
15. velj 2013.

Splintered by A.G. Howard

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Book summary: 

This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now.

When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.

       It's really tricky to read retellings, at least for me. Somehow they tend to disappoint and I usually avoid them, but after hearing all the great things about this book I simply had to read it. Luckily it didn't disappoint.

       We all know the story about Alice (is it just me or this story is mostly used for retellings) but somehow the author managed to create really interesting story about this one. We're in present and reading about this girl whose great, great mother was the famous Alice in Wonderland. Even today after all these years people know her last name and tend to make reference to the fairy tale. Only there is another thing her mother is in asylum cause she couldn't take all the voices anymore. Now Alyssa has the same problem cause the voices are talking to her too. She must find a way to break a curse and for that she must go to Wonderland, the land she dreamed so much about.

       If I had to describe this story I'd say it was enjoyable, readable and full of action. Just how it should be. Of course I wasn't happy about some things, but nothing that I couldn't go over with. Now I'm happy that I gave this book a try. Luckily it didn't play any tricks with one of my favourite fairy tale.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. I've been dying to read this one since I saw that stunning cover!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it overall Tanja, and the issues you had with it were small enough that they didn't really detract from it as a whole. Looking forward to getting my hands on it finally!

    1. Oh yes the cover is amazing! :) I hope you'll get to enjoy it soon :)

  2. I actually really love retellings and haven't met one I didn't like yet. I wonder if I would have a different view of the original story if I didn't like it... You might want to try Robin McKinley. She has some good retellings. Happy this is one you really enjoyed. Question- What is Alice's last name? I can't remember. I've actually come across a lot more cinderellaesque retellings. Mostly dealing with fairy godmothers.

    I love books that have anything to do with crazy people which is weird I know but movies have ruined me for them. Voices in her head instantly make me want to read this book even more than I have already (:

    1. If you love retellings then you should read this one! :) I'll look that up :) For the last name - it's Liddell :)

      I hope you'll read it :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed this despite the small issues you had! It really impressed me, so it's great to see that it had a positive effect on you too. :) On a side note, I'm still hopelessly in love with that cover. So gorgeous.

    Lovely review, Tanja!

  4. Glad you enjoyed it. I tend to steer away from the retellings too, but like you have heard so much good.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I do too, but some reviews made me read this one! :)

  5. Glad you enjoyed it despite some issues you had with it. I have to agree, reteklinga are very tricky and now I have sworn off them ever since I read the last one. I think you've read my review and know how I feel about this book but again, glad you enjoyed it.

    Great review,
    Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Oh I remember that review! I had the same issue with Alice in Wonderland, but luckily this one didn't disappoint! :) Thanks Juhina :)

  6. Great looking site! I just started following. Mine is at if you can follow me back. Best of luck to you!

    1. Hey Sonia! :) Thank you so much. I'll follow back ofc :)

  7. I'm so looking forward to pick up my copy <3 I need to finish a couple of other books first, but it is whispering 'read me, read me' :p

    Great review and I'm happy you liked it! :)


    1. I know that!! I can hear them every night when I go to sleep ;) Thanks Mel :)

  8. I tend to enjoy fairy tale retellings and I'm so looking forwrd to stepping into the Wonderland created in Splintered. Your review has made me more excited to start this soon. Awesome review, Tanja! SO glad you enjoyed the book. :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I have seen your reviews for retelling so I believe you'll like this one! :) Thanks Sarika :)

  9. GOSH!!! I am like the only one who HASN'T read this yet! *bangs head on wall* Seriously, I am ordering this tomorrow no matter what. I really need to catch up. -__-

    Anyways, now that my ranting is over.....I am looking forward to this retelling. I have heard awesome things about it and I can't wait to meet Morpheus! ;p I'm glad there were elements that you enjoyed. I really look forward to starting this!

    Glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! :)

    Fantabulous review!

    ~ Maida <3

    1. LOL Don't make me list you all the books I haven't! :D
      Oh I can tell you - Morpheus is an interesting character ;)

      Thank you Maida <3

  10. I thought Splintered was a great retelling. Just wondering, which guy did you prefer? ;)
