
24. velj 2015.

#CoverLust: Bitting Cold by Chloe Neill

Welcome to #CoverLust - where we talk about all those books we picked up because of the beautiful covers. 
 All of us did this at least once so far. Sometimes we end up loving the book and other times... we blame it on  how pretty it looked. 

Chicagoland Vampires, along with Fever series by Karen Marie Moning, is one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Forget about book boyfriends - 
I am in love with Merit.
That girl is all kinds of amazing! 

So, what do you think?

Broj komentara: 5:

  1. Ah yes, cover lust. Neill does have some amazing covers, thankfully her stories usually live up to them. ;)

  2. This series does have pretty covers. Side by side they tell a story

  3. It does look pretty! :D And it's cute how the title of the book and the color palette of the color matches... you really feel the coldness jumping at you from the blue all over it.

    Faye at The Social Potato

  4. Oh gosh, I read the first book three years ago and havent' had the chance to go on with the series. Another UF series to catch up on.

  5. thank for sharing information in the website,i'm very like after reading
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