
24. tra 2014.

ARC Review - Sleep No More by Aprilynne Pike

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Publication date: April 29th, 2014

My rating: 3.5 stars

Book summary:

"Oracles see the future but are never supposed to interfere. Charlotte learned that the hard way. If she hadn't tried to change one of her childhood visions, her father would still be alive. Since the accident, Charlotte has suppressed her visions to avoid making the same mistake. But when she receives a premonition of a classmate's murder, she can no longer ignore her powerful gift.

Then Charlotte meets someone who not only knows her secret but who also has a way for her to stop the killer. He offers to teach her how to manipulate her visions to change the future. But doing so will put Charlotte in the path of the murderer.…"

      Do you remember Wings? Aprilynne Pike has a way with words and writing stories that will remind you of your favorite childhood fairy tales. I know that a lot of my friends around blogosphere aren't the biggest fans of this author because, as I said in my review for Earthbound, first in her new paranormal series - it's something that will be more appealing for younger readers. Sleep No More doesn't go into that group, it looks like Aprilynne Pike tried to write a darker story and get the attention of different type of readers.

      What did I like?
  • Premise of Sleep No More. It is so weird and completely different than what I'm used to when it comes to A. Pike. More violent and twisted plot with paranormal elements. 
  • Charlotte. Not the kind of character you'll find in paranormal young adult novels that often. Think along the lines of Angelfall by Susan Ee.
  • Premonitions. The scariest part of the story. I couldn't help myself thinking what would I do knowing about all the bad things that will happen. 
  • The way book ended. I know that there will be a lot of people that will think how few things could have happen differently, but I loved that author didn't fall under the pressure of giving us predictable ending. 

      What I didn't like?
  •  Inception parts of the book. I didn't like that movie at all, I didn't get half of the things that happened. I had same issues here. It's not confusing like the movie, but still few things felt rushed and at times out of the place. 
  • Aunt and "the explanation". I will leave it at that to avoid spoilers, but I really hoped there will be much more to her story.
  • Is this a sequel or a standalone? The way it ended made me a little bit confused. I thought it supposed to be standalone.

Happy reading,
***Copy of this book was provided by publisher, Harper Teen, via Edelweiss in exchange for an hoest review.***

Broj komentara: 18:

  1. This does sound like a darker story than what I'm used to from her. The premise sounds interesting, though I'm not sure about the Inception elements. I enjoyed the movie but it did confuse me greatly. :-) I'm glad the ending took some risks, but I wish there was more clarity on whether this story was a standalone or whether there is more to tell. Lovely honest review!

  2. Sorry you didn't love the book, but it does sound quite interesting. I haven't read anything by this author before.

  3. I confess I don't know... it sounds interesting but I read Wings by the author and I really had a problem with it so I never tried anything else. Maybe I should to be sure if it's only one book or not. But it's the reason why I'm not that attracted...

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed some of the story, but I don't know if it would be for me. I like you thought the movie inception was confusing, but I do find stories that involve premonition to be pretty interesting. Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  5. Awesome review Glass, it sounds like there's some great elements in this but confusing nonetheless. I didn't read Wings and think I might skip this one too.

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  6. Ahhh, Oracles... we met again... For a moment there, I had thought it was a retelling of Sleeping Beauty, because of the title :P Not sure if I prefer that or this one with premonitions. I actually finished something lately that had Oracles as well, but it wasn't that well-written and I ended up giving it three stars, although it's more 2.5 than anything else. I may get this one, though, and only because I like dark stuff ;P

    Faye at The Social Potato

  7. So I'm actually interested in this. I read Pike's Wings series and was pretty MEH about it, but I'd love to see how see handles dark and twisty. Really great review! I would've passed right by this one ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  8. Hmm I haven't read anything by this author before but this book sounds interesting. I like that the story is different but I do not like all the unanswered questions there seem to be especially if you don't know if its a stand alone or a sequel. Thanks for sharing Glass! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  9. Charlotte sounds like a great kind of main character and great to hear she has unique features

  10. This one was super different wasn't it? I think we felt the same way about it for the most part.

    Great review!

  11. "The way book ended. I know that there will be a lot of people that will think how few things could have happen differently, but I loved that author didn't fall under the pressure of giving us predictable ending."

    Normally I would be someone who disliked this type of ending, but in this case? I loved it and thought it was perfect, and really appreciated the fact that Aprilynne took the path less traveled:) So glad you enjoyed this one overall Glass, I really did as well and I'm holding out hope that this is going to have a sequel!

  12. I haven't read anything by this author before. Nor have I really heard much along the lines of her books, either. But this one and even by the cover sort of creeps me out. Hehe. I may have a look into her books very soon. Lovely review, Glass! :)

  13. How could you hate Inception?! I loved that movie! Anyways, this sounds like an interesting plot, kind of reminds me of Crash by Lisa McMann. I've never read anything by Aprilynne Pike before so her distinct writing style will be new to me.

  14. I loved Inception so you have me curious about this dark tale.

  15. Hmm, I admit I am curious about this one. I like a few things you mentioned that you liked, especially that the ending in unpredictable. Worried about the confusion though. Hopefully I'll have time to check this out at some point. :)

  16. I haven't read a single one of her books, but that might work to my advantage in this case. I'll go into it with no expectations whatsoever, and it being so original, I'll probably end up liking it.
    Lovely review.

  17. I thought Inception was fabulous. I still haven't read this author, I just cant' get excited about her stuff, but this is one I think I might like!

  18. i think I would love this, because I loved inception heh glad to hear it ain't as confusing thought!
