I didn't have any expectations for this book because, unlike you, i don't like books told in letter format.

    great review,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Yes I know that many won't know but I grew up listening to those people so it was heartbreaking for me. I'm sorry it wasn't for you though. Thanks, Juhina :)

  5. So glad both you and Glass liked this one, Tanja! I have it in my TBR and have been holding it off for so long. x_x I'm not sure about the bratty heroine though--she could get on my nerves. D: Awesome review!

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try soon. Maybe, but maybe you'll like her. Thanks, Aimee :)

  6. I'm so curious about this one, I see it everywhere! A friend disliked it but she is willing to give it to me so I'm curious to read it as well and compare my feelings with yours.

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Melliane :)

  7. I definitely know how you feel about Laurel. I had a hard time getting used to her especially since I am not used to such young narrators in YA. It was a little iffy for me but it worked out in the end.

    I am glad to see you did enjoy it even if you were a little let down by the hype! :)

    Fantastic review, Tanja!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

    1. Yeah it was hard. It's the hype that usually ruins things. But it's hard not to be too excited. Thanks, Rashika :)

  8. Heh, I have to admit that while I know some famous rock bands, I'm definitely no expert! So I guess that's one reason why I should read this book -- to increase my knowledge?! xD I'm still not sure if this book is for me, though. While I'm happy that both you and Glass enjoyed it and that the writing style was beautiful (my heart just stutters every time I come across a book with lyrical writing), if the main character and I don't get along, there's very little chance I'd like the book. Thankfully Laurel's personality changes didn't happen frequently!

    All in all, while I love the premise for this one and yes, the cover (*o* SO PRETTEH), this book sounds like it lacks the depth I usually like to see in contemporary novels, but that could just be me. Still, wonderful review as usual, Tanja!

    1. I'm no expert either, but I do know who they were. I mean you know about that famous story about stars who died at the age of 27. You know who they are :) Laurel is a bit complicated but maybe you'll enjoy it. The cover is amazing for sure. Thanks, Meg :)

  9. It is really hard to love a book when the main character is wishy washy at times. Sorry you didn't love this one just a bit more.

  10. I actually like that this is written in letters, and the fact that there is beautiful writing has me smiling even more! GAHH...The main character issue! I can't stand it either when the MC acts like a child one minute and then mature the next. I understand why you would have problems with that. Sorry this didn't blow you away, but I;m glad you still enjoyed this, Tanja! Fabulous review, girl! :D

    ~ Maida xxx
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. I did have problems. I mean I do understand it, but still I probably forgot how I behaved then xDDD Thanks, dear :))

  11. I've seen quite a few reviews for this book and I wasn't sure about it, to be fair. It wasn't that it was a book written in the form of letters, either. I have read an awesome book like that called Ketchup Clouds by Annabelle Pitcher - you should definitely try it out, it blew me away - but I still don't know what to think of this. I think it's one of those I will give a pass...

    1. I will look it up, it sounds really good. Yeah, there are other epistolary novels out there. Thanks :)

  12. Aw, first off, I'm sorry to stop by this so late. I read your review in my mail which bring me to the second part- thank you so much for sharing my review, girl. I love what you've said about Laurel. She was both likeable and unlikeable depending on the situation. Like you, I wasn't blown away with this like I was expecting to be, but it was a great and different read nonetheless. Great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
