
5. tra 2014.

ARC Review: The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa

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Book summary:
Allison Sekemoto once struggled with the question: human or monster? 
With the death of her love, Zeke, she has her answer. 
Allie will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren, the psychopathic vampire who murdered Zeke. But the trail is bloody and long, and Sarren has left many surprises for Allie and her companions—her creator, Kanin, and her blood brother, Jackal. The trail is leading straight to the one place they must protect at any cost—the last vampire-free zone on Earth, Eden. And Sarren has one final, brutal shock in store for Allie. 
In a ruined world where no life is sacred and former allies can turn on you in one heartbeat, Allie will face her darkest days. And if she succeeds, triumph is short-lived in the face of surviving forever alone.

*Spoilers if you haven't read the first two books in this series (but then again you have them in the blurb as well)*
          The Forever Song is one of the most expected books for me this year, especially after finding out that it's a grand finale in this series as I'm used to more sequels when it comes to Kagawa's books. I wish I could say this book was all I wanted but sadly I think I'm getting too old for this.

          Allie was one of my dearest vampires in the first book. I loved her humanity and desire to be the being he once was but after she lost Zeke she became that annoying vampire we all hate. Don't get me wrong I don't hate bad vampires and Jackal is one of the example how to create a baddie but Allie is not that, she is not that type of character and I knew that she will get out of that phase sooner or later and that her guilt would make me wanna yell at her. It did happen and when she realized that Zake is actually dead in another sense their relationship lost that innocence and beauty it once possessed.

           While Allie was a problem to me here, Kanin was someone I still cherished. I loved him form a book one and it's really nice how the author portrayed him as an master and he really fits the role. I'm also happy that we finally got to see more Jackal and his comments were always funny. Without him this book would get really boring and in fact it did up until the near end when everything started to happen.

         All in all, this was the weakest book in this series to me, but at the end it was great to see the great finale.

Rating: 3.5 stars.

Until the next time,
Copy of this book was kindly provided by Herlequin Teen via NetGalley. Thank you. 

31 komentar:

  1. Okay, so I won't read your whole review because I don't want any spoilers for the book two. I only read the final sentence and I'm glad to know there is a great finale.

    1. Thanks Anatea :) Hope you'll enjoy the second one :)

  2. How did I miss that this was a trilogy? I thought for some reason that it was a series with more books. Kind of sad it was the weakest of the three but glad you liked the ending well enough. I have heard great things about the first two books so I just might have to pick these ones up.

    1. Yeah I was surprised when I figured out :) Thanks, Ali :)

  3. I've recently finished this book and I have to agree with you. I found it to definitely be my least favorite out of the trilogy. Though the issue of humanity vs. monster is quite interesting, it gets very repetitive. The angst is even less tolerable when it's found in every book. Zeke also joins in on it in The Forever Song and it all just became too much for me. The ending was great and I feel like it really encapsulated the series. It was heartbreaking but honestly my favorite part of this book.

    Lovely review! <33 (:

    1. Yeah it is interesting but getting boring :) Thanks Larissa :)

  4. I haven't read the first two books. I actually never heard of this series. It's too bad this was the weakest book for especially since it was the last one. Allie seems to have lost her "humanity" which includes her likable parts. I hope she redeemed her personality in some ways. She does seem to have a good excuse. You've got me interested in this trilogy. I'll have to add the first book to my tbr list. Great review (:

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try Adriana. It's really interesting :) Thanks.

  5. Wonderful review, Tanja. It's a shame this was the weakest of the series being that it was the end but glad to hear you enjoyed it overall. I still need to read the second book. :)

  6. I'm sorry to hear this was the weakest book in the series for you. I understood where Allie was coming from, so her feelings during the first half of the book didn't really bother me because I thought Julie wrote them beautifully. Also, Zeke was the first human who showed her some kindness and showed her that just because she was a vampire doesn't mean she can't be good, so I think that's why she was grieving so much. But I do understand where you're coming from. Of course, Jackal was awesome as always! :) I hope he gets his story someday, possibly with a human girl! ;) That would be hilarious.
    Great review!

    1. I really hope he will get a story! Yeah that would be amazing. Thanks, Nick :)

  7. I'm sorry the series ended on a weak note for you Tanja. I'll probably end up reading it anyway (b/c I already have the first two sitting on a shelf, unread, LOL). At least the end picked things up a bit though, right?

    1. You should read it cause this series is amazing :) Thanks Jessica :)

  8. It's hard with a series, even one that's only 3 books, because the time between the first and third book can be 3 years and in that time you've matured and your reading tastes have changed.

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  9. It's always disappointing when the finale to a series is the weakest link. I have little luck with Kagawa's work and haven't continued this trilogy, but I'm glad to see it worked out for you despite other issues. Wonderful, balanced review, Tanja!(:

  10. I was soo disappointed by this one. By far the weakest in the series and I really am angry because of that. Allie, Zeke ugh over the angst enough already. The only characters who behaved the same consistently through the series were Sarren, Jackal & Kanin. Great review!

  11. I love Jackal and Kanin as well. Especially Kanin! I'm not too happy to hear that Allie changed so much though, I'm reading this one right now and can already see her changing, and not for the better.

    1. Sorry that you have the same issues as I do. Thanks Alise :)

  12. Oh I read it a few days ago. I really liked it but it's funny Allie wasn't really the problem here but maybe Kanin as I thought he was a little behind them and Jackal was a little too much immature. But well it was a good end for me and I love the trilogy.

    1. LOL that's really funny :D I'm glad you enjoyed this trilogy :)

  13. annd I enjoyed this one more than you perhaps. I loved this series and yeah at times the characters were annoying, but it made me giggle-snort poor Kanin. I adore Jackal I really do.

  14. I still have to read this but I should be starting it really soon. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy this one as much as the other too. I'm hoping it will be better for me

  15. OMG! Zeke dies?!!!! That is such a huge spoiler for people who haven't read book #2. Like me. This has just put me off the whole series now. Hate that this book wasn't as good as the first one. Thanks for sharing Tanja! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. I know. Sorry Janhvi, but I didn't write that blurb :(( Thanks

  16. I was so happy with the Kanin scenes! I couldn't get enough of him and his calming personality. Kagawa did such good job with his character and how he has this constant presence in the story.
