
25. svi 2013.

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

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Book summary: 

It's 1941 and fifteen-year-old artist Lina Vilkas is on Stalin's extermination list. Deported to a prison camp in Siberia, Lina fights for her life, fearless, risking everything to save her family. It's a long and harrowing journey and it is only their incredible strength, love, and hope that pull Lina and her family through each day. But will love be enough to keep them alive?
     If there is some certain type of the story I run away from then it's war stories. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed some of them like Anne Frank but that was before I had to survive four years of high-school and constantly reading them. I'm probably over-reacting but trust me most of the classics in lit here are based on some war. I'm a hippie somewhere in my heart so you can guess how much I complained. But this was something else.

     Yes it still is a war story but it's more than that. It tells you about the war and all the suffering but it tells you a wonderful story about survival and growing up. The Soviet Union is something that I, like I believe most of your, have heard of in high-school. But it was mostly about Russia and the Baltic states were mostly just that - little countries and mostly nothing more. I really had no idea about the suffering they went through during the Second World War and reading about it broke something inside of me. We get to met Lina and her family. After the war started many of the people were taken because they were suspicious and their families had to suffer as well. Lina's family was one of them. Her father was a professor at the university and one day she, her mother and brother were taken. Her father wasn't with them. From that point on starts the story about the survival in the Russian camps and the hell called winter in Siberia. With all that it's also a story about Lina's growing up, love, family and most of all hope. Hope was the only thing that could get you through that.

      I was very young when I had read Anne Frank's story and it broke me. Now I'm let's say older and supposedly wiser and then I should know about the real side of the war and all the sad and mostly terrifying stories. But the truth is nothing can prepare you for this.

     At the end of the book the author says that this was not her stories as mostly the things from the book are based on the true stories. Only there is a catch - it's not enough just to tell the story you need to be the right person to put the feeling in the right places. You Ruta Sepetys did just that and more than that. Thank you and your fan-base has got a new member.

Rating: 5 shiny stars.

PS. If there is one bad thing about this book it's that it shares name with the one that shall not be named.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 20:

  1. I am loving the sound of this book. You're a hippie somewhere at heart, yay! :D Being a Political Science student, books about the Second World War always fascinate me, and I've heard only great things about Between Shades Of Gray. From your 5 shiny stars, I better check this one out soon. I have Anne Frank lying on my shelf and hope to read that soon too. Wonderful review, Tanja! And the "nothing can prepare yo for this" line... You had me there! My curiosity is piqued.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Yeah somewhere inside my hearr I'm :) I hope you'll get to read both, only you'll be even less prepared for this story. It's really heartbreaking :) Thanks you Sarika :)

  2. Ha, don't worry I'm also a bit of hippie in that I prefer peace over war. ;P I read Sepetys newest book earlier this year (Out of The Easy) and it just blew me away. This is definitely a book I plan to read this summer as I am now a fan. Great review!

    1. I haven't read that other one yet but I'm planing to. I can't wait to read it as I really like her style. Thanks :)

  3. I'm really quite good at avoiding books about war or those that deal with war. That's partly why I haven't approached this one yet. I do hope to give it a try though, more so now that I know I enjoyed Out of the Easy. Really lovely review, Tanja!

    1. You really should, cause at the end this story is greater than just war story. It's much more than that. I must read that one soon too as I already have it :) Thanks Sam :)

  4. YES! I am so glad you loved this one, Tanja! It really so much more than just the war or this situation - it's about that spirit of humanity. I love Sepetys, so I can't wait for her next novel now! :)

    1. Yes it's exactly that! :) I love her writing too and I can't wait for her to publish more books ;)

  5. I am avoiding this for the reasons you mentioned. I grew up when the Soviet Union was still the Soviet Union and we were in the Cold War. WWIi was frightening and it breaks my heart. I have read countless books on it and it is still hard. I know I need to read this and I will sometime. Lovely review. You nudged me again to remind me.

    1. I can only imagine your feelings. Yes I know exactly what you mean that's why I run away from any book written by an author from ex Yugoslavia. I totally understand you. Thanks Heidi :)

  6. I tend to avoid war stories as well. They're just so.. intense and real and powerful. It's so nice to hear that this book affected you like that, Tanja!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. Sometimes is good to read something that you tend to avoid. Thanks Ellie :)

  7. WOW, Tanja! LOVELY review
    I have heard SO much about Between Shades of Grey, and yes, it reminds me of the other book with the similar name. Which shall not be named :P
    Well, I definitely have to read this sometime
    Your reader,

    1. Yes you know exactly which one :D Thanks Soma and I really hope you'll get to enjoy this lovely story :)

  8. Beautiful review, Tanja. I have a hard time with war stories as well, because the horrors stick with me for a long time. I'm glad you enjoyed this touching story. :)

    1. Yes I guess we all do, but I think we all need a wake up call from time to time :) Thanks Rachel :)

  9. I agree that this is more than just a war story. Lina's tale broke my heart, but it also opened my eyes on so many things, and I haven't been able to forget it, even though it's been a while. I think by now it's clear that Ruta Sepetys is an amazing writer. Out of the Easy is just as good if not better. :)
    Great review.

    1. Yes it opened my eyes for sure. I saw some things that were never in the focus because of Germany in the World War II. Oh really? I can't wait to read it. Thanks :)

  10. This book broke my heart a little bit, just as Anne Frank's diary did when I was young. You're right, their really is no preparing to read these and I'll never be blase enough about the effects of war to not be emotionally affected by these sorts of stories. "If there is one bad thing about this book it's that it shares name with the one that shall not be named." LOVE THIS! :-) Beautiful review!!

    1. Yes it really did! I really cried after Anne Frank's diary but this was something else! :) Thanks! :)
