
17. lis 2013.

ARC Review: Skulk by Rosie Best

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Book summary: 
When Meg witnesses the dying moments of a shapeshifting fox and is given a beautiful and powerful stone, her life changes forever. She is plunged into the dark world of the Skulk, a group of shapeshifting foxes.
As she learns about the other groups of shapeshifters that lurk around London – the Rabble, the Horde, the Cluster and the Conspiracy – she becomes aware of a deadly threat against all the shapeshifters. They must put aside all their enmity and hostility and fight together to defeat it.
         Now I'm thinking and realizing that we don't have enough shapeshifting books out there, or it's just me not finding them. I have no idea. But when I first saw that this was a book about shapeshifting I needed to read it. Luckily I have got a chance to do so.

         One night after out main character Meg sneaks out to paint graffiti something unusual happens. She sees  a fox, dying fox but in the next moment that fox turns into man. Even though scared she cannot but be surprised and when she is given a beautiful stone she had no idea that power is now transferred to her. Soon enough she discovers her new power and luckily manages to meet a group of shapeshifting foxes or Skulk as they're called. But she also discovers that it's not only foxes that people shapeshift into but that they're other clans that shapeshift into other animals. Actually there is five of them and the relations between them aren't the best to say so, but after the danger is upon to all of them they must unite and fight together.

          Like I said the whole shapeshifting part of this story made it really different. I liked how the author created the whole idea and the way she used different animals. Some of them you might never expect to be presented. Only thing that bothered me a bit was the start. I struggled to connect with Meg at first (I was a bit turned off when I saw that she was 16) but later as the whole story developed I got meet her better and see her grow.

          This book was really original and nicely paced with interesting characters. Also the readers who need a bit of romance in their stories, scare not. You'll get to enjoy the glimpse of it as well. But the focus is on the idea itself.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

***NOTE: A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher Strange Chemistry. Thank you! 
I'm not paid for writing this review - I do it as a lover for written word. All opinions are personal. 

Broj komentara: 37:

  1. You know you are right, I can't even think of the last book I read about a shape shifter.

    1. Yes it's strange, considering it's not something new :)

  2. I hadn't heard of this one before but I like the idea of a shape shifting fox! It sounds great!

  3. Sounds interesting. I don't think I've read many shape-shifting books either. It's a nice idea! Glad you liked this.

    1. It's a great idea and you can play with it :) Thanks :)

  4. I love shapeshifter stories as well, Tanja. Glad to see you found one you liked! Wonderful review! :)

  5. I've stumbled upon more shapeshifters than I can count... in books, of course, but werefoxes are news even to me. That alone makes me want to read this as soon as I get a chance.
    Thanks for sharing your review, my friend.

    1. Well yeah they are kind of popular in UF world. :) Thanks Maja :)

  6. Wow this sounds SO cool! I rarely see foxes and other animals in shapeshifter novels (it's usually wolves or cat like creatures). This sounds like a unique story that I would most likely really enjoy. Thank you for sharing this with me, I hadn't heard of it yet!

    1. You'll be surprised with other animals, trust me! :) Thanks Lauren :)

  7. I haven't heard of this book before, but it sounds great. I agree that there aren't many shape shifter books in YA. I need to look more into this.
    Great review, Tanja!

  8. I always have a tough time with shapeshifter books, I just never seems to enjoy them but this sounds like a good one! I'll have to add it to my TBR. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. I tend to enjoy them mostly :) Maybe you just haven't found the right one and it might be this one ;) Thanks :)

  9. I've not heard of this book before, but I love shape shifting books and the fact that this involves a fox?! That is definitely different :) Great review Tanja!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  10. Whoa, that fox on the cover is amazing. I'm in love with the cover itself. There are a ton of shape shifting books out there but they are usually in the adult paranormal romance genre and now that I think about it, I can't remember many YA books. Skulk looks really unique. Awesome review Tanja! :)

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. Yes I like that symbol too :) This one is more contemporary to me, I mean there is no much paranormal involved. Thanks Janhvi :)

  11. Original with good main characters sound great to me

  12. I don't remember reading any books about shapeshifters... hmm... This one sounds interesting, especially because there are so many different clans involved. A lot of potential for great action!

    1. There is not many out there as far as I know :) Thanks :)

  13. I haven't read a shape-shifter book in quite a while. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Tanja! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  14. Haha, I seem to have the same problem as well. I can never find many shapeshifting books! In fact, I don't even think I've read a book that's centered around shapeshifting alone. Yep, it's that bad. And I have to admit that SKULK didn't really grab my attention at first for some reason. Maybe it was because "shapeshifting foxes" sounded kind of ridiculous -- I mean, what about other animals? Now of course, I realize that there ARE other animals involved in the shapeshifting community. I feel like giving myself a huge facepalm. Silly Meg.

    I'm curious as to why you were turned off because the protagonist (who shares my name -- no!) was sixteen, though? Most of the MCs in YA books these days are around that age. So... just wondering. I'm glad that her overall development was apparent, and that you managed to grow fond of her as the story progressed.

    It's also great that there was a sense of originality! Shapeshifting, while not very common in YA, is definitely not unheard of, so I'm happy that the author was able to put a spin to that in her book. And haha, I'm definitely not one of those readers who absolutely need romance in my books, so it's a relief that it doesn't dominate the whole plot.

    Overall, still not sure if I'll give this a go, but fantastic review all the same, hon!

    1. Yes it's really unusual, considering that shapeshifting is nothing new. I mean even check spell don't recognize the word :D It sounds ridiculus but somehow it makes sense.
      For Meg, well when I first started reading some of the things were somehow cliche. I know that most YA books turn around the 16 year-old kids but authors usually make them seem more grown ups :)
      Thanks :) Yes it's really unique. Hope you'll get a chance to read it :)

  15. I have read a bunch of shapeshifter books lately. One series you should check out is the Weird Girls by Cecy Robson it is full of were creatures. This sounds like another fun one and I like that it features foxes!

    1. I have never heard of that one but I'll check it out :) Glad you like it :)

  16. Shapeshifting fox and London?! How was this book not on my radar? Definitely adding it to my TBR after your 4 star review, thanks Tanja!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Yes it's a great combination. Hope you'll read it Wendy :)

  17. One can never have too many shifter books, I am loving the setting for this. Foxes? That is so different and ooh I hope they avoid the hunt..LOL This was new to me, so I am glad you shared it!

    1. It's so different, you'll be surprised :)) LOL Thanks :)

  18. I haven't heard of this one, but I love shapeshifting novels, so thanks for introducing me to this one, Tanja! Great review!(:

  19. I agree, there should be more shapeshifting novels on the market! I enjoyed Nightshade by Andrea Cremer (at least until Bloodrose gutted me and made me want to pull all my hair out), but I don't think I've encountered any other shapeshifting books after that. I love the sound of Skulk and am so happy you enjoyed, Tanja! :D Awesome review as always sweetie!!! :)

    1. I have never started that series mostly 'cause I have heard some bad things about Bloodrose. Thanks darling :))
