
28. kol 2015.

Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn

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Book summary:
When you’ve been kept caged in the dark, it’s impossible to see the forest for the trees. It’s impossible to see anything, really. Not without bars . . .
Andrew Winston Winters is at war with himself.
He’s part Win, the lonely teenager exiled to a remote Vermont boarding school in the wake of a family tragedy. The guy who shuts all his classmates out, no matter the cost.
He’s part Drew, the angry young boy with violent impulses that control him. The boy who spent a fateful, long-ago summer with his brother and teenage cousins, only to endure a secret so monstrous it led three children to do the unthinkable.
Over the course of one night, while stuck at a party deep in the New England woods, Andrew battles both the pain of his past and the isolation of his present.
Before the sun rises, he’ll either surrender his sanity to the wild darkness inside his mind or make peace with the most elemental of truths—that choosing to live can mean so much more than not dying.
         I always had a weak spot for unreliable narrators and shocking reveals so it wasn't strange that this book got under my skin. I like being surprised and even though at moments Charm & Strange went off to places I might wanted to avoid still it gave me what I was looking for.

         Meet Win, a boy with a strange idea. Well, he believes that he may be a wolf. Just by that you might realize that this book will go somewhere between realistic and fantasy, depending how you want to see it. He tells his story from two aspects. One is Before which is actually the main part of the book and the other After, which actually reveals things for you. You get lost at the start and even though it all seems like just a story or rather imagination afterwards it gets realistic and it really shocks you. This books is much more than you expect after first few pages.

       This story is different in many ways. It tells about something I was never close to and still I felt every emotion that this book gave off. You will notice that I'm very wage about everything so don't blame me. If it get you curious and you go and read the book then my job is done. Telling you everything would just ruin the experience.

       Don't do research and read much about. Just read it. There are some things that you need to experience alone and in your own way.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 5:

  1. This does sound somewhat strange but I'm glad that you ended up liking it overall.

  2. Oh, man. This story gutted me, Tanja. It ripped my heart apart and gave it a newfound life. This story was so incredibly layered and complexed, I had thought it was actually a paranormal at first, and then BOOM, shit was revealed and my mind was blown away and my heart was shattered to pieces. Do check out her other works - they are all so equally mind-blowing. (ESPECIALLY COMPLICIT!!! OMG!!!)

    Faye at The Social Potato

  3. Creepy and strange sounds great for this one....

  4. I've heard nothing but amazing things about this author, Tanja! I need to try her books. I love unreliable narrators too because you wind up with all sorts of interesting stories. And of course the suspense. I'm glad to hear this was a success for you.
    I'll have to bump up this author on my TBR!
    Great review! :)

  5. When you say one must just go and read the book, one must just go and read the book. But wait, the character is named Win? That's a win-win situation. *excuses self from the miserable attempt at that lame joke* Anyway, this book does sound interesting, and I'll definitely check it out when I get the chance. Great review, girl!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
