
27. lis 2013.

2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

Hi guys. Fist I want to apologize for not posting these days. I was at the biggest book fair in neighbor and it was a long trip. Book fairs are quite different here than they are in the world (you don't get free books and there is not much authors and sadly only publishers from neighborhood attend so not many books in English) but overall it was a really nice book fest. Posts are coming back next week. Hope you had a great weekend!

Now this year Evie and other girls from Bookish are organizing 2014 TBR Pile Challenge. Of course I joined immediately as I managed to accomplish the one for 2013. I really cannot wait to tackle as many books from my TBR pile as I can.
I don't have a list but I'll tackle as many books from my Goodreads to-be read shelf as I can. But I'm sure it'll be more than 50.

All in all I expect this to be a lot of fun and I cannot wait to start the challenge. If you want don't forget to join us. You can do that here.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 25:

  1. I have been thinking about joining this challenge, but I don't know if I will remember joining it in the first place, so I might have to think about it for some time before actually joining xD

    1. LOL! I always put banner or something on side-bar here so I remember xD We bookish people have such a bad memory :D

  2. I joined so many challenges this year and practically did none of them, but this seems a lot more do-able. I'll have to check it out, so thanks for bringing it to my attention, Tanja!

    1. I love how free it is, I mean you read as much as you can. That's what I need :) Thanks Keertana :)

  3. I'm glad you had a good time at this book fair. I've never actually been to one, but I would love to go one day. And good luck with your 2014 challenge! :)

  4. Glad you had a nice time at the book fair!
    I have been debating on whether or not to join this challenge and I still haven't decided but I think I just might give it a try!

    1. Thanks Ali!! :) You should try, I mean there is nothing to lose if you fail. I know trust me, I failed so many times xD

  5. I hope you had a nice time at the book fair! I'm looking forward to see how you do in your challenge.

  6. I am an irresponsible jerk so I mostly gave up on challenges altogether, but I am trying to catch up. Hopefully I'll be more successful in 2014. So far, I suck. :D
    Welcome back!

  7. Glad the festival was fun!! I should do a challenge next year, but I don't know. I'm always afraid I'll forget to keep up. haha I'm trying to read more from my personal TBR pile though.

    1. Yeah I forget often, but somehow always manage to remember. You should try with this one :)

  8. I wasn't going to do this just cause I never follow through with challenges, but Evie convinced me! I'll try to do my post this week.

    1. I have faith in Evie to remind us often :D Great! :)

  9. Good luck with this challenge Tanja, I signed up for this challenge this year, and started off really well, but then kind of lost track afterwards! I hope you're able to tackle a lot of the books from your stack! :)

    1. You still have time to catch up :) Thanks Jasprit :)

  10. I plan to join, and cannot wait to hear about the book fest and your trip :)

    1. It was great! I don't think I'll write a post but yeah I plan to go next year and enjoy fully :)

  11. Sign ups for this one are out already! Awesome. I'm almost done with my 2013 one too- I think I need a book or two to finish it off which'll hopefully happen in no time. All the best, Tanja and will join you soon.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Woha that's amazing. Congrats girl :) Thanks and I hope you'll Sarika :)

  12. Yay, so glad to hear you nailed your 2013 challenge. Good luck on the 2014 one!

  13. And the challenges begin... (;
    I don't know if I'm going to participate in any this year because I lost track early on this year with my challenges but good luck to you! Great job in completing your 2013 tbr challenge.
