
23. tra 2013.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Thought I'd Like MORE/LESS Than I Did

Hey. It's time for another Top Ten Tuesday. As you probably know it's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and our task for this week is to pick top ten books that we though we'd like more or less !

5 books I though I'd like more..

5 books that I though I'd like less..

I'd love to see your picks too so feel free to link them up in comments.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 20:

  1. I have Graceling still sitting unread onmy shelf. I'm so skeptical of starting it for some reason and I loved Anna Dressed in Blood :D It was freaking awesome!

    Janina @ Synchonized Reading

    1. Yeah it was so-so for me. People tell me that the second and third books are better so I should read them soon. Yeah Anna was amazing and I was skeptical because I don't like horror! :)

  2. I loved Anna Dressed In Blood though I still have to catch up with Reckless, Graceling and Nevermore :) Thanks for sharing Tanja!

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. I hope you'll enjoy them more than I did :) Thanks :)

  3. I felt the same way about Anna Dressed In Blood! It ended up being so much better than I expected it to be.

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  4. I've heard nothing but AMAZING things about Graceling, and honestly, that's why I haven't picked it up. I'm so nervous that I'll be the one person that doesn't care for it or doesn't think it's the greatest thing ever, so I'm actually really glad to see it didn't quite meet your expectations. That sounds like a really weird thing to say right? I just always feel so guilty when I dislike a book everyone else loves:)

    1. Maybe it sounds weird but I totally understand! So we can be weird together :) Yes it just lowers your expectations a bit. It wasn't a bad book but I expected much more. :)

  5. I wouldn't want to pick up Reckless. I hear that series is nothing but frustration, cheating and drama. I can understand why you didn't like it more. Graceling has had so much hype that by the time anyone gets to it now they're going to expect to be blown away. That's tough to live up to. I like going into a book not expecting much.

    I need to read The Shadow Reader! :)

    1. First of The Shadow Reader is so kick-ass! You must read it! :) LOL yeah that series is all that but this last one was too much even for me. Yes that was my problem with Graceling! :)

  6. I loved ADiB!!! Great picks this week :) I liked Graceling, too. I agree with Rachel, about expectations though.
    Beth | The Reading Vixens
    Vixen's Top Ten!

    1. Yes Anna is amazing! :) I liked Graceling too, but I expected much more! :)

  7. At first place for me is the Bible. At second - "In the Searching of the Lost Time" (M. Proust), at third - "The Diary of an Asthmatic" (Polish author - M. Łazarek), at fourth - "Oksana" (Polish author - W. Odojewski), and at fifth - "The Snow" (O. Pamuk).

    1. Hmm I haven't heard of any of these (I mean except Bible). I've heard of O.Pamuk but not this book.

  8. So I should def give Shimmer of Angels? I was going to pass

  9. Gosh, I expected to LOVE Enshadowed and I just HATED it! It's a shame to hear about Graceling, though. Have you tried Fire, the companion novel? It's very different and my favorite book EVER, so I hope you decide to give it a go someday. I think you'll enjoy it much more. Also, I am SO glad you enjoyed both Anna Dressed in Blood and The Shadow Reader so much as I need to read both of them soon. Lovely list, Tanja! :D

    1. YEEES! I wanted to slap Isabel many times! Really? No I haven't but I'll cause I still have hope. I know you'll enjoy both!! Thanks :D

  10. Yes! Anna surprised me as well. Can't believe I didn't include that one. Great list

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Trust me I always forget something too! :) Thanks :)
