
22. tra 2014.

ARC Review - Exile (Exile, #1) by Kevin Emerson

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Publication date: April29th, 2014

My rating: 4.5 stars

Book summary:

"Catherine Summer Carlson knows how to manage bands like a professional—she’s a student at the PopArts Academy at Mount Hope High, where rock legends Allegiance to North got their start. Summer knows that falling for the lead singer of her latest band is the least professional thing a manager can do. But Caleb Daniels isn’t an ordinary band boy—he’s a hot, dreamy, sweet-singing, exiled-from-his-old-band, possibly-with-a-deep-dark-side band boy. And he can do that thing. That thing when someone sings a song and it inhabits you, possesses you, and moves you like a marionette to its will.

Summer also finds herself at the center of a mystery she never saw coming. When Caleb reveals a secret about his long-lost father, one band’s past becomes another’s present, and Summer finds it harder and harder to be both band manager and girlfriend. She knows what the well-mannered Catherine side of her would do, but she also knows what her heart is telling her. Maybe it’s time to accept who she really is, even if it means becoming an exile herself."

"...all together, it's doing that thing, he's doing that thing that a song can do. Do you know it? When a song inhabits you, possesses you, and moves you like a marionette to its will?"

      Didn't you write this well, Kevin Emerson? But it goes for your book too - I was completely mesmerized. And no, you don't deserve a glare anymore.

      How to describe Exile and not give away too many details? Hm... That will be hard because there's so much more to this story than what is described in the synopsis. How about I list everything I liked?

  • Music. If you are music fan like myself, and if you appreciate '90 music scene, you will feel nostalgic because of all Nirvana... um, references? You'll get it when you read the book. But it's not just about music that marked my teenage years. Exile is not another glorified novel about rock stars and their groupies. Well, of course it's not, after all it is labeled as young adult, but we are constantly bombed with those kind of stories. Kevin Emerson offers two different views on music - from a person who creates it and one who should promote it. Creativity plus business. It reminded me a lot of Amplified by Tara Kelly and even a little bit of Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John - both my favorites.
  • Summer. Main character - seventeen year old girl, band manager, music lover. I know that some of you will find her annoying, but the thing is she is more real than some fictional girl written by a woman. Who should know how is it to be seventeen year old girl. She is selfish, jealous, insecure, brave and shy, grown up but still a child. She has big plans and is all about girl power, but turns in complete idiot in front of her current crush or bastard of ex-boyfriend.
  • Mystery. Exile is not just about love and music, about cute boy and that new girl. There is whole other layer of the plot. Let's leave it at that, I don't want to spoil it for you.
  • But... There is always but. No, it's not about cliffhanger. Now you want to know if there is a cliffhanger. My lips are sealed. I found few more philosophical parts kind of misplaced. Or I didn't get them. 

Who should read it? Everyone who loved Five Flavors of Dumb, Amplified and similar books. If you want to read a little bit different young adult novel. If you are Nirvana fan. If you love music and books about music.

Happy reading,

***Copy of this book was provided by publisher, Katherine Tegen Books, via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.***

Broj komentara: 18:

  1. I've been torn over whether or not I wanted to read this one and now I've decided that I do! I love books that have a focus on music and I'm intrigued by the mystery.

    Amanda @ Born Bookish

  2. I had the opportunity to read and review this one, but I declined. I knew I should have read it! I liked both Amplified and Five Flavors of Dumb, so I'll have to give this one a chance. Thanks for the review.

  3. I really think I would like this one and it sounds like the perfect summer read.

  4. I've been so curious about this book. Part of me wants to read it because of the music references, but part of me is also worried that I won't like the main character I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it so much though, Glass. It sounds like it was much more than a cute romance story.
    Lovely review.

  5. oh the romance sounds nice! I haven't read a book about music yet or I don't think so but I confess I'm curious and I think I would love the references. It's always something really fun. Thanks for the discovery!

  6. I love books based on music and I enjoy contemporaries, great review without giving much away at all Glass! Thanks for sharing :)

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  7. I adored Five Flavors and Dumb and quite liked Amplified too, so I'll definitely have to look into obtaining this one. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Glass!

  8. I haven't read Five Flavors OR Amplified, but I've been curious about them. I DO love Nirvana, and I think I'd like this book for LOTS of other reasons besides. Great review! Thanks for bringing to my attention--I'd never even heard of it ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  9. The character being realistic as well as the nostalgic 90s feel makes this sound good to me.

  10. I definitely remember turning into a complete idiot in the face of a boy I was crushing on in high school, so I can definitely relate to Summer on that! I always lost my powers of speech and just sort of stared at them with what was probably a creepy smile on my face. Awesome. Looking forward to this one Glass!

  11. Whoop for such a great read! MUSIC. Love, love, love music! :) I love that we have two takes on music--that's so cool! Also, Summer seems like a girl you'd have a trouble connecting with, but I like that she's differet. Ha, and mystery? Yes, please :) So glad you enjoyed :)

  12. I really enjoyed this one too -- it is hard to review it without giving away anything, but you did a great job of keeping it mysterious.
    I haven't read Amplified or Five Flavors -- I'll have to check those out!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

  13. Love your review Glass, and I appreciate when a character is realistic, flaws and all. I am curious about the additional layers (mystery) Thanks cupcake!

  14. I haven't read a lot of music books, really. There was This Song Will Save Your Life, but in there the girl turns into a DJ :P Then again this is still music. I will definitely check this one out when I get the chance. Summer sounds like a realistic girl. I definitely was a fumbling idiot in front of my crashes back in the day, too.... le sigh... I feel so adult now! LOL

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  15. I have this on the pile to read next. I LOVE Nirvana, I loved Five Flavors of Dumb and Amplified and I'm SO excited to read this one! Awesome review!

  16. I love books about music and I always love having that feelings of 90's nostalgia and going back to bands like Nirvana. Your review has me so curious to know what happens in this book! I guess I'll just have to read to find out. Fantastic review!

  17. Ugh, I was going to get this, but I'm always put off from stories that involve music. I'm typically not a big fan, but I have been enjoying Kevin Emerson's the Atlantean series which is completely different from this. It's nice to know that he can write different genres :) Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  18. it looks really good, but lately i have a hard time with books and music linked together bah... still, looks good!
