
11. tra 2014.

Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine

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My rating: 4 stars

Book summary:

"Pixie Marshall wishes every day she could turn back time and fix the past. But she can't. And the damage is done. She's hoping that a summer of free room and board working with her aunt at the Willow Inn will help her forget. Except there's a problem: the resident handyman is none other than Levi Andrews. The handsome quarterback was once her friend-and maybe more--until everything changed in a life-shattering instant. She was hoping to avoid him, possibly forever. Now he's right down the hall and stirring up feelings Pixie thought she'd long buried . . .

Levi can't believe he's living with the one person who holds all his painful memories. More than anything he wants to make things right, but a simple "sorry" won't suffice--not when the tragedy that scarred them was his fault. Levi knows Pixie's better off without him, but every part of him screams to touch her, protect her, wrap her in his arms, and kiss away the pain. Yet even though she's so close, Pixie's heart seems more unreachable than ever. Seeing those stunning green eyes again has made one thing perfectly clear--he can't live without her."

      So sweet. My first and only Chelsea Fine book was Sophie & Carer, a heartbreaking novella about a boy and a girl, responsibilities that they shouldn't have and finding someone who understands you. Imagine my excitement when I found out about her new contemporary novel. Best Kind of Broken is first in the Finding Fate series.  Each book will feature different characters, but set in the same fictional world - something like Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry.

      Why will you melt into the puddle of hormonal mess when you meet Levi? Because he is a perfect book boyfriend. Simple as  that. Yes, he still makes few stupid decisions and will frustrate you with his indecisiveness, but when he finally takes action - he does it in the epic kind of way. Also, Levi is a good guy, a really good guy. He thinks before he acts, he treats his girl right and doesn't pull dumb moves that could hurt her.

      Do you want a female character that won't annoy you? Best Kind of Broken has it. Meet Pixie - girl who fights her own guilt over the death of her best friend, but still tries to move on. Artistic and closed-off, Pixie has a hard time fitting in, but she is not another Bella Swan.

     I loved their chemistry. Pixie and Levi are perfect together. Why? How about I explain it with a quote form a book:
“Because love isn’t something that needs to be said out loud!” Her face flushes with passion. “It’s something you just know. It’s an unspoken thing. It’s humble and quiet and constant…” She goes back to slaughtering the mushrooms, but lowers her tone a bit. “I mean, you can’t just say you love someone and make it true. That’s not how it works. Real love doesn’t need to be declared or confessed. Real love just… is. You know?”
      Who should read it? Everyone who likes new adult romance. Fans of good boys and sweet love story.

Happy reading,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. Yay! So happy to see your 4 star rating, I really loved this one.

  2. That's great the MC is a girl that won't annoy. Sounds like a nice read!

  3. This sounds like a really nice read! Very cute and sweet. I would probably enjoy this one :)

  4. Well, if Levi is the perfect book boyfriend, then I have no choice but to read this ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  5. I need some melting so Levi sounds great.

  6. Just added it to my tbr list :)

  7. Love the quote! This one sounds great!

  8. I enjoyed Sophie and Carter so I want to check this one out. I want to meet Levi :)

  9. This sounds so sweet and lovely, Glass! Love that quote! Great review! :)

  10. oh yay I so want to read this, sounds like a lot of fun and chemistry mm love her name!

  11. Great review! I really want to read this one! I love a sweet story and I just know I am going to love these characters.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  12. Yay for a good guy. I have been turned off by New Adult Romance because a lot of them feature the total jerk that treats the girl like crap all the way through the book and at the very end he changes and they live happily ever after. I am not that tolerate or forgiving. But this book sounds like something I could enjoy in this genre a good guy and a girl that won't annoy me. I will give it a shot!

  13. Wheee!! So glad you enjoyed. Nereyda loved this one too. A perfect book boyfriend, huh? :) Well, it's okay to make some wrong decision and be indecisive. It's not fun to read perfection, but it's not okay to keep making stupid mistakes over and over again when you know they're wrong, you know? I'm glad this isn't the case here. Ohh, this is a qute excerpt :) I can see myself enjoying this, I really do. Thanks for your pretty review, my friend!

  14. I want to melt into a puddle and I am so glad the protagonist isn't annoying..yippie! This sounds fun and I love the setting :) It has been a while since I swooned for a nice guy, all star quarterback and I am ready to fall for Levi.

  15. Can`t wait to read this one!!

  16. I've seen this around so much, but it didn't really stand out. It's good to know Levi and Pixie are such likeable characters!

  17. It's nice to know that this one focuses on the romance between a girl and an actual good guy-it's refreshing. Plus the romance just sounds cute!

  18. Finally, a book where the love interest isn't some kind of douchebag who's hiding a soft heart deep inside. God knows how much that trope has been done, done, and overdone. I just love book boyfriends that are good guys, they make me believe that perhaps this world isn't ridden with jerks after all :) Thanks for the review, dear!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  19. I adored this book. Glad to hear that you did too.
