
3. velj 2015.

(ARC Review) Collide by Melissa West

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Book summary:
Military legacy Ari Alexander has survived alien spies, WWIV, and a changing world order. But when the new leader of Earth uses Jackson—the only boy she's ever let herself care about—to get to her, Ari has no choice but to surrender. 
To free Jackson, she agrees to travel to the national bases to train others to fight. What she discovers is a land riddled with dying people. Ari has the power to heal by turning the fighters into aliens—half-breeds like her. If she succeeds, together, they have a chance at overthrowing the alien leader, Zeus. But if she fails, everyone she holds dear will be wiped away forever.
Once again, everything Ari’s come to believe is thrown into question. In a world of uncertainty, loyalties are tested, lies are uncovered, and no one can be trusted. If Ari and Jackson have any hope at survival and at preserving a life for the future, they must fight the final war with their eyes wide open. 
         It was 2012  when I first saw the Gravity cover and fell for this series. It was the same year when my journey with this series started. Since then I got to see different worlds, planets and characters. Now, three years later it has come to an end.

         What started then as promising start of a new series, continued in Hover and while it took some time for me to get to the war part, here we are. After all ups and down and traveling across the universe, we're in for the final battle. Ari and Jackson feel that the attack is close and knowing Zeus it'll be all but predictable. They must find the way and inner strength to save the planet and find a way to start again.

          While Collide was certainly a great closing to this series, it wasn't without flaws this time. But first good parts, besides war that I've been eagerly waiting for I strongly believe that West has amazing ability to create swoon worthy characters. Beside Ari with whom I had great connection I must say that her moments with Jackson made me swoon so much. It was so sweet and innocent that I was all fluffy. I loved whenever the two of them were together, even for a short time.

        Speaking of flaws there is one, and it's that first part of this book was a little too slow for me. It was all building up to the great battle, but at the same time prolonging it all the time. I really am patient person, but sometimes I just had to say get to it already.

        Second thing that I wanted to put as flaw actually already being fixed. I still want to know how did the first attack happen, which is not revealed here to the detail. But fear not, Surge, the prequel to this series will probably fix that for all of us. I know that I will be waiting eagerly.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,
*NOTE: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Entangled Teen! Thank you!

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. I admit this series does have amazing covers! I am so glad you are enjoying it. I thought it would be too sci fi for me but now I am second guessing that.

  2. Your review reminds me that this is yet another series I must play catch-up with. I am SO behind, Tanja!

    I am so glad to see you enjoyed this book and thought it was a great way to end the series. I know it's been a while since I read the first book but hey... :P

    Lovely review, hon <3

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  3. Ah I have a problem with space stories and all so I confess that I'm not sure it's for me.

  4. I'm glad that this series is still going strong for you Tanja, I only read the first book, but did love Jackson as much as you did. Lovely review!

  5. I loved this series, but I was slightly disappointed with the way things ended. I thought the book was a bit too fast paced and I wanted the battle to be a bit more epic. Overall though I was pretty satisfied with it.
    Great review, Tanja!

  6. I enjoyed the first book, was not impressed with the second book, so much so that I gave up on the series. I think I am good with my decision to skip this one. Too many flaws for my taste.

  7. That is one gorgeous cover and sounds like inside is good as well

  8. Oh, I remember the time when Gravity came out as well and how impressed I was with the cover. It seems like only yesterday that it happened, and the series has alreay come to an end. Time flies! Anyway, I've not read this series as it's not something I would opt for, but I'm glad you liked it so much. I hope the prequel answers all your questions. Great review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts
