
15. pro 2013.

Quote of the Week: Just one Year by Gayle Forman

Hi darlings. So day I have a few quotes to share with you. I believe you all have heard of this book and you're eagerly wanting to read it (if you already haven't) then why not share some of the masterful writing which we all know Gayle Forman posses. My review for this book will be up soon. In the meantime here are the quotes:

"Sometimes fate or life or whatever you want to call it, leaves a door a little open and you walk through it. But sometimes it locks the door and you have to find the key, or pick the lock, or knock the damn thing down. And sometimes, it doesn’t even show you the door, and you have to build it yourself. But if you keep waiting for the doors to be opened for you... I think you’ll have a hard time finding single happiness,let alone that double portion."

"Loving someone is such an inherently dangerous act. And yet, love, that’s where safety lives."

Buy the book at 

Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 20:

  1. LOVE the quotes! I adore Gayle Forman and now that I've got both the books on my shelves I'll be reading them soon :) Thanks for sharing Tanja!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  2. Great quotes! I especially love that second one. I adored Just One Day but have been avoiding picking this one up for some reason. I guess I'm nervous about the ending. I look forward to your review! :)

    1. I should write my review like soon. I just need some time. Hope you'll get to read it soon :)

  3. I absolutely LOVE the quotes from this book. Forman just GETS her readers and manages to capture emotion and revelation in such a realistic manner. Lovely quotes, Tanja!(:

    1. Yes she truly knows how to do that. Thanks Keertana :)

  4. I NEED to read this books! I have loved her other ones and just need to make the time for these.

    1. I hope you'll get to read it soon :) Thanks Ali :)

  5. Love those quotes Tanja! I have yet to read anything by Gayle Forman and I know I'm missing out. One of my New Year's resolutions is going to be to pick up one of her books!

    1. I really hope you'll get to read it soon. Great resolution :) Thanks Jenny :)

  6. I haven't read any of Gayle Forman's books, but I really love those quotes. It's nice to find other European bloggers - I'm from Portugal.

  7. Ooh I adore these quotes, especially the first one! Pretty sure I earmarked that when I was reading it, because it's just such a lovely quote about happiness and self-determination. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  8. I love that first quote. It's true we can't just wait for thins to happen to us thinking that everything will work out. We need to create opportunities and seize the day (:

  9. Such a huge Gayle Forman fan. *sigh* Thanks for these quotes, Tanja--I'm hoping I get my copy back from my coblogger this week so I can finally read this one!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. I hope you'll get the copy and that you'll enjoy the story :)

  10. Love the sound of this. I wasn't the biggest fan of Gayle's IF I STAY and I've been thinking a lot about picking up JUST ONE DAY + JUST ONE YEAR. I might have to give the first book a try. Thanks for sharing:)
