
25. tra 2013.

Boundless by Cynthia Hand

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Book summary:

The past few years have held more surprises than part-angel Clara Gardner could ever have anticipated. Yet from the dizzying highs of first love, to the agonizing low of losing someone close to her, the one thing she can no longer deny is that she was never meant to live a normal life.

Since discovering the special role she plays among the other angel-bloods, Clara has been determined to protect Tucker Avery from the evil that follows her . . . even if it means breaking both their hearts. Leaving town seems like the best option, so she’s headed back to California - and so is Christian Prescott, the irresistible boy from the vision that started her on this journey in the first place.

As Clara makes her way in a world that is frighteningly new, she discovers that the fallen angel who attacked her is watching her every move. And he’s not the only one. . . . With the battle against the Black Wings looming, Clara knows she must finally fulfill her destiny. But it won’t come without sacrifices and betrayal.

In the riveting finale of the Unearthly series, Clara must decide her fate once and for all.

        Writing a review for the last book in series is quite difficult. It means telling goodbye to the characters whose stories you've read and whose feeling you've felt. Sometimes you've waited for a year or more to read the next book in that series. It becomes even more difficult when it's a story that took your breath away multiple times and broke your heart as well. When you cried and laughed and fell in love with the characters. Well one of these was Unearthly series to me.

        Now two years after I've meet Clara, Tucker and Christian that day has come. And it's hard. I can't tell you more about the story itself here as it wouldn't be possible without spoiling many things to those who haven't read the first books in the series. Instead I should say more about my relationship with this story.

       Many times I've said that angels are something special to me. Some things in life you cannot explain and my fascination for angles is one of them. I don't know where it came from but I know that I'm happy it did. So two years ago when I started reading this story the things clicked between us. I was blow away with the story and creatures. From the first Clara's purpose up to meeting Christian and Tucker. Then last year it was time for Hallowed. Tucker was mu favorite boy and one of my book boyfriends ever since, but in that book the world shattered. Radiant - a short story - was there to get me through the waiting. There I've meet Angela. It was nice for a change to meet her better and needless to say it nicely connected the stories. So if you plan on reading this book you might first read that short story. Finally on my birthday this year this book came out. Some people are afraid of reading the second book in trilogy and I'm not. I still have some hopes left if the second book disappoints, but if third one disappoints there is no coming back. So I was afraid of reading this.

        Then again I didn't have to be. Cynthia was careful enough to please us - the fans of her books. I was surprised that even though Tucker and Christian were there, but not as much I'd want to - especially the first one,  I was still enjoying this story so much. I saw the whole story and discovered some things that made this story whole. I have no idea what Cynthia is up next but I'm pretty much sure I'll read it, whatever it is.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 26:

  1. Yay so glad you loved this too Tanja! I hate saying goodbye to great characters too, I had so much fun with this series. But like you mentioned I will certainly be picking up anything Cynthia Hand writes! Great review! :)

    1. Yes it was beautiful! :) It's so sad you know when you'll never get to know anything new about them. Thanks :)

  2. Pročitala sam prvi dio, nažalost nisam se dočepala nastavaka, ali bio mi je ok. Voljela bih doznati što se naposljetku dogodilo pa mislim da ću ih potražiti u knjižnici.
    Kiss :*

    1. Iskreno se nadam da ces ga pronaci jer stvarno je serija predivna. Pusa :*

  3. I haven't read this series before but everyone seems to love it. Last books are weird, right? You can't wait to hear the ending, but you don't want it to end at the same time.

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  4. Super glad to hear it was a good ending. It is so hard to say goodbye to characters though.

  5. It's so odd that I never really felt the need to continue this series even though I liked the first book a lot. It's good to know that you enjoyed it until the very end. I'll probably go back to it now. :)

    1. You cannot abandon this just like that Maja! :) I hope you'll get to read it soon ;)

  6. Yay Tanja! I so love this series as well, and while I had a few wishes for this book after I finished, I really enjoyed it overall. Christian just about broke my heart and I'm secretly hoping we haven't seen the last of him. Spinoff anyone? :)

    1. Yes I'd love to get a spinoff. Maybe him and Angela. You never know. :) Thanks :)

  7. I couldn't even write a review for this one! I was a little disappointed that one of the boys was so lacking in this one and things were so focused on the other for what only ended up causing me heartache, but it definitely didn't take away from my overall love of the book and series. I'm so glad you loved this book too. :)

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

    1. Yes I maybe wanted to see boys more, especially the one in whose team I'm. But still the story was really interesting. Thanks :)

  8. I'm not going to read your review since I STILL need to read Hallowed! I don't know when I'm going to get to it, but I definitely enjoyed Unearthly.

    Janina @ Synchonized Reading

    1. Oh and don't forget Radiant - the short novel. It's worth reading. :)

  9. I wasn't a big fan of Unearthly at all and I never finished/continued the series past that, but I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Tanja! I know a lot of readers who were disappointed, but I am so glad you weren't one of them! :)

    1. I can see why some were disappointed cause there was no much of Clara-Tucker-Christian thing. But I'm happy for that! :)

  10. I stopped reading this series! I liked the first two books, but the love triangle really frustrated me. It felt transparent to me, which therefore made it pointless in my eyes. I'm glad you were happy with the final book! It's always nerve-wracking when it's a series you adore, but I'm glad you weren't disappointed. Lovely review! :)

    1. You should read this one. I don't think it'll frustrate you. Yes it's always so hard. Thanks :)

  11. I love Tucker so much, too. I still have to read Radiant, I'm curious to read about Angela's story. Awesome review! :)

    1. Oh I hope you'll enjoy Angela's story. It's easier to follow this one. Thanks :)

  12. I loved this series as well, Tanja. It ended the way I wanted it to even if we didn't get as much of Tucker as I wanted. Book two made me cry so much! Wonderful review. :)

    1. Yeah me too...but then again I liked this one because the focus wasn't on them. Thanks :)

  13. Ah, loved this book! I''m glad that there was more focus on her and not the two guys. It's sad but hopefully I can find another angel series like it. Happy you enjoyed the last book! Great review (:

  14. Awesome review, Tanja! I'm so glad you enjoyed this series. I agree that saying goodbye to a series is difficult and you know what? I have this unidentified fascination with angels as well. I'm really looking forward to starting this series sometime soon and I have hopes that it's going to be good.

    Oh, and just a warning! I had been away from blogging for a week, so don't be surprised when your blog is overflowed with my comments. I've a lot of stalking to do! :P :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
