
26. lip 2014.

I Have Nothing To Read...

      Every girl (and a few guys) at least once in their lives found themselves in this situation - you need to get ready for the night out. You open your closet, barely surviving the process because T-shirts, pants, skirts and various other items have decided to attack you by falling out  - or there simply isn't enough space for all your things. You put your hands on your hips, take a deep, desperate breath and say: "I have nothing to wear!"

      Now, what does this have in common with the bookworms? Only difference is that bookworms are getting read for the cozy night chilling in their favorite reading space (if they are feeling adventurous, they might even go outside to read) and instead of clothes, they are looking for that perfect book. But choosing a perfect book can be a tricky business.

      Having fifty paperbacks on your (nearest) bookshelf and over 200 books on your Kindle can make your head hurt like crazy. Or you will simply take a deep breath,  sigh dramatically and whisper: "F**k my life, I have nothing to read!", because in that moment nothing appeals to your current mood.  

Help your fellow bookworms and tell us what is your cure for this serious bookish illness.


Until next time,

Broj komentara: 14:

  1. I am currently reading Rites of Passage by Joy Hensely and I am loving it! Not your typical YA read and it is lovely because of it.

  2. Hey Glass, I was facing the same issue not long ago. I totally agree with what you mean by picking out Perfect book. It could be tricky as you mentioned. At that time, I try to pick books from the genre that I haven't been reading in a long time or sometimes I try to re-read my favorite books. This will help be get in track again.

  3. Get out of your normal genre and try something new to you - that normally takes me out of my slump
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. On days like these I'll often re-read an old favorite since, chances are, I'm wishing I could find a book similar to a favorite of mine. If that doesn't work, I just give up and snuggle in with a movie. I'm such a mood-based reader that I'll eventually get back into the mood for something soon. :)

  5. Hah, this is so true. Sometimes all the books I have on hand just don't appeal to me. I know some people say read an old favorite...but I'd also suggest just not reading at all. GASP! Sometimes it's nice to just relax and watch TV or do something else for a night, and then maybe something will sound better tomorrow. Or you could do what I do and read magazines- some nights I do that instead of reading a book.

  6. Oh wow, I must admit I've never had this problem but the opposite - I have too many books to read! Great post though, it's definitely a plus to have a selection of books that are very different to each other.

  7. My cure is that I find another book.. one I don't already own. I have a problem. A serious one. I should probably go get help and put a stop to this insanity. :P

    Other times I'll feel so pressured by all the books on my TBR that I'll just need to find something else to read instead. Eh Book worm problems :P

    Fantastic Post, Glass!! :)

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  8. Aww Glass this happens so many times with me too! Hmm from my recent reads I can suggest Come to me Softly by A.L.Jackson and anything by Nalini Singh if you're in the mood for paranormal romance. A change of genre always helps me get over boredom. Hope this helps :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  9. I hate this feeling too Glass, more so now because I'm such a mood reader these days. When I usually find myself in this situation I tend to re-read my favourite books instead. Good luck in finding a book!

  10. The psy-changeling series by Nalini Singh ! Or, for something completely different, Baiting the maid of honor by Tessa Bailey ^^

  11. THIS IS ME EVERY FREAKIN DAY. That's why the TBR jar helps so much. Still, it's so wonderful when you end up reading a book and find out that this was exactly what you needed :)

  12. This has been me recently. I just have so many books on my shelf, I think I'm overwhelmed by the choices. And I don't always know what I feel like reading. I've made a TBR jar to help with this and I've used it about 5 times already this month! It was great because it actually made me re-excited to pick up that particular book and it removed the uncertainty of having to choose.

  13. I have found no cure for my moody reading. I usually just wait it out until I feel like reading anything. Or I sometimes just force myself to read a book by imagining the story within the pages - that way I get excited and want to read a new book.

  14. There is no cure! I have a lot of books on my TBR list. So many different books there for me to try... too many D: I know what you mean about having so many and not having anything. In those moods I need a really great book. I try and find one everyone is always gushing brilliant stuff about, and then well, maybe it's good enough. I suggest you read Gone by Michael Grant :)
