
31. svi 2013.

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

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Book summary: 

"My name is MacKayla, Mac for short. I'm a sidhe-seer, one who sees the Fae, a fact I accepted only recently and very reluctantly.

My philosophy is pretty simple - any day nobody's trying to kill me is a good day in my book. I haven't had many good days lately. Not since the walls between Man and Fae came down. But then, there's not a sidhe-seer alive who's had a good day since then."

When MacKayla's sister was murdered, she left a single clue to her death - a cryptic message on Mac's cel phone. Journeying to Ireland in search of answers, Mac is soon faced with an even greater challenge: staying alive long enough to master a power she had no idea she possessed - a gift that allows her to see beyond the world of man, into the dangerous realm of the Fae...

As Mac delves deeper into the mystery of her sister's death, her every move is shadowed by the dark, mysteriou Jericho...while at the same time, the ruthless V'lane - an alpha Fae who makes sex an addiction for human women - closes in on her. As the boundary between worlds begins to crumble, Mac's true mission becomes clear: to find the elusive Sinsar Dubh before someone else claims the all-powerful Dark Book - because whoever gets to it first holds nothing less than complete control both worlds in their hands....

      Ms Moning is someone well-known in the bookish world. Yes I've heard about her and many people recommended me her book but because of my aversion of urban fantasy books it was something I left for later. Now when that later has come I was finally able to read this book. Honestly I expected more.

      Not that this story wasn't interesting or something but because of all the amazing things I've heard I expected more. First of all Mac isn't someone I like as a character. We're basically two worlds and we might have some connections but still...two worlds. Not to mention that she was on the quest and searching for her sister's killer the main worry on her mind was freaking pink nail polish! That annoyed the hell out of me. The whole idea of the story was really good and interesting Mac managed to ruin some part of it for me. For the other characters Barrons was a really mysterious and dark character which together with this story was a great combination. Also I look forward seeing more V'lane's character. He seems interesting and I guess I'll see him around.

      Well yes because of all the mystery and fae-world I'll continue with this series and I'll also hope to see a grown up Mac and more of the fae around. Not only fae but also all the other creatures of the night. Good thing is also that now my expectations aren't so high so I'll probably enjoy the next book more.

Rating: 3 stars

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 26:

  1. I honestly wasn't happy with the first one either and I disliked Mac a lot at first, but the series does get better in time. I'm glad you'll keep reading even though this was far from perfect.
    Great review!

    1. Yes I really hope it gets better in time. Thanks :)

  2. Sorry it didn't quite live up, but glad you mostly enjoy her writing

  3. It's funny because I pretty much hated this book lol But I kept going with the series and I definitely agree with Maja that it gets better with pretty much each book. I hated Mac, but she grew on me as the series continued. Awesome review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. I really hope that I'll be able to enjoy her character more. Thanks :)

  4. I can't wait to read the next one now after you all said that :) Thanks :)

  5. I do think Mac is a hard character to like at first. I appreciated her honesty, but she DOES toughen up as the series progresses, so I hope you stick with this. I loved it, though Darkfever is probably the weakest edition I think. Great review, Tanja! :)

    1. I'm really happy to hear that! :) Thanks Keertana :)

  6. Oh wow. I heard nothing but awesome things about this book. Sorry it didn't work out for you. I still have to read it :P I know Saz101 is completely in love with this serie and that's why I need to give it a try :) Great review Tanja :) xx

  7. I agree with what the other said, Mac is fairly annoying at the beginning but she has to be for her to grow the way she does from one book to the next! I promise, in book 3 at the latest you will be really invested in the world and in Mac as a character :) But I understand that the first book furstrated you... I also didn't think it was super-awesome, but the series really takes off later!

    1. Yes I guess I'll continue with it and see where it goes :) Thanks :)

  8. I think I have an version to urban fantasy too. Though it wasn't as good as you hoped, I'm glad you still enjoyed it somewhat. :)

  9. I rated this the same, Tanja, but trust me each book gets better and better. I've learned with UF you have to be patient and usually the first book is just the set up. Mac grows a lot through the series. Great review! Can't wait to see how it goes with the next one. :)

    1. I'm still learning a lot of things about UF! But yeah I'll continue with this one! :) Thanks :)

  10. Great review :D Thank you for sharing. <3 And for being honest. I still need to start this series, but I will one day. The books do sound pretty amazing :) I'm sorry you didn't fully love it, though. Mac does sound a bit annoying :\ Dying to read about Jericho, though. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. Yeah Jericho is a really great character! I can't wait to see a bit less annoying Mac so I can enjoy this series completely :)
      Thanks Carina :)

  11. Oh this sounds a bit disappointing. I don't read much UF but have seen this series around and thought it looked interesting.

    1. It gets better so I think you should give it a try :) Thanks :)

  12. I liked this one overall, but I think the series improves a lot as it progresses. Which reminds me, I still need to read Iced! :)

    1. Ah I need to continue with this one...hopefully soon :) I hope you'll read it soon :)

  13. Oh no 3 stars?! I thought this was a really good book from all the fans there are for Karen Marie Moning! I definitely want to give this series a try sometime. Hope it gets better if you decide to continue with it :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts
