
13. svi 2013.

Earth by Terra Harmony

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Book summary: 

After an elemental apocalypse, the fate of Earth hangs in the balance.

The hunt for Micah in a world that has gone dim leads Kaitlyn straight to Shawn and One Less. While struggling to survive, she battles a side of her that is as dark as the rest of the planet. In the exciting conclusion to The Akasha Series, our heroine is no longer a part of The Seven or One Less. Now she is on Team Kaitlyn; who will join her?
      My traveling with this book stared a while ago. I was so happy after I've gotten Water for review and even more after I've enjoyed it so much. So after that I continued receiving these for review and I was really glad for that. Now this traveling has come to and end. As always it's not easy to say goodbye.

      It'll be hard to tell you much about the story as I don't want to spoil anything for you. It started like a story about elements and akasha in the process it hosed some great battles and then it ended in chaos. I mean wold was in chaos but the story has gotten the ending. Kaitlyn was someone I connected to in the first book. I hated what some people have done to her and it was hard to read about it. Later she became different and with that we somehow grow apart. I couldn't support some of her decisions and for the right reasons. I was never in her shoes. For the other characters Micah was a perfect guy in many situations and I really liked Alex and Susan. For the record Shawn will always stay on my black-list.

     Now after everything that happened before and mostly after the chaos in Fire it's time to end things once for all. Earth started a bit slow for me and it took me time to get to fully enjoy the book. All the search for Micah had it's ups and downs but after that it was on the road I wanted it to be. I liked the conclusion that the story has gotten.

Rating: 4 stars.

My reviews for
 - Water (Akasha #1)
 - Air (Akasha #2)
 - Fire (Akasha #3)

Until the next time,

***NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the author. Thank you.
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover of written word. All opinions in this review are personal.

Broj komentara: 18:

  1. I never heard of this series before Tanja, but I'm glad you've had a fun time reading it. It's always sad to say goodbye to a set of your favourite characters :( Great review! :)

    1. Yes it's a really nice series in my opinion :) Yeah but I'm glad that the story has gotten it's end cause everything more would be too much :) Thanks Jasprit :)

  2. Sorry it was a bit slow for you but that it turned out well.

  3. Sorry it was a bit slow, but I'm glad I have the first book now since it was free on amazon :) I don't know if it still is though! But great review Tanja! I can't wait to star the series.

    Janina @ Synchonized Reading

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it. For me the first one was the best in the series. I mean all of them were good but first left strong impression on me.

  4. I'm glad despite the slow started you really ended up enjoying this one Tanja! It's always nice when a series concludes in a way that leaves you satisfied:)

  5. Some books are almost impossible to review when everything you write is a spoiler, especially if it's a later installment. I never even considered reading this series, but it actually sounds interesting.
    Great review!

    1. Yes and lately I've been doing just that. :) Thanks :)

  6. Glad you enjoyed the ending, even if parts of it were slow. I haven't read this series, so I need to check out book one. It's a great sign that you've been invested in the story until the end. Wonderful review!

  7. Nice to see you enjoyed the way things turned out for this series. It's always tricky finishing a series. A lot of times I end up disappointed. Glad to see you didn't. Great review. :)

  8. I haven't heard about this series before, but now I'll definitely have to give the books a try. Earth sounds great! Awesome review :)

  9. I have read Terra Harmony's vampire anthology, Gleaming White and at the end of that, there was an excerpt from Water which looked really good to me. I'm glad you enjoyed this series so much, Tanja, and that you like the way it concluded. All this elements getting a book each as intrigued me and I hope to give the series a try someday. Great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I must check out your review for that vampire anthology :) I hope you'll get to read this one Sarika :) Thanks :)
