
27. kol 2013.

Blog tour: The Exemeus by Folami and Abeni Morris

Hello. Today I have The Exemeus blog tour for you. Don't forget to follow the tour and enter for a chance to win a brand new Kindle Fire. 
Buy the book at Amazon

Book summary:
Her short life was devoted to love and to hate. Love of the man who stole her heart, hate for the man who stole the world. Murdered by the government she swore to destroy, she's been given another chance to make it right. But to save the planet, she needs the help of the most powerful mystic the world has ever seen—unfortunately he hasn’t been born yet.

In a world where fear is the only currency, Dephon has committed the ultimate crime: inspiring hope.
His only goal is to make it safely through ninth grade, but on a post-apocalyptic Earth run by the Treptonian government, it isn’t that simple. Heir to a legendary power, Dephon Johnson is the only threat to the government’s rule. And on Trepton, all threats must be eliminated. When hundreds of assassins are dispatched to neutralize him, Dephon is forced to fight back. His only chance of survival is to enlist the aid of the greatest warrior the world has ever known. The only problem is, she's been dead for 13 years.
        It's not a secret that I love fantasy, but another thing is that I like that old kind of fantasy. Where you have old books and good old mystery around. This book has all of that and what's even more interesting it's dystopia at the same time.

        This book is divided into two stories basically and they're intertwined. We have a story about a young boy Dephon who lives in a future world. The world as we know it has been destroyed and now the Treptonian government runs what's left of it. Only he doesn't know that he has a power, a power he inherited from his mother and father, but father is ready to face the truth and help him. Until one day one person from the past shows up and gives him The Exemeus. His mother's Exemeus to help him figure things out and what's more important to meet her better as he never had a chance to. As soon as he opened the book he meets someone who is there to lead him through it and become a friend he never had. With a little time left he must learn all there is about his magic and the way to save the world.

          While reading his mother's Exemeus we travel into the past and other world - Haylee's world. Where we get to know how did it started and what happened. I can say that Dephon was a sweet boy and was a good narrator, but Haylee was easier for me to connect with. It was easy to flow from one story to another and to connect the dots. While meeting Haylee and Singelton and their love story and then comparing that to the past in which Dephon lives you can see the changes that happened not only in the world but in people.

          It's really hard to balance while writing this review. It is confusing when you start the book but the magic starts when you become able to connect the stories and to see the bigger picture, or better said the whole picture. All in all, I can say that I enjoyed in this story that has a wonderful magic in it, with coming of age and a bit of romance. With this I can't wait to see more and hopefully I'll get to see more of outside world (which is probably the only thing I missed here).

Rating: 4.5 stars.

About the authors

Folami and Abeni Morris are a sister-sister writing team. Together they wrote (and rewrote) The Exemeus, somehow managing to accomplish it without murdering one another. Despite their facial similarities, tendency to finish each other’s thoughts and stick up for each other constantly, no, they’re not twins and thus deserve their own individual bio.
Folami Morris:
Folami grew up in the tiny city of San Mateo Ca, where nothing ever happens and no one ever leaves. She went to Xavier University for undergraduate, getting her B.A in physics and her B.S in Biology. After graduation she returned to California, to live in an even smaller city, where even less happens, Antioch Ca. During this time she escaped the monotony by hanging out with her imaginary friends Hyalee and Dephon, and by writing the Exemeus. She finally escaped to Queens NY and now realizes that quiet and tiny aren’t so bad. 
Abeni Morris:
As luck (and logic) would have it, Abeni grew up in the same tiny little town as her sister, then she too escaped to the tinier town of Antioch. She has yet to leave. She received her bachelor’s degree in early childhood development from Cal State East Bay. She is the mom of two amazing kids, who swear that they deserve a percentage of the book proceeds and a ton of the credit. At least she raised dreamers.

Author's Website


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Scavenger Hunt - stop #3

Scavenger Hunt Time! (Win a Kindle Fire or $150!) 
This is open internationally, but if you are outside the US you will receive the $150 via paypal.

Welcome back! Hopefully you were able to answer yesterday’s questions. Here are your next two clues!

5. Who is Dephon’s only friend?

6. What planet does Dephon’s only friend come from? 

Now go to A Bookish Escape. If you missed a stop on the tour stop back and visit My Guilty Obsession. There is still plenty of time for you to walk away with a brand new Kindle Fire.

Don't forget to follow the rest of the tour and check other stops.

Until the next time,

Thank you Candace for organizing the tour.

Broj komentara: 35:

  1. I'm glad that this fantasy book worked out for you Tanja, I'm really picky too when it comes to picking certain books outside of my comfort zone, but it looks like this book has a lot of wonderful things to offer! Fab review! :)

    1. It's really different and I enjoyed it :) Thank you Jasprit :)

  2. I haven't come across this much, but as a fan of fantasy, you have me totally curious about it now. I'm glad you enjoyed it overall, despite the confusing start. Lovely review, Tanja! :)

    1. I know you love fantasy! :) This is a really unique story. Thanks Sam :)

  3. It has to be so fun to connect all the pieces and realize how they work together.

  4. I am not a huge lover of fantasy either but I was still able to enjoy this one too. I am so glad you liked this!!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it too :) I saw your review and yeah it was a really great read :)

  5. Oh, so happy you loved this! I didn't even know about it until you reviewed it just now:) Lately I've been more of a contemporary lover although, I must admit that some of them have really sucked the fun out of me with being boring and whatnot so perhaps a fantasy novel like this could get me out of my bad mood with books? Maybe? Perhaps? :D I'm glad it was different and took you off your guard. Lovely review, sweetie!

    1. Probably? :D I know that's why I rarely read NA, I'm fed up with same old stories. Thanks darling :)

  6. This sounds like an interesting read. I'm all that much into fantasy. I mean I am, but I don't read it as much as I use to
    :( Great review! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. I wasn't read it fantasy that much last year but this year we're back on track :) Thanks :)

  7. Yay Tanja! I love when a book that starts out a little rocky at first ends up being one I absolutely adore, that's always fun. Fantasy is typically a genre I struggle with, but I've been reading more and more of it lately and am truly growing to love it. MORE PLEASE!

    1. I'm so happy that you have found a fantasy lover within you :) I hope you'll enjoy the genre ;)

  8. This is new to me Tanja, but I do love fantasy mixed with mystery, lovely review!

  9. I'm so glad you enjoyed it Tanja! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop as well as the scavenger hunt!

  10. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds like it was a great YA fantasy book. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
    I already like the sound of Haylee and Dephon. I'll definitely be on the look-out for this one.
    Lovely review, Tanja! :)

    1. I'm glad you like it and I hope you'll get to read it someday :) Thanks Nick :)

  11. That's a cool looking cover! The book sounds interesting too. Great review, Tanja.

  12. I'm not familiar with this series, but it sounds very intense, exciting, and great. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Tanja!

  13. I was dragging my feet with this one, I didn't know if I would like it, but I am half way through and finding it to be an enjoyable read. It is more than fantasy and I like that it is modern. I am happy to see that high rating from you. I have this up for Thursday so we can compare!

    1. I can't wait to see your review. Yes I like it's modern and at the same time futuristic :)

  14. I'm glad you like it :) Thank you Aman :)

  15. Wow, 4.5 stars! The story sounds pretty intriguing. I hadn't heard of this book at all, so thanks for featuring it, Tanja. :)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  16. This one sounds great, I am a huge fan of fantasy as well and I'm pretty sure this one will be a winner for me! It seems like the romance is nice :)

    1. Yes the romance is sweet :) I'm glad you like it :)

  17. I haven't heard of this one, and I'll admit I don't read fantasy that often but you have me curious about this one. I love that its a coming of age story with romance. I really enjoy those. I'm glad you enjoyed this Tanja, even though it was a little confusing to begin with. Great review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. It's really sweet that you have both boy and girl POV and they're mother and son. Really interesting. Thanks :)

  18. Actually this totally sounds like your type of book and I'm glad you enjoyed it. It does sound very interesting and magic always makes everything so much better, eh? Oh and if the guy isn't sweet, he's bad? I love me some bad boys, girl! Fab review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yes it's totally me ;) No this is a real villain, not the sweet one. Don't be fooled :D
