
8. svi 2013.

Waiting on Wednesday (#43)

You know the story. This is a meme created by Breaking the Spine and every week we pick books we're waiting for. Here are our picks for this week.

Glass' pick

When all signs point to heartbreak, can love still be a rule of the road? A poignant and romantic novel from the author of Bittersweet and Twenty Boy Summer.

Jude has learned a lot from her older sisters, but the most important thing is this: The Vargas brothers are notorious heartbreakers. She’s seen the tears and disasters that dating a Vargas boy can cause, and she swore an oath—with candles and a contract and everything—to never have anything to do with one.

Now Jude is the only sister still living at home, and she’s spending the summer helping her ailing father restore his vintage motorcycle—which means hiring a mechanic to help out. Is it Jude’s fault he happens to be cute? And surprisingly sweet? And a Vargas?

Jude tells herself it’s strictly bike business with Emilio. Her sisters will never find out, and Jude can spot those flirty little Vargas tricks a mile away—no way would she fall for them. But Jude’s defenses are crumbling, and if history is destined to repeat itself, she’s speeding toward some serious heartbreak…unless her sisters were wrong?

Jude may have taken an oath, but she’s beginning to think that when it comes to love, some promises might be worth breaking.

Expected publication: May 21st, 2013

Tanja's pick

So, then. You want a story and I will tell you one...Afghanistan, 1952. Abdullah and his sister Pari live with their father and stepmother in the small village of Shadbagh. Their father, Saboor, is constantly in search of work and they struggle together through poverty and brutal winters. To Adbullah, Pari, as beautiful and sweet-natured as the fairy for which she was named, is everything. More like a parent than a brother, Abdullah will do anything for her, even trading his only pair of shoes for a feather for her treasured collection. Each night they sleep together in their cot, their skulls touching, their limbs tangled. One day the siblings journey across the desert to Kabul with their father. Pari and Abdullah have no sense of the fate that awaits them there, for the event which unfolds will tear their lives apart; sometimes a finger must be cut to save the hand. Crossing generations and continents, moving from Kabul, to Paris, to San Francisco, to the Greek island of Tinos, with profound wisdom, depth, insight and compassion, Khaled Hosseini writes about the bonds that define us and shape our lives, the ways that we help our loved ones in need, how the choices we make resonate through history, and how we are often surprised by the people closest to us.

Expected publication: May 21st, 2013

We'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 50:

  1. I'm waiting on The Book of Broken Hearts, too!!

  2. The Book of Broken Hearts sounds great! I have some other books by that author but haven't had a chance to read them. I haven't heard of the second book but sounds interesting.
    My WOW

    1. I haven't read either of her books so I guess I should give this one a try. And for Khaled he is amazing :)

  3. I already have The Book of Broken Hearts on my to-read list and I'm really excited about it. I can't wait!
    I haven't heard of the other book but I hope you enjoy reading both your picks!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  4. I just finished The Book of Broken Hearts and it was really good :)! Awesome picks!

    My WW!

  5. I havent heard of either of these books, but both sound absolutely amazing! Great picks!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Thanks Teresa :) I hope you'll get a chance to read them :)

  6. I've heard really great things about Sarah Ockler's books. I'm hoping to maybe read some this year! Thanks for sharing. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I hope you'll get to read this one then! :) Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. And the mountain looks good and I haven't heard of it. Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I hope you'll get to read it as he's a really amazing author. Thanks :)

  8. I've been dying to read The Book of Broken Hearts! And the Mountains Echoed is new to me but sounds great too. Thanks for sharing! :)

    My W.O.W.

    1. I hope you'll get to read them both then! :) Thank you :)

  9. I'm really excited for The Book of Broken Hearts as well! Can't wait to read it :-)

  10. I have the first one you have featured - I got it on my Kindle from Edelweiss several months ago. But the second one - never heard of it! Hope you enjoy both books when you get the chance to read them! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I hope you'll get to read it soon! :) Thank you :)

  11. Great picks. Thanks for visiting.

  12. I really do need to a Sarah Dessen book.... lol. The Afghanistan book sounds amazing! Great picks (as always)
    ~Beth @ The Reading Vixens

    1. Thanks! :) I hope you'll get a chance to read them :)

  13. Nice picks, both books sound good. I haven't hear about either though. :)

    1. Thanks! :) I hope you'll once they get some good reviews! :D

  14. I haven't read anything by Khaled yet, which I REALLY need to remedy, but I'm excited for his new book too. And I'm reading the Book of Broken Hearts NOW. I think if you're an Ockler fan, you'll love it! :)

    1. I hope you'll get to read some of his works. They break your heart but you become grateful after it. Thanks :)

  15. Those covers match! Lovely purple. I didn't know that Hosseini has a new book coming out--not that it really matters, since I haven't read any of his books yet =X Another author I keep on saying I have to get around to reading, but haven't yet. Why isn't there enough time in a day???

    1. LOL I haven't even payed attention :) I hope you'll get to read one of his books. I ask myself that everyday! :)

  16. Both sound great and are new to me. Hosseini's book is different from my usual reads, but sounds interesting!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

    1. Yes it's different from mine too but still something really educational :) Thanks :)

  17. Book of Broken Hearts was sad but also really good. And I didn't know what Khaled Hosseini has a book coming out-- thanks for the heads-up!

    And thanks for stopping by:)
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  18. The Book of Broken Hearts is so amazing! It's my favorite Sarah Ockler book so far. Great picks :)

  19. Yay! I'm reading the Ockler soon and am super excited. :) Look forward to comparing notes with you.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  20. I really, really like Hosseini's writing. I knew he had a new book coming out, but I forgot to look it up! Thanks for putting it back on my radar. ;) As for Sarah Ockler... well I still need to read something of hers! I hope you enjoy this one. :)

    1. That's my girl! :) I hope you'll get to read it soon. BTW you really must read something by Carlos Ruiz Zafon! :) Thanks Sam :)

  21. Great picks guys! The Book of Broken Hearts looks cute. Khaled writes such beautiful novels, even though they are so difficult for me to read (emotionally). I hope you enjoy them!

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. Yes it's difficult to read them cause they mostly break your heart but they're still amazing! Thanks Jessica :)

  22. Both great picks! Can't wait! Khaled's new book will be published here this month, too, and I'm definitely going to get it :)

    1. Yes it's published here too. I'll bribe ladies at the library to leave it for me (they love me so that shouldn't be the problem) :)

  23. Neither of those is really my usual type of read but The Book of Broken Hearts sounds fun, and Hosseini's book seems to have a very wide, baffling scope! I hope you'll both enjoy your picks :)
    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!

    1. I really hope you'll give them a try (if they turn out to be good) :) Thanks Carmen :)

  24. Glass and Tanja... This time... BOTH your picks ARE on my TBR! I can't wait for Khaled's next book. I want to see what he hits us with next and as for the Book Of Broken Hearts... Ah, that sounds great!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier, and apologies for dropping by yours so late!

    Happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yay! I feel really proud! :) I hope you'll get to read both soon :)
      No need to apologize ;) Happy reading to you too!
      Thanks Sarika :)
