
8. tra 2013.

The Beholder by Ivan Amberlake

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Book summary: 

Worlds of Light and Darkness are about to clash. And Jason will be in the thick of it.

In Asunción, Minsk and Sydney, people die under mysterious circumstances. Each branded with an arcane sign, they are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When more people are missing, with similar signs appearing in and around their homes, Jason, an average New Yorker, realizes the victims are a riddle addressed to him. 
He is the final piece.
Emily appears, the most beautiful woman with extraordinary powers and startling amber eyes, and tells Jason that powers dormant within him are about to wake. In the world of Light- and Darksighted, he is the only person who can prevent Darkness from enslaving the world. He is the Beholder whose advent has been awaited for many years.
Setting out on a journey with Emily, Jason discovers many improbable things like Sight, Soulfusion, the Hall of Refuge, but the greatest surprise arrives the moment he sees Emily and finds real love.

      I have some sort of rule - like whenever some of my girls from Goodreads recommends a book to me I'll read it. No questions asked. Same is with this book. So thanks Becca for recommending it to me.

      The Beholder might me a strange and interesting read to most of you. It deals with sort of different type of power. I got used to most of paranormal things so when I see something new I'm always happy to read it. The story here is that there are two worlds - Light and Darkness and we're in the middle of events here. Sooner or later the two worlds will clash and that can cause a lot of damage. Everything started with a dreams - weird dreams and then Jason found out some things he couldn't dream of. People went missing more than usual and Emily is there to try to stop or end things. They need to go through some serious battles.

      Like I said I really liked to see something original in this book. Maybe the idea of darkness and light is not so unique but the author created a good story out of it. Another thing I like is many things here are unpredictable. The story changes course suddenly and I liked the dynamics. For the things I didn't like - there should be some sort of background. I still miss a big part of Jason's and everybody else's life. It's hard to connect with the character when you don't really know who he/she is. Also the whole idea of this story should have some background. I know that some things will be explained in the sequel but I miss them here.

     All in all I enjoyed reading this.

Rating: 3.5 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 13:

  1. It's sad to hear that the book doesn't give much of the main character's background story, but it still sounds like one heck of a good book. Great review!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

    1. Yeah but the author said there would be more of that in the I've been waiting for that. Thanks :)

  2. The Beholder sounds a lot different to the books I've seen around lately, I'm glad you enjoyed it Tanja, I love picking up book recommendations from Goodreads friends especially when they're totally different to what I would usually read! :)

    1. Yes it's time to open my mind to some new things. I love YA but need some refreshment lately :)

  3. I'm glad you liked this one overall! The concept definitely sounds different to me, and it's always a good thing when the story is unpredictable. I love being caught off-guard, but it doesn't happen often. Great review! :)

    1. Yes I mean there were some signs but I couldn't believe when all that happened :) Thanks Sam :)

  4. It does sound different, but sorry you couldn't connect the best since you didn't know what the character was.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. That's true but still I guess I'll get that one in the sequel :)

  5. Is this adult? YA? NA? The cover has a sexy shirtless gentleman (WIN!) so I'm guessing adult or NA, but just wanted to be sure. I'm like you Tanja, there are a core group of people who, if they recommend something, I will pick it up without even reading the blurb just because they told me to. I've found some awesome books that way! It's a bummer about the lack of background for Jason and the story itself, but otherwise it sounds pretty good:)

    1. Well for now we can keep it as NA cause there are pretty hard fight scenes and I guess we could get love ones too soon :) LOL for shirtless gentleman :D Yes we all have friends like that :)

  6. Oh, you must read books that your girls recommend! You end up liking them no matter what. It's the same with Janhvi and me. So anyways, about the book, dreams, light, dark... Wow! Very intriguing. It's really sad when you can't connect with the character, but its great that you enjoyed this one nonetheless. Awesome review (as always), Tanja! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
