
18. ruj 2012.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Bookish People I Want To Meet

Hi people! It's time for another Top Ten Tuesday, which is you know a meme created by Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday we pick ten things for certain task. This week my task is to pick ten bookish people I want to meet.

0.  There is more than ten bloggers who I'd like to meet and I cannot leave anyone behind, basically I'd like to meet all of you. So I decided to pick authors instead. Only there are three girls that are higher than first place. My BFFs Glass, Zrinka and Zemira. I love them.

Now top ten authors

1. Carlos Ruiz Zafon. What can I tell you. I worship this man.

2. Melina Marchetta. How my friend Zemira would say the Queen of contemps.

3. Richelle Mead. Do I really have to talk about this woman?

4. Jennifer L. Armentrout. Aiden! I don't need more, but she also created Daemon! She is also very nice and friendly to her readers, which I always appreciate.

5. Maggie Stiefvater. Someone who has such poetic writing style must be an interesting person.

I though about avoiding classic authors but I can't.

6. Edgar Allan Poe. I've heard a lot about his life but for me he was fascinating.

7. Jane Austen. I'd love to drink a cup of tea with her.

8. J.K. Rowling. Yes, she might not be old enough to be considered classic, but let's face it Harry Potter will live forever.

9. J.M. Barrie. So I could personally thank him for Peter Pan.

10. Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen. Without you my childhood wouldn't be complete.

I'd love to see your picks, so please share them with. Leave the link in comments.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. Awesome list with awesome authors! And it seems to me the way I worship Neil Gaiman, you worship Zafon :) so yeah, he as #1 - not a surprise :D

  2. It looks like! :) But that's good because Zafon's books I'll read now and when I'm 80 and I'll love them regardless! :D

  3. Yeah, the same is for me & Gaiman's books :) I can never get enough, and although I've read only The Prince of Mist so far, Zafon has that unique storytelling, too :) so yeah, he'll probably become one of my fav authors, too :)

  4. Oh just wait until you read The Shadow of the Wind, cause that book blow my mind! :) I read few Gaimen's books but and I like them, especially Stardust that's my fave! :) Probably Gaimen will become mine one day too! :)

  5. I know :D I'll save the best for last :D

    If I have to choose, Stardust is my most fav, too, but only because it was my first taste of Gaiman, long before the movie was made, and the one I've re-read the most times :)

    The rest of the list would be like this:
    The Graveyard Book (you must read this if you haven't)
    Anansi Boys
    Odd and the Frost Giants
    American Gods
    Good Omens

    I still need to read his Sandman graphic novels.

    Also, have you tried Neal Shusterman? You have to read his Skinjacker trilogy, unique writing style & so brilliant & imaginative world :) I think you'd love it!

  6. Grimm Brothers! Yay! And J.K. Rowling too! :D I've only read Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta and it's really one of the best comtemporary YA I've read. They say Jellicoe Road is awesome.

  7. Good plan Aleksandra! :) I've read American Gods an d The Graveyard Book, but still Stardust was my first so the one I love the most! No I haven't heard of him. I'll check it out in the library! Thanks! :)

    Tin - Jellicoe Road is an amazing book! :)

  8. That's an awesome list! I'd love to meet JLA, especially if Pepe is there!!
    Here's my Top Ten.

  9. Great list! I love how you put authors that have passed; meeting Poe would just be epic! And I've met Maggie Stiefvater--she's very cool! Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  10. Great List!! Edgar Allen Poe would be a cool person to meet, I didn't even think of him... think if you had a lunch with him and Stephen King... creepy!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT, I followed you back :)

  11. Yes Poe is fantastic! :) LOL that lunch would be epic! :)

    Thank you all for stopping by! :)

  12. Great picks! I can't believe I forgot to add Jennifer Armentrout to my list! I'm in love with her Luxe series... or maybe just Daemon Black ;)
    Marchetta is hands-down the queen of contemps but have you read her fantasy series? It's also mind-blowingly amazing!

  13. There are some really awesome people on this list. I'd love to meet Poe in particular.

  14. Completely agree with Jennifer AND Maggie. I'd love to chat writing style with Maggie and I think Jennifer would be so fun to hang out with...she's just so nice!

  15. Wonderful list! You mentioned some authors I'd love to meet, including Jane Austen and Maggie Stiefvater. :) Thanks for visiting mine today!

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  16. I'll read Marchetta's fantasy series soon! :) But I heard only good things about it! :)

    Thank you all for stopping by! :)

  17. Long Live Harry Potter!!! Ha, asyou can see I totally agree :)

  18. You just made me cry! :*
    Amazing list! It looks like you read my mind. ;)
