
12. srp 2014.

Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars

Hello all. This is something new @Ja čitam, a ti? Basically, we've decided to review movies from time to time. You can expect us to review movies that have first been books. We can discuss them and give final verdicts: movie vs book. 

The Movie. Fear. It's the first feeling I experience after I see an announcement that one of the books I have read is going to be adopted for the screen. You already own one version of the movie, the one you created yourself, but what if the one you see is not near it. Joy. This feeling comes second. Joy that many will hear and hopefully read the book later on.
Same happened with this movie, but then we got to see first trailers and suddenly I knew that this would be good.
We can start from the cast: Both Shailene and Ansel did a great job in this movie. Ansel really captured and brought on screen Gus' humor, while Shailene did a great job with bringing Hazel's wit and temper on screen. But not just them, one of my favorite characters from the book was Isaac and Nat did a great job with his character.
The plot: It stayed true to the book and I expected nothing else with John Green being presented during the filming (all authors should do this). Of course they couldn't put everything in the movie, but they kept the best scenes and made the story coherent. Not a single scene felt odd or/and unnecessary.
Emotions: Don't get me start on that, but more about it in the next paragraph.

The Audience. I think that the best way to illustrate the movie is through the audience in the cinema and firsthand from my friends who were there with me. I shall tell you that I kinda of persuade them so we went to see the movie, but the catch is that they knew nothing about it. Not a single thing! So yes, it was quite a shock for them but it seems for others in the cinema, too. Throughout the whole movie you could hear cries and sobs, and afterwards group laughs at funny moments while we still haven't recovered from the cries.
But the thing that surprised me the most is that probably I was the worst there. I knew what was going to happen and what to expect but I couldn't hold my tears. It tells you a lot about the movie.
Needless to say, you should maybe think about not telling, or better said preparing your friends for the movie, as mine threaten to kill me, well...I stopped counting how many times.

Movie vs. Book. Well even though this movie was really good and I really enjoyed it, you can expect me to pick book over movie any day. It's how it is. But, when you finish reading the book, go and enjoy the movie. You won't regret it!

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 36:

  1. YES I am so glad you ended up really enjoying the movie Tanja, it was brilliant and when the whole cinema is in tears you know it touched everyone else around you. Seeing it in the cinema was such a moving experience.

  2. I almost went and saw this today but saw something else instead. I didn't want to subject my husband to all the crying I just knew would take place. :P

    I always prefer books over movies but it is super nice to see a movie get it right once in a while.

  3. Great review. I really loved this movie too; I think they did a wonderful job adapting the book and I highly enjoyed the cast - Nat was awesome (he's going to be Q in the Paper Towns movie. Yay!!)


    1. Really? That's so amazing and I cannot wait. Thanks, Lauren :)

  4. Oh Tanja, I wished I had the same movie--or even book--experience. There's just something about The Fault in our Stars that don't quite get me. I know I'm in the minority here and I kind of loathe myself because I'm not part of the bandwagon. Anyway, I have to admit that Ansel as Gus was really charming and he personified Gus to a tee for me.

  5. Hey, it's funny you're talking about the movie because I just finished the book! Loved it! Oh okay, a lot of people tell me the movie is better but I think I'll have the same opinion as you when I'll see it. In books, there are ALWAYS more descriptions and characterization. So glad you enjoyed the movie though and nice post! :D

    Lola@Seeing Night Reviews

  6. One day I'll have to try the book or the movie in fact to see how it is because everyone is speaking about it and I'm the onlu one who don't know a thing about it.

  7. I'm glad that you enjoyed this movie, Tanja! I am so happy that they got all the main quotes into the movie--I couldn't help but tearing up.

    Lovely review, Tanja! <33

  8. I agree completely, Tanja. I really enjoyed the movie and it was completely an emotional roller coaster, but the book is obviously still better. Wonderful review!

  9. I've yet to watch this movie BECAUSE I AM SO SCARED, DAMNIT. I know what's going to happen. And I know it will hurt. It hurt the first time and I don't ever want to go through that experience ever again. Oh, dear Augustus. ;( But wonderful review, dear! This movie will certainly be more powerful to those who haven't read it, because the twist will certainly hit them hard and they won't ever see it coming!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Yes that for sure, but you go and get it! :) It's not a shame to cry, trust me everyone will :D

  10. The movie just released last week here in India and Janhvi and I caught a show ASAP since it probably won't stay for long. And guess what? We loved it!

    Well, let me first congratulate you on the movie reivew feature you ladies have decided to start. I for sure will be looking forward to it. I absolutely agree with the feeling you feel when a book to moview adaptation is announced, only mine is the opposite- first joy, then absolutely fear.

    Anyway, like you, I thought that the actors took thier characters really seriously and got fully into them. Also, Isaac is my favourite too (*hight five*) and the actor who portrayed him was great. I even loved the respective parents and Houten and his assistant.

    I thought the movie was lovely and the playlits was so nice. I'm so glad you loved the movie just as much as I did and this time, I'm actually confused between book or movie. I felt more emotional with the movie since it was all happening out there, right in front of my eyes. But at the same time, the book was one brilliant piece.

    Lovely post, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I'm so happy to hear that dear!!! :) Thanks dear, and we'll try to do it often. *high fives* Yeah it does, but somehow I feel closer to the book! :) Thank you, Sarika :)

  11. I cried a little just reading your review cause I was remembering the emotions I felt when watching the movie. It really was just pretty stinking perfect! I'm glad you felt the same way!
    I went with a group of readers so of course it seemed like everyone was picking it apart. It might have almost been more enjoyable with people who didn't know what was coming. I think it would be interesting to watch their reactions.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that, Candace :) It really was :D

  12. I haven't read this book, although a signed copy sits on my shelf. I'm too chicken to pick it up. I lost my mom to cancer and so I always struggle with it as an issue in the fiction I read. It's too painful. I do hear the story is so wonderful so maybe someday. I'd probably watch the movie before reading the book so I'm happy to hear the adaptation met your approval, Tanja! Wonderful movie review! I always love hearing how the two compare. :)

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, hon :( But I really hope that one day you'll give this book a try. Thank you, Rachel :)

  13. I've never read TFiOS, and really don't plan to, but I know I'm the minority. It's so nice that you enjoyed the movie so much! Thanks for the review!

    1. Thanks and hope that one day you'll change your mind :)

  14. I love the point you made about the audience because it's so true. Seeing reactions from people that haven't read the book or knew about the movie was definitely an interesting experience but it was amazing how it affected almost everyone.

  15. So glad you enjoyed this movie! I thought they did a wonderful job with the adaptation! It gave me all the feels... I bawled my eyes out. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  16. Yay! I'm so glad that it was a good adaptation! I haven't read the book yet (and refuse to see the movie until I read the book) but I'm looking forward to it. I read a bit in the bookstore when I bought it and loved it. Hoping to get to it next month actually.

    1. I'm so happy you'll first read the book ;) I cannot wait to see what you think :)

  17. Haha I think my friends would have killed me if I didn't tell them they would be sobbing beforehand (but they still probably wanted to kill me for taking them to such an emotional movie). I'm glad you enjoyed the movie and don't worry I sobbed my face off too. :-) Lovely review! I agree, I always take the book over the movie any day!

    1. I'm still banned from picking any movies to watch, and I'm afraid I have lost that privilege forever xD Thank you, Lauren ;)

  18. I also watched the movie and cried my eyes out, it was perfect. The book is one of my favorites so I was glad how it turned out. I cant wait for paper towns and Looking for Alaska, I have to read them this summer. Glad you enjoyed it too :)

  19. I think it's brilliant that John Green was involved with the making of the movie. Which means the movie probably does do the book justice. I love Shailene as an actress, but I really can't stand Ansel, so I hope he doesn't ruin it for me! I can't wait to see it!
