
28. srp 2014.

ARC Review: The Moment Collector by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Publication Date: August 7th 2014

Book summary:
A haunting mystery, romance in the vein of The Lovely Bones by New York Times bestselling author.
"The yard of this house is a graveyard of moments and everything left behind is a clue. And I am here to dig."
There's a ghost haunting 208 Water Street. She doesn't know who she was, or why she's still here. She does know that she is drawn to Maggie, the new girl in town, and her friends - beautiful, carefree Pauline and Liam, the boy who loves her.
But the ghost isn't all that's lurking in Gill Creek... Someone is killing young girls all across the county. Can the ghost keep these three friends safe? Or does she have another purpose?
             Before I start sorting out my feelings for this book I might first tell you that the blurb (the one you see here or the one for The Vanishing Season - the same book just different title) are misleading. Yes this book has ghosts, mystery and serial killer, but this book is not only about that. Instead the focus of this book is on Maggie, her moving to different town and trying to fit it, meeting Pauline and Liam and the dynamic in relationships between them.

            Like I said, Maggie our main character moves into a small down, due to financial issues her family is faced with. Grill Creek is a small, everyone-know-everyone town so when murders of young girls start it causes confusion and panic among the citizens. It creates fear, one you can feel while turning the pages of this book, but at the same time you can see that Maggie won't be burden by it. The story turn into a tale about friendship and growing up and trying to belong.

           If I'm to describe Ms. Anderson's writing I'd say it hits all the right notes and created the symphony my ears what to hear. It's something I rarely experience but when I do I cherish it. Not only writing but characters are built so that they are real, Maggie was me and I was Maggie so many times. Both Pauline and Liam were there, and while I do not approve of some of their actions they were believable and something, when you think about it, you could expect. Then there is that ending, the one that I didn't see coming and the one that shook me to the core.

           While reading and reviewing mostly, I come to realize that the degree of feelings you have for a book depends on how far you're ready to go to understand the story. How willing are you to think it through. Somehow I could find explanation for each and every decision in this book and that is also why not everyone will love this book as much as I did.

Rating: 5 stars. 

Until the next time,
*Note: Copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Hachette, via NetGalley. Thank you!

Broj komentara: 36:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Tanja! It just didn't work for me--the love triangle, the slow story-telling, the ghostly narration--but I really am thrilled other readers found this to be far better than I did.

    1. Yeah I know and I was really sad to hear that. Thanks, Keertana :)

  2. I really wanted this to be a good one so I am super happy to see that 5 star rating Tanja!

  3. So it's more about the characters and personal journey? Sooo glad that the writing was for you! HAve you read Tiger Lily? I dont't remember. I think you have. Hmmm.. Ooooh! A surprise ending? Whoa! That's awesome! Oh gosh! Your last paragraph is 100% true, Tanja. I'm so happy that this worked for you :)

    1. Oh, yes I have. I love every-single page of that one. Thanks, Siiri :)

  4. Oh, when the story takes a different turn from the blurb, it can either be mind-blowing or a complete disaster. I, for one, love such type of books. So this sounds really interesting and plus you've given it five stars- what more do I need? That's convincing enough. Great reviww, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I don't read them that often so it's always a surprise for me. Thanks, Sarika :)

  5. Intriguing review, that book interests me, thanks for sharing :)

  6. I have heard so many mixed things about this author. I have Tiger Lily, and it's pretty much universally loved. I got spoiled for The Vanishing Season, and I have absolutely no desire to read that book or any book like that . . . this one . . . I'm not writing off, but I still think I'm going to go ahead and read Tiger Lily first . . . Great review, Tanja! I'm definitely intrigued ;)

    1. Yeah it's that thing at the end that really blow my mind so I guess if that's what you got spoiled for then too bad. But yeah Tiger Lily is a must. Thank you :)

  7. wow 5 stars? It's impressive. I saw this one arounf but the reviews didn't mark me but it's nice to see you had a great time with it. great review!

    1. I know that many won't enjoy this one. But yeah I did. Thanks, Melliane :)

  8. I've heard some great things about Anderson's writing and the way you described it in this book makes me want to read something by her asap. I'm glad to hear that you loved this one. I typically enjoy books with mystery elements and I think I would like this one.
    Lovely review, Tanja!

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks, Nick :)

  9. Great to hear about the melodic writing and how the story seems to speak to you

  10. I very rarely review a book immediately after I finish it for the very reasons you listed in your conclusion. I think that it's important to let things stew for a while before rating a novel. I'm looking forward to discovering Anderson's writing style for myself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Yes, I rarely review books immediately too :) I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Carmel :)

  11. This sounds like it was a perfect read for you,Tanja! I love the fact that you had to ponder it out and the writing kind of swept you away. Sometimes, the ones that do that are really the best! Lovely review :)

  12. I adore beautiful writing so I want to read this, but I have read so many negative reviews for this one that I am just not sure. I will think on it and maybe read it when I am out of this depression/ slump I have been in.

    1. I think you should try with Tiger Lily first :) Thanks, Heidi :)

  13. I'm so glad you found an author perfectly suited to your liking. That's rare but always awesome. Thanks for the review, Tanja!

  14. Huh, yeah, it sounds like the blurb might be a bit misleading. BUT, it still sounds really interesting.

  15. I am glad you shared the other dimension for this story. I like that it is more than the blurb leads you to believe.

  16. Sounds really great Tanja! I love when characters are so realistic that you feel a connection with them. And a great writing style is always a plus. This author/book are totally knew to me, thanks for the great review!

    1. I really hope you'll meet this author one day :) Thanks, Berls :)

  17. Again, another book with 5 stars! My, you must be picking up all the right choices lately :D I have to say, the cover was what attracted me to check this out most of all. It looks so interesting. At first I thought it would be told from the point of view of the ghost, but I guess not. I think Maggie sounds endearing. Can't wait to try this one out.

    1. It seems like it :)) It is, at least some parts. But it's not strictly about the ghost. Thanks :)

  18. Wow 5 stars, sounds like it had some great character development for Maggie and some interesting elements with the ghosts and mystery.

  19. I seriously do not know why I haven't finished this book yet! I started it but then I got distracted and busy and I just really need to finish it because this is one of my favorite authors! Great review.
