
6. srp 2013.

The Year of the Great Seventh by Teresa Orts

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Book summary:

Sophie has always felt out of step—an outsider, even amongst friends in her high school with all the hype about celebrity culture. Her life in L.A. seems to have been already written for her, but when her junior year starts, it all takes a drastic turn. When she crosses paths with the school's heartthrob, Nate Werner, they fall for each other in a way neither can understand. What they don’t know is that by giving in to their desires, they are unlocking an ancient Egyptian prophecy that threatens to return Earth to the dark ages.

To undo the curse, Nate and Sophie embark on an adventure that takes them across the country. But their quest is not only to save the world as they know it. It is also a fight for their very survival. Behind the scenes, there are those that are counting on them to fail.

        Considering that I've been blogging, reviewing and mostly reading YA stories for a few years now I was really surprised that this has been the first YA book set in Hollywood to me. Which is a surprise but I guess that all that glow is focused on the movie industry. Regardless, it was a nice change. 

       With the change of the setting some other things changed too. I wasn't faced with cheer-leading again (yay) and now I was in company of girls who would want to be a movie stars. You would think it's not a big change but you'd be surprised. Anyhow, yes there are girls that want to have their name on the Walk of Fame one day and there is Sophie, the girl that didn't fit into that picture. Because of that it was easy to connect with her as I assume I'd act the same. Even though at the start both Sophie and Nate seemed kind of plain they grew through the book. You can see them change and you go through their coming of age with them. As characters grown so did the story. What one started as a story about high school students in Hollywood turned into a great mystery. I'm not telling you much about that because it was highly unpredictable for me so it's for the better to discover things on your own. 

      This was one of the rare times when I've actually read a blurb before diving into the book and I was really afraid after few pages as I didn't know how could an ancient Egyptian prophecy fit into all of this. Well surprisingly for me it worked out really good. Good thing is that it wasn't predictable and quite honestly I know close to nothing about ancient Egypt and I was really enjoying my ride. 

      So don't fear at the start that this book is plain and uninteresting because you must be patient with it and then it'll show you all its secrets. After it drags you into the story and you are desperately turning the pages to see what's happening in the end. It leaves you wanting for more even though the story doesn't end with the cliffhanger. 

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 17:

  1. I don't read blurbs either but boy, Tanja! 5 stars! Right you are, not many YA Contemporaries are set in Hollywood (in fact, none that I have read have been). And if you're saying this is coming of age as well, then I'm up for it. I do have a lot of patience so I'll sit through this one and wait for that secret that has me curious. Great review, girl!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I was really surprised (positively) with some moments. I really didn't expect them and after the half of the book I couldn't stop reading it :) Thanks darling ;)

  2. Wonderful review, Tanja! I love mysteries but I don't think I've read one with Egyptian mythology. I'll have to check this out! :)

    1. Yes this was the first book with Egyptian mythology for me too ;) Thanks Rachel :)

  3. This book sounds really interesting and it seems to have a lot of different elements going on within it :) Great review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Yes and if I remember right you've got it too. I hope you'll enjoy it :) Thanks :)

  4. Well, Tanja, this looks strange a little bit
    The cover looks very Hollywood and L.A. but the Egyptian mythology fit into it?
    I am skeptical about this
    GREAT review
    Your reader,

    1. Believe it or not it really made sense! I was surprised that's why I enjoyed it so much :) Thanks Soma :)

  5. This sounds interesting Egyptian mythology and Hollywood is deff a different twist. Ill have to check this one out. Great review.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  6. Oh! I just recently read a book centered around ancient Egypt and their gods (The Chaos of Stars) and really loved it, so I think I'm just about ready for another one.
    I'm not too fond of Hollywood, but I am curious about the combination. And the cover is awesome somehow. :)
    Lovely review, Tanja!

    1. Haven't heard of that one. I must check it out! :) Thanks Maja ;)

  7. I was surprised to see the Egyptian elements when I first read the blurb but I'm glad it wasn't predictable and was a good read! Great review!

  8. I just read a book set in Hollywood, Golden Girl. This does sound unique and different and I like that it follows Egyptian themes and I am thrilled to see that Five star rating!

    1. I have heard of that one but haven't read it yet. Thanks Heidi :)

  9. Neither am I but this one was different as focus wasn't on that. Thanks Aman :)
