
2. pro 2013.

(Bookish Problems #2) Should I Request That ARC?

      I think that every book blogger share this particular issue - addiction to the obsessive requesting of ARCs.We have it from time to time - especially when there are dozens amazing titles posted in one day. We just have to request them all and later we don't read half (maybe even third) of them. So, we are trying to think hard before we request or download advanced copies.

      Today we would like to ask you for a help. There are few books we are not so sure about. Have you read some of them already? What do you expect? Should we?

Prisoner of the Night and Fog by Anne Blankman

Find book on Goodreads

We have love/hate relationship with YA books about World War Two.
Between the Shades of Gray broke our hearts, that book is one of our all time favorites, but we didn't have much luck with other books about this topic.

What do you think about historical young adult novels? Should we read it?

Death Sworn by Leah Cypess

Find book on Goodreads

High fantasy. It could be tricky. It could be boring. And it could be the best book you ever decided to read. We knew from the start that we'd love Melina Marchetta's Lumatere Chronicles. Because we love everything that woman writes. When it comes to the other fantasy books, well, we never know what to expect.

Did anyone read Death Sworn? Is it something we might like?

Do you have ARCs on your list that you are not so sure about? Requesting too many advanced copies is big problem for you? How many do you read in the end?


Broj komentara: 30:

  1. Believe it or not, I struggle with this each time I see an ARC. Should I bother? Will I like it? Do I have the time to squeeze it in?
    I think all bloggers do this, especially after just reading a fantastic book or after getting burned on one we thought we would love.

    It is never easy!

    1. I believe you.*sighs* My biggest problem is book I receive from author - directly, and when I do not like. I feel like I owe them a good review, but I will never lie and tell that I loved something just because I got it for free.

  2. Unfortunately, I haven't read or even heard of those two books so I can't really tell you what to do, but let me say one thins- if you really want to read them go ahead and request it before it gets too late!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  3. I have both of these on my Kindle though I haven't read them yet. I know exactly what you mean about this dilemma, though, Glass. I often wait to request an ARC because I'm just not sure about it and don't have the time to add it to my growing pile, so it's nice to read a book after those initial reviews have screened it for me. Still, these sounded promising to me, but if I read them anytime soon, I'll let you know what I think. :)

    1. Okay, thanks.
      I am sucker for pretty covers - and we know too well how deceiving they can be.

  4. I have this problem all the time! All the books look so pretty and I just want to read them all and then I have a million and stress myself out haha. I have Death Sworn on my kindle but haven't read it yet, but I have high hopes for it.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Oh, please, let us know if you read it soon. Wed love to read your review.

  5. Love this idea ladies, there are a whole handful of books up on NetGalley and Edelweiss that I really want to request, but I'm nervous because I haven't seen any reviews for them and I've been burned by a pretty cover and fabulous-sounding synopsis before. I have both of these on my list but haven't read them, though I have heard a few good things on Death Sworn. I'm definitely going to request that one!

    1. And another problem - most of the arcs are debuts, so there is no way to make any judgment based on the other books.:(

  6. This is such a problem for me too! I feel your pain. :-) I always have the urge to request, especially if I see a lovely cover, and I hate being disappointed. Unfortunately I haven't read either of these yet, but I'm thinking of reading them too. I'm probably going to read Death Sworn at the very least. Hope you ladies get some good advice on your ARC choices. :-)

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I have week spot for pretty covers too.

  7. I struggle with this all the time, having ended up with so many arcs I dislike. The latest is No One Else Can Have You, so don't bother with that one if you haven't downloaded already.
    I haven't read any of these, unfortunately.

    1. Really? I was looking forward to reading that one.:(( Gah, I'll skip it. Thanks for heads up.

  8. I've not read any of these, but I am seriously bad at this! I know the struggle. I have a problem. I'll see a book and get so excited. I definitely understand. Great post!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. We guessed right - this is book blogger addiction number 1. :DD
      Thank you, Janina.

  9. I definitely read all hard copies sent my way (it take a looooong time, but I do read and review them), but sad to say, I can't say the same for my eARCs. I try my hardest to read and review all, but sometimes they just pile up, and even so... I can't make myself stop requesting!

    Lyra @ Defiantly Deviant

    1. It's hard sometimes to control your request. And often when authors send me a request to review their book it's hard to reject as I know how much it means to them. Thanks Lyra :)

  10. I hear ya. I am in the same boat. I am really really trying to cut back on the ARCS because I am so tired of getting stuck with mediocre reads but I don't want to miss out on a good one. I think I requested the first one because I love WWII books. I am trying to be more selective though in 2014 wish me luck!

    1. Yes and then I don't have time to read all those books that I've been waiting for eagerly. Good luck! :)

  11. I've seen quite a lot of readers reading Prisoner of Night and Fog, and the ratings haven't been too bad either. I am really bad when it comes to requesting books too, I have so many to read, but I quickly succumb to requesting more!

    1. Yeah it seems really interesting. It's some incurable disease! :)

  12. Ooh.. this is hard. I think Prisoner in the Fog could be the trickiest one and although Death Sworn is high fantasy a lot of people enjoyed it and it sounds pretty good. Go with your gut! I hate when I overload my want list for ARCs. It ruins my life sometimes... but I can't help it (;

    1. Go with your gut is probably the best way and often the wrong one xD

  13. I requested waaaay too many arcs when I first began blogging. It is just way to tempting. I have gotten a lot, lot better though!

    1. I'm getting better at it too :) Well better than Glass at least xP Kidding girl, but yeah I manage to control myself :)

  14. It happens as well. But I guess we always wish for the things we cannot have and then when we get them.... We're like kids xD Yeah I'm more like fantasy girl ;)

  15. Both of these sound AMAZING! For fantasy, I don't hesitate much about whether I'll like a high fantasy when it's YA, it's when it's adult I get a little afraid, just because it can get complicated and long.
    I don't really ever request books anymore and just go with what falls in my lap. I get books from Amazon Vine and am careful about what I select. I also have friends from bookstore and local bloggers that give me a lot of new releases (well, I mean ARC's that aren't out for a long while yet) so then I don't really feel much obligation to read them if I don't get to them. And I sometimes accept when an author or publisher requests a review, but not very often. Somehow I'm still always WAY overwhelmed. Somehow.

    1. I think we are the same about this :) Yes it doesn't matter how much you try you always end up overwhelmed :) Thanks Candace.
