
7. srp 2014.

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

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Book summary:
Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. 
Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. 
Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after...
         I was really torn after reading this book and I will never stop blaming myself for reading this book during the times I was under so much stress. It reflected on my reading and feelings for this book, but giving this book anything less than 3.5 stars would be like putting a dagger through my heart.

        The Dream Thieves continues in the fashion of The Raven Boys. It still possesses that amazing world-building and that already well-known writing that I cannot stop loving it seems. It also possesses boys (yes, boys as in plural) which still continue to entertain and it still has Blue, the girl I adore. After their discovery of ley lines they are even more bound. They have plans and things to do and while they still work together on this, it's evident that each one of them has other problems they have to deal with. Ronan, most of all. Gansey's obsession is continuing to grow and Blue still has that puzzle to solve. While Adam is Adam you feel for.

        This book is everything I could ask for. Nicely written as in Maggie doesn't disappoint. Still amazing characters and their even better development. More mystery which puts pieces of the puzzle in place. Still only pieces, we have a whole bunch of them we have to put together. Which will have to wait till Blue Lily, Lily Blue. The best of all this book possesses magic, the best kind. One that is like a dream, you know it's fiction but damn, it feels real.

         But in all that I was an idiot and I shall never forgive myself this. I picked this book when I was in the mood that you should not be while reading this book. Stress was running through my veins and it reflected on my mood. So I struggled a lot at the start of this book. I couldn't read more than a chapter a day and it took me too long to finally get into the story. I did, eventually, and enjoyed the last part of the book, but still it wasn't what this book deserves. So in October I'll be ready!

Rating: 3.5 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 30:

  1. Don't feel bad, hun! You can always re-read this at another time. And it might make you feel better to know that I had major issues with this book, and I don't blame it on the mood I was in while reading. I found it really slow and was disappointed. But, I have high hopes that book #3 is A LOT better ;)

    Mands @ The Bookish Manicurist

  2. I'm always disappointed when I let my mood affect my reading experience. Maybe you'll be able to come back to The Dream Thieves later and love it.
    Thanks for the review, Tanja!

    1. I really hope that the same won't happen with the next book. Thanks, Andrea :)

  3. I definitely agree that you need to be in the mood for a slow, languid pace when you pick up Stiefvater's novels and more so with this installment. I looooved The Dream Thieves, but then again I adore these type of paced-out series. I know a lot of my friends--and other readers--struggled with it, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Still, hope you have better luck with the next book in this cycle, Tanja!

    1. You really have to. But for some weird reasons I have problems with Stiefvater lately. Something is wrong with the universe! Thanks, Keertana :)

  4. You do have to be in the right frame of mind sometimes to start certain reads. Sorry this didn't work for you when you picked it up. I am so excited for book three it isn't even funny. I hope you will enjoy it more.

  5. Great to hear that this book was a great continuation of the first, sounds like the sequel was even better! I can't wait to read this series, will have to put some time aside for it.

  6. I should try this author, I heard great things about this series. I confess that I tried 2 books by her and they were nice but I could try more. I hope the next one will be great!

    1. I really hope you'll give them a try! Thanks, Melliane :)

  7. oh, how i love this series! its unforgiving you've read this is such an emotional state because in my opinion it was better then the first one (if such a think is possible) :)

    Boyanna @The Bookmaidens

  8. I really need to get my Maggie Stiefvator pants on and she is definitely taking the YA Market by storm. I haven't read The Raven Boys yet, but I definitely will next month or so. Everyone is loving it and I want to be in the know! Plus, the magic system is highly intriguing me... I really am curious what makes it so special.

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. I think you should get one pair soon :)) Thanks, Faye :)

  9. I completely know how you feel with this one Tanja! There are certain books you really have to be in the right mood for, and if you're just not, they fall a little flat even when you're hoping they'll do anything but. I'm glad you were able to settle into the story eventually and that you're still looking forward to Blue, Lily, Lily, Blue!

  10. Aw, sorry you were so stressed when you read this. Sometimes I wonder how much impact my mood had on my opinion of a book. I really loved this one and absolutely cannot wait for the next installment!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. It impacts your reading a lot. I mean at least it does for me. Thanks, Jen :)

  11. I know what you mean, Tanja. Stress does affect my reading and if I enjoy a book or not, so it's understandable. I've heard good things about this series, and I still have yet to read it, but once I finish the Wolves of Mercy Fall series, I'll read this one too.
    Great review! :)

    1. I really hope you'll enjoy both of the series :) Thanks, Nick :)

  12. The world building along with the great writing really makes me want to add to list. But I have def been there when I am in the wrong mood or state of mind for a book I should love.

  13. I've tried to get into the first book a few times, but I can't get used to the writing style. I'm still thinking that I'll try to pick it up again, though! The mystery sounds interesting and so do the boys ;)

    We've all been in the place where we read a book while not in the best mood to read it. Don't worry about it at all! Great review :)

    1. It's all that and I really hope you'll give it another chance though. Thanks, Montana :)

  14. I have these books on my shelf, I just need to read them! I hate reading books I'm really excited about when I'm in a slump, I'm always afraid my slump affects my enjoyability.

  15. Oh, I have The Raven Boys lying on my shlef since ages and I loved Maggie's Wolves of Mercy Falls, so I'm looking forward to it. I can totally understand you though. What you're going through affects your reading. It happens with me as well and I end up taking an entire month to read a book. Anyway, I hope the next book works greatly for you, girl. Cheers and lovely review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  16. I've had the same thing happen to me before, too, Tanja. Picking up a book when you're stressed out or not in the mood for the particular genre can really affect your enjoyment. I loved this intricate story. All the layers! It had a lot of quirky humor, too. I plan on listening to the audio book before I pick up Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I hope we both love it. Great review! :)
