
23. kol 2015.

The Sunday Post (#52)

Hello all. Well, as some of you know Sundays are always reserved for Sunday Post which is a meme created by lovely Kim @Caffeinated Book Reviews!

Back on track! Hello all. It's been great to back with updates. This past week we tried to catch as much as we could with updates from your. You've been really busy and hardworking. It's amazing to see your posts again. 
Like we said, we're taking small steps now after what it seemed like a burnout for both of us. So we'll post only few posts a week. We still haven't figured it all out yet, so just go with the flow. :) In the meantime let's see what we did post this last week and what you can expect in the week to come. 

  • Daughter of Dusk by Livia Blackburn 
  • The Darkest Part of Forest by Holly Black 
  • Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn 
We won't post our haul, as we lost track of that one. It'll be back next week, worry not ;) 

Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 12:

  1. Glad you are both slowly coming back, it is good to see you!

  2. It's a good idea to take things slow! Nice to have you both back around though!

  3. Going with the flow works well enough for me, I'm just happy to have you guys back on the blogosphere. Post as and when you can and just relax. Love ya two!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  4. Don't worry about it, guys! I totally approve of taking it nice and slow ;) Pushing it would be so bad for your mojo! :D I can't wait to read your take on Daughter of Dusk! I was one of the people who beta-read it! I haven't read the final yet though but I'm curious to know how much it improved since I read an early draft of it!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  5. Yay, glad your back girls. It's been a little lonely around the blogspohere without you. We should do another buddy read together soon ladies. I've missed that too. :)

  6. I'm so glad you ladies are back! I love your blog and it has been wonderful to see your comments over at Second Run Reviews.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  7. Welcome back! And happy Sunday. :)

  8. I think a slow ease back in is a wonderful idea, and I am excited about some of your reviews this week! Have a lovely week my friends!

  9. I had to set up a pile in one place in my house to try to do my weekly haul accurately. :-) Hope you have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

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