
13. ožu 2013.

Waiting on Wednesday (#35)

Hey people. It's time for another Waiting on Wednesday which is as you know a meme created by Breaking the Spine. Here are our picks for this week:

Glass' pick

I will not lose another person I love. I will not let history repeat itself.

Vincent waited lifetimes to find me, but in an instant our future together was shattered. He was betrayed by someone we both called a friend, and I lost him. Now our enemy is determined to rule over France’s immortals, and willing to wage a war to get what they want.

It shouldn’t be possible, none of it should be, but this is my reality. I know Vincent is somewhere out there, I know he’s not completely gone, and I will do anything to save him.

After what we’ve already fought to achieve, a life without Vincent is unimaginable. He once swore to avoid dying—to go against his nature and forsake sacrificing himself for others—so that we could be together. How can I not risk everything to bring my love back to me?

Expected publication: May 7th, 2013

Tanja's pick

Terror strikes the Celtic inspired kingdom of Nemetona when barbed roots breach the veil of a forbidden land and poison woodsmen, including 15-year-old Lia’s beloved father. Lia and three others embark on a quest to the forbidden land of Brume to gather ingredients for the cure. But after her elder kinsman is attacked and poisoned, she and her cousin, Wynn, are forced to finish the quest on their own.

Lia relies on her powerful herbal wisdom and the memorized pages of her late grandmother’s Grimoire for guidance through a land of soul-hungry shades, trickster creatures, and uncovered truths about the origin of Brume and her family’s unexpected ties to it. The deeper they trek into the land, the stronger Lia’s untapped gift as a tree mage unfolds. When she discovers the enchanted root’s maker, it forces her to question everything about who she is and what is her destiny. Ultimately she must make a terrible choice: keep fighting to save her father and the people of the lands or join with the power behind the deadly roots to help nature start anew.

Expected publication: March 21st, 2013

As always we'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up in comments.

Until the next time,

34 komentara:

  1. Oh, I haven't come across Arrow of The Mist before, but I do love a good fantasy! -adds to tbr- Great pick!

    1. I've discover that one few days ago and boy it sounds and looks amazing! Thanks :)

  2. I still need to read Die for Me, which has been sitting on my shelf forever and I've never heard of Arrow of the Mist. Awesome choices :)

    My WW!

    1. I hope you'll get to read it soon :) Thanks Janina :)

  3. I haven't seen Aarow of the Mist, but it sounds really good. These are both really great picks.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW #40

  4. Great picks, I have had Plum's books on my TBR pile forever, have to get to the series.

    Hope you get the books soon! :)

    My WW

  5. Great picks, I have had Plum's books on my TBR pile forever. Hope you get the books soon ;)

    My WW

  6. I am so so so excited for If I Should Die, need that book! Great picks!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  7. Arrows on the Mist, I think I saw that as a tour and passed on it because I am swamped but I do want to read it Great pick! I haven't started Plum's Die series, yet.

  8. I can't wait for If I Should Die! Great pick!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  9. I'm behind on Amy Plum's series but I hope to catch someday! The covers are just so gorgeous for those books. Arrow mist is a new one to me but it looks interesting. Great picks! :)

    1. Yes I love the cover of Arrow of the Mist! :) Thanks :)

  10. You guys always pick the best books for your WoWs! I'm super excited for If I Should Die as well, especially after the ending of book two (what?!), and I haven't heard of Arrow of the Mist before today, BUT I NEED IT! Love that cover too, I have a thing for illustrated covers:)

    1. Thank you Jenny! :) Yes I'm in love with the cover of Arrow of the Mist and I really want to read it! :) Yeah me too! :)

  11. Wow, I've never heard of Arrow of the Mist. Cool!

  12. I haven't heard of Mist, but hope you enjoy.
    Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi’s WoW

  13. Wow, thanks for pointing out Arrow of the Mist, sounds amazing, and that cover is amazing, I love covers like these :) Guess what my next WoW will be ;)

  14. Nice picks! I couldn't get into Amy's series myself. But the second book here looks mighty interesting!

    Thanks for visiting my WoW!

    1. I haven't started that series either :) Thank you for stopping by :)

  15. I've heard of the series that the first pick is a part of, but I haven't heard of book #2. I hope you get these soon!

  16. Ohhh fabulous picks lovelies! Arrow of the Mist sounds interesting. I'll check it out! As for the first one, I have it in my TBR, i just need time to get to it. lol ;p

    ~ Maida <3

    1. I can't wait to start with that book! :) Lol don't we all :p


  17. I'm yet to start with Amy Plum's books and as usual, they've been on my TBR since long. When are we gonna read all these lovely books? Darn! Soon, I hope.

    I haven't heard of Arrow Of The Mist, but I'm glad I came across it!

    Great picks, Glass and Tanja!

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier.

    Happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Same here my friend! I've seen them around and heard about them but haven't started with the series yet! :) I hope you'll enjoy it.

      Thanks and happy reading :D
