
23. ruj 2013.

You Against Me by Jenny Downham

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Book summary: 
If someone hurts your sister and you're any kind of man, you seek revenge, right?
If your brother's accused of a terrible crime but says he didn't do it, you defend him, don't you?
When Mikey's sister claims a boy assaulted her, his world begins to fall apart.
When Ellie's brother is charged with the offence, her world begins to unravel.
When Mikey and Ellie meet, two worlds collide.
This is a brave and unflinching novel from the bestselling author of Before I Die. It's a book about loyalty and the choices that come with it. But above all it's a book about love.
          Jenny Downham is another author that I need to add to my list - authors-that-make-things-real as she really does that. In this story you get to read about the thing that have have happened before and unfortunately are likely to happen again.

          Mikey is a boy that has a lot of things on his mind. He mostly takes care of his family, so he has to keep things in order when his mother is too drunk to do just that. It's not an easy thing but a teenage boy who works to bring food to his home and at the same time tries to live his own life. Things are bad as it is, but they got even worse when his sister claims that a boy assaulted her. He as big brother failed to take care of her and now he has to do anything to help her. It ain't easy when that boy is a coming from a very wealthy family and it's his word against theirs. Only person who can tell the truth boy's sister Ellie, who acts like any other sister will and defends her brother. Only those two worlds will meet again and that will change many things.

          When it comes to the characters you will fall in love with Mikey instantly, as he is a boy that suffers a lot and simply you would want to give him a hug, because he is the brave one, the one who stayed with his family and took care even though he is not old enough for that. Ellie is a girl you would want to have as your friend. She is at times navie and in her innocence some can manipulate with her, but at the same time she is strong and once she let her emotions and stops acting like her family wants her to you'll cheer for her.

           Like you can assume this is a story about coming of age and finding the true self, also not letting the revenge blind you and figuring that there are more beautiful things to care about. It's also a story about love, the one that grows and fills you as you turn the pages of the book. It's a story that you should read.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

33 komentara:

  1. This sounds like a really good read. I can't pass up a 5 star read! I think I might have this one, I need to check to make sure.

    1. It was a really good read :) I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  2. I had it too until one day I decided to finally read it! :) This one will for sure. Thanks Aman :)

  3. Sniffs. Mikey sounds awesome. I love a boy that suffers, hih. <3 glad you loved this book :D Thank you for sharing :)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

    1. Yes your heart is always aching for them :) Thanks :)

  4. I agree with everything you said, but for me, the reason I gave this one such a low rating was because I didnt connect with either of the mc-s and if it wasn't for you mentioning their names, i wouldn't have remembered them. I'm glad you found them to be great though and I hope Jenny's other books work well for you, too :)

    1. Really? I easily connected with both, somehow I loved them :) Thanks :)

  5. I haven't read anything by Jenny Downham and I do plan to as her Before I Die novel got so many 5 star reviews. I love coming of age so this should be the perfect one to start with.

    Fabulous review, Tanja! <33

    1. I hope you'll get to read it as it's another great book :) Thanks Melanie :)

  6. this author is new to me Tanja, but I love the sound of Mikey and wow five stars..I am curious :)

    1. Mikey is a sweetheart :) I hope you'll get to read it :)

  7. This sounds like an emotional one and one that deals with some tough issues. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I'll have to check it out. Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  8. Oooo I like the sound of this one Tanja! I'm a little in love with Mikey already, there's something very appealing about a protective big brother trying to defend his sister! I like the sound of Ellie too, I think it would be extremely hard to believe something awful about your family, and it would take a great deal of strength to finally admit it to yourself and others. Looking forward to reading this one!

    1. He is really a sweetheart! :) It was, I mean you always want to protect your family but sometimes you cannot. I hope you'll enjoy it Jenny :)

  9. Hi Tanja! I am finally back! Thanks for stopping by my blog all last week while I was gone. This sounds like a powerful read and I would definitely like to meet Mikey. I really need to check this out! Thanks for putting it back on my radar.

    1. I'm happy to see you again :)) I hope you'll get to read this one and I hope you'll enjoy it :) Thanks :)

  10. I haven't read Before I Die yet, but I want too because it sounds great and my sister loved it. She actually showed me this one too, but both of us still need to check it out. Sounds great! Glad you loved it.

    1. It was a great read and I hope you'll get to read both. Thanks :)

  11. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story because I did as well. It was the first book I had read by the author. I need to get and physical copy for my shelf lol Great review!

  12. I haven't heard of this book before, but it seem like one I might enjoy. I'm so glad you loved it! Great review, Tanja!

    1. I'm glad you like it and I hope you'll get to read it. Thanks Andrea :)

  13. This sounds honest, a bit raw and all too lovely. I love that we get a male perspective and from what you wrote, Mikey sounds like such an amazing, heartwarming character. I'm adding this to my list, can't wait to meet him.
    Wonderful review, my friend.

    1. Exactly! :) Ahhh yes, you can't help but fall for him :) I hope you'll get to meet him soon. Thanks dear :)

  14. I loved this one too! It's been a long time since I read it, but reading your review brought it back. It was a very emotional read, but I really loved it!

  15. This sounds so different from the usual boy-meets-girl-they-fall-in-love kind of books, which is what I like! So I'm happy to see those five stars right there, and that Jenny Downham knows how to weave an incredibly realistic story. In order for me to enjoy any kind of story, they need to be real, so that's one criteria down. :)

    "When it comes to the characters you will fall in love with Mikey instantly" - It's usually the hardest for me to connect with male characters, for obvious reasons, so it's promising that you were able to fall in love with him almost instantly. And I also think that you wrote really well about how easy it is to sympathize with him.

    And Ellie! She does sound like someone I'd like immensely, and I think her naivety would make her a much more relatable person. I'm kind of naive myself, lol. >.<

    Thanks for such a great review, Tanja! I hadn't heard of YOU AGAINST ME before now, and it sounds right up my alley. :) Thanks for putting it on my radar!

    1. I really hope you'll get to read this one and I'm telling you - when you meet Mikey you'll want to cuddle with him instantly ;) LOL Deep down we're all naive :) Thanks Meg :)

  16. Excellent review, Tanja. I loved this unlikely romance! :)

    1. It was really different and it's yet another thing I liked about it :) Thanks Rachel :)

  17. This book has been on my TBR since forever but for some reason or the other I don't read it. Yeah, I know you're going to ask me to stop being lazy and you're going to give me the "I'm watching you look" till I get to it. I actually told Janhvi not to comment on this post because I wanted to be the one to do it. And I'm so happy that you loved the book. And high five for loving the real picture! Also, coming of age books are somehow always really nice. Great review, Tanja!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I know the feeling hon, happened with so many books. LOL I'm always watching ;) Glad you hear that girl. Thanks Sarika :))
