
23. sij 2013.

Waiting on Wednesday (#28)

Hi. As any other Wednesday it's time for Waiting on Wednesday. It's a meme created by Breaking the Spine. So here is what we have for you.

Glass' pick

Moving to a new high school sucks. Especially a rich-kid private school. With uniforms. But nothing is worse than finding out the first girl you meet is dead. And a klepto.

No one can see or hear Kimberlee except Jeff, so--in hopes of bringing an end to the snarkiest haunting in history--he agrees to help her complete her "unfinished business." But when the enmity between Kimberlee and Jeff's new crush, Sera, manages to continue posthumously, Jeff wonders if he's made the right choice.

Clash meets sass in this uproarious modern-day retelling of Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel

Expected publication: April 30, 2013

Tanja's pick

In the darkest places, even love is deadly.

Sixteen-year-old Juliet Moreau has built a life for herself in London—working as a maid, attending church on Sundays, and trying not to think about the scandal that ruined her life. After all, no one ever proved the rumors about her father's gruesome experiments. But when she learns he is alive and continuing his work on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the accusations are true.

Accompanied by her father's handsome young assistant, Montgomery, and an enigmatic castaway, Edward—both of whom she is deeply drawn to—Juliet travels to the island, only to discover the depths of her father's madness: He has experimented on animals so that they resemble, speak, and behave as humans. And worse, one of the creatures has turned violent and is killing the island's inhabitants. Torn between horror and scientific curiosity, Juliet knows she must end her father's dangerous experiments and escape her jungle prison before it's too late. Yet as the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father's genius—and madness—in her own blood.

Inspired by H. G. Wells's classic The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Madman's Daughter is a dark and breathless Gothic thriller about the secrets we'll do anything to know and the truths we'll go to any lengths to protect

Expected publication: January 29th, 2013

We'd love to see your picks so feel free to link them up in comments.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 40:

  1. The Madman's daughter sounds great, I'd love to get it as well.

    Hope you get both books soon!
    My WW

  2. These are both amazing picks. I can't wait for Madman's Daughter and Life After Theft sounds good too.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  3. Oh great picks once again ladies! I originally thought that the Madman's Daughter wouldn't be for me, but after so many promising reviews, I'm so tempted to give it a try and I'll be adding Life After Theft to my tbr pile too! :)

  4. I've read The Madman' s Daughter it's amazing. Liar After Theft sounds cute. I'll be adding that one to the Tbr.

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW and sharing.

  5. Tanja, if you like horror, you should love The Madman's Daughter. Very creepy!

  6. They are both picks for me. The first one I recently heard about and I'm pretty excited about it too. It's a different concept than what I'm used to with ghosts and a thief.

  7. I have seen Life After Theft around.

    New GFC follower!

    Here's my pick -

  8. wow you guys have got some amazing picks! I can't wait for Life After Theft! it looks amazing and The madman's daughter also sounds fabulous!

    greta picks!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. Oooo both great picks you guys! I still need to read something by Aprilynne Pike, I've heard great things about her:) I just finished The Madman's Daughter and LOVED it, can't wait for your thoughts on it Tanja!

    1. Now I really can't wait :) Thanks! Now I'll read it asap :)

  10. Life After Theft sounds really good, Glass. I did enjoy Pike's Fairy series (I still need to read the last one) so I'm hoping to like this one as well.

    The Madman's Daughter sounds creepy and good Tanja.

    Great choices ladies. :)

  11. I've been seeing so much of The Madman's Daughter all around :) I might have to give this a try!

    Thanks for stopping by My WW!


  12. I have heard a lot about Madman's daughter, Hope you get to read it soon!
    <3 Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  13. I've read a couple of reviews of The Madman's Daughter. It looks good! I hope you like it too!

    Check out my WoW

    Happy reading!

  14. I'm really looking forward to the Madman's Daughter. It sounds so amazing!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  15. Great choice, I have read the madmans daughter and I really liked it.

    my WOW and international giveaway

  16. Both great Harper books! I have an ARC of The Madman's Daughter I plan on reading very, very soon. Great picks! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  17. I just finished reading Madman's Daughter. It was really good. I hope you like it.

    And I'm also waiting for Life After Theft. Great picks. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    ~Danica Page
    Taking it One Page at a Time

  18. Administrator je uklonio komentar.

  19. I reviewed The Madman's Daughter today! I liked it, but not as much as I'd hoped I would. The love triangle ruined it a bit for me.

    Ja ću ti je rado proslijediti ako hoćeš, imam digitalnu verziju, samo mi pošalji adresu. :)

    1. Oh I'll check your review right now! :)

      Saljem ti mail ;)

  20. I'm excited about Madman's Daughter too! It got great reviews so far :) I hadn't heard of Pike's book before. I recently bought her book Wings secondhand though so if I like that one I'll definitely keep an eye out for Life After Theft.
    Thanks for stopping by yesterday :)

    1. Now I have Madman's Daughter but no time to read :// Thanks :)
