
20. ruj 2013.

The Brides of Rollrock Island by Margo Lanagan

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Book summary: 
Rollrock island is a lonely rock of gulls and waves, blunt fishermen and their homely wives. Life is hard for the families who must wring a poor living from the stormy seas. But Rollrock is also a place of magic - the scary, salty-real sort of magic that changes lives forever. Down on the windswept beach, where the seals lie in herds, the outcast sea witch Misskaella casts her spells - and brings forth girls from the sea - girls with long, pale limbs and faces of haunting innocence and loveliness - the most enchantingly lovely girls the fishermen of Rollrock have ever seen.
But magic always has its price. A fisherman may have and hold a sea bride, and tell himself that he is her master. But from his first look into those wide, questioning, liquid eyes, he will be just as transformed as she is. He will be equally ensnared. And in the end the witch will always have her payment.
          Don't be surprised if you see plenty of people putting this book as DNF as this books takes time. It takes time to feel its magic and get into the story. Luckily for me they are my favorite type. Also luckily for you because I'll try to make you read it and experience the real magic.

         Everything starts in Rollrock Island, a very lonely place where most of the people are fisherman and they're pretty much cut out off from the outside world. They visit other islands from time to time but most of their lives they spend in Rollrockll. Beside being lonely this island is also very special and magical, very magical. It's the place where on the beach you can see seals lying in herds and only one person can wake them up. And everything starts with her...

         Once upon a time Misskaella was just a simple girl in Rollrock and as many other girls she dreamed of marring and having a normal life, only some other things stopped her in that. Which lead to another thing - her magic and soon enough from the village's outcast she became the most powerful person, which changed lives of all village for many generations to come.

          If you have a brilliant mind (as I do) and start reading this book without reading the blurb first you'll be lost. I mean you'll be lost anyway because this book has different narrators but as the plot unfolds you get to understand the connection between them, but I was extra lost. Don't bother if the whole idea seems pretty wicked as it really is, the writing here will keep you going and probably you'll start believing everything the author says. It's like magic where her words bewitched me and I couldn't but love this book.

          I'm sure not many people will appreciate the suffering to discover the beauty here, but not me. I'm that kind of person that doesn't like that beauty that everyone can see, I like to search, go deeper to discover that beauty inside, the one that's hard to get but once you have it you feel fulfilled.

Rating: 5 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 37:

  1. The cover for this one is gorgeous, not in the WOW way but it's really calm and simple. Thanks for putting this one under my radar!

    Lovely review <33

    1. I'm glad you like it and trust me what's inside these covers is even more beautiful :)

  2. Tanja, I am SO EXCITED that you read this and loved it! It's one of my favorites because it's just such a mind-blowing and brilliant novel, full of so much darkness but reality about human nature. I haven't really read much else by Lanagan, but this is a sure winner. Fantastic review, dear!(:

    1. I know you'd love this one at the end we really love these spooky but at the same time wonderful stories. ;) Thanks darling :)

  3. I am so glad you were able to stick with this one and soldier on because it really does sound like it turned out to be a great read for you. The cover is gorgeous so I can see why you picked it up to begin with.

    1. Yes I really love the cover and not to mention Melina Marchetta gave it 5 stars :D So it was a must read. Thanks :)

  4. I love books that make you think and unfold slowly! Sometimes I want to take my time with a story. This sounds fantastic and I'm glad you love it so much! Amazing review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Yes I'm so happy to hear that and I hope you'll give this one a try. Thanks Teresa :)

  5. Sounds good! I always have to read the blurb first though :)

  6. Oh no, I doubt I'd be able to like this one - or even get through it! I have a confession: I'm an extremely impatient reader, and also very picky. The book needs to capture my attention within a couple of pages, and it also needs to give me incentive to read before I can continue on happily. So the slow beginning doesn't really bode well for me... It's a shame, because the premise sounds so good!

    So, I'm not entirely sure if I'll give this a go in the future, but let me tell you that I LOVED the last line of your review, and totally agree! "I'm that kind of person that doesn't like that beauty that everyone can see, I like to search, go deeper to discover that beauty inside, the one that's hard to get but once you have it you feel fulfilled."

    1. Yeah we all like different kind of books and different pacing. Maybe one day you'll enjoy them and then remember this book ;)
      Thank you :)

  7. "If you have a brilliant mind (as I do) and start reading this book without reading the blurb first you'll be lost."

    *giggle snort* I often read without reading the blurb first too Tanja, so I would certainly be lost:) I've read many a mixed review of this one, so it was really fun to read such a positive response to the story. I have to be in the right mood to appreciate books like this that unfold slowly and beautifully though, otherwise I just become too impatient and move on to the next book. So glad you loved it!

    1. I do that more than I really should. The worst thing is that this book has like some sort of intro, but I started from Chapter 1 :D Yes not everyone can enjoy stories that unfold slowly and I understand that. Thanks Jenny :)

  8. I'm really liking this cover and I remember seeing this book going around not to long ago, but I never really looked into it. It sounds pretty interesting, but I might give it try because of your review :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Yes it's recently new publishing :) I really hope you'll give it a try. Thanks :)

  9. That's great you were able to really dig into this story and found a beautiful novel at the end. It doesn't really sound like my type of read though.

    1. Yes a lot of people won't stuck with it, but it's just the way I love to read stories. Thanks:)

  10. I remember seeing this around a lot, but not any reviews. I'm glad that what might turn a lot of readers off, worked for you.
    Nice review, Tanja!

  11. I'm so happy to see your 5 star rating Tanja, I've been meaning to read this book forever and your rating makes me even more excited. Also thanks for making me aware of it being difficult to get into in the beginning! Great review!

    1. I really hope you'll get to it and then I'll drive you crazy until you finish :D Thanks :)

  12. Oh awesome review, and I love how you described feeling lost and then being sucked in! Adding to my have me curious my friend!

    1. Yay I'm so happy to hear that :) I hope you'll enjoy it.

  13. This one sounds like a little gem! I've seen it around, but not much about it. I'm definitely going to look into it now. I would have been lost too -- I rarely re-read blurbs, so I always forget what books are about before I dust them off my shelf :D Great review!

    1. It really is :) Yes that happens too :) Thanks Becca :)

  14. I struggle a lot when books are hard to get into and I'm usually quick to abandon a book if I can't get into one. It's good to know that the book is truly wonderful as soon as you start getting into the book. I'm very curious now.
    Lovely review, Tanja!

  15. I think this is one I would love if I'm in the right mood. It sounds beautiful!

  16. Love the cover! However, I can be one of those people who don't want to wait 60-70 pages to get to the good stuff. Great review! :)

    Sarah @ Kitties Like Books Too

  17. I love this book's cover! I have heard grea things about it, but I just never seem to have the impetus to pick it up! Great review ;)
    -Scott Reads It!

  18. You girl, are on a 5 star review spree! Magic always works and I'm so glad you gave this book a chance and a try when the others couldn't. That's brave of you. Go Tanja! Awesome review.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I was like the guy from the 300 movie! I'll read THIIISSSS! :) Thanks girl ;)

  19. The book description really got my attention, as it sounds like the plot is quite unique. It's not just another fantasy novel. I've always been a patient reader, and I can wait more than half a book for something to happen, as long as the writing is good. The writing has to be absolutely perfect, and I need to get attached to the characters. Then, I can read pages and pages that don't have much action.
    I think I'll try this one, if you say it's truly a magical book.

    Oana @All Fantasy Worlds

    1. It surely is not. Same is with me, I can read the whole book if necessary. I really hope you'll give it a try. Thands Oana :)
