
18. ožu 2013.

Reckless by S.C. Stephens

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Book summary: 

Can love survive when life gets Reckless?

When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves: Can their love for each other survive the constant pressures of superstardom? The friendships they've formed, the new family they've found, and the history they've forged will all play a part in helping them navigate the turbulent waters of the band's exploding popularity. A greedy executive hell-bent on success, a declining pop star looking for an edge, and a media circus that twists lies into truths are just some of the obstacles the lovers will have to overcome if they are going to remain together. Fame comes with a price-but will it cost Kiera and Kellan everything?

       I've read this book together with the girls from Way Too Hot Books blog. My girl Glass is also reviewing there and it was fun to read it with them cause I'm not into adult novels. I guess this one falls into the middle so we could all enjoy it. If you want to see our updates during the reading you can check this review.

       It's hard to say a lot about the story as this is the third and the last book in the trilogy. But as always the story follows Kiera and Kellan. After all ups and downs and drama and troubles and whatnot the couple is ready to go on together. Only the circumstances make them question their love. A lot of things changed in their lives and they must learn how to go on.

      Well I know that Kiera is not the most-loving narrator ever but the thing is if you wanna get piece of Kellan (and you do) you must see through her eyes. Long ago I stopped carrying about her, really she was just a person who tells a story. Yes she was "whiny, clingy, petty, wishy-washy...downright annoying" but I got used to it. I had some other issues with this book. It'd be too harsh to say that this book wasn't necessary but really at some points the story was pushed too far. It wasn't realistic any more and it became some sort of a fairy tale. To start with Kellan. Yeah people change I get that but really from that to become this, please. Unbelievable. Then the whole story about D-Bags. Yes the boys are amazing and deserve everything but...and don't get me start about the marriages.

      The bottom line is even though I love this trilogy - Kellan the most - this book left some bitter taste in my mouth but some parts were enjoyable.

Rating: 3 stars

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. I don't think I've noticed this series before, but Kiera sounds like such a horrible protagonist, I'm not sure I could put up with her, not even to meet Kellan. I do like the cover, though. I'm a fan of black and white covers with just one color thrown in the mix.
    Great review.

    1. LOL the thing is you get addicted to him so easily so this little annoying thing can't stop you xD Thanks :)

  2. I'm so looking forward to starting this series. I've heard mixed reviews for it, but I'll be reading it sometime anyways. Kellan sounds great! Kiera sounds stupid really, but we'll see how that goes. Like you, I don't usually read Adult novels, but man, there's something about this one. I want to know it! Great review, Tanja! :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Your feelings might be mixed. I mean you'll probably love Kellan but all the drama in the first two books was sometimes too much. Thanks :)

  3. I heard there was a lot of drama with this series and cheating. I hate cheating books so I never picked up the first one. A friend read it and wanted to throw her kindle out the window, lol! It seems you feel like this book wasn't necessary but you enjoyed it somewhat. Great review Tanja. :)

    1. Oh yes..plenty of these. Hhaha yeah I too wanted to throw my ereader but it's alive xD Yeah so to say. Thanks :)

  4. OMG you just about listed everything I hate in a narrator. lol I've not even heard of this series though. I'm glad to see you found a little bit of good in the story though!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Hhaha yeah she is like that xD Kellan is pulling this book out and maybe an extra star was for him :D

  5. Glad you enjoyed Kellan, but Kierra sounds like a big negative. At least you got used to her?
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. I think I've got some filter to turn her off xD But yeah Kellan was something :) Thanks :)

  6. This trilogy looks really interesting. I don't like main characters with those characteristics, but I'm happy the story is pretty good. Awesome review! :)

    1. Yeah it has some great parts and you'll always want more. Thanks :)

  7. Hmmm. I'm not sure what to think of this trilogy Tanja! The cover looks hot and Kellan sounds sexy as sin, but I think I'd have a lot of trouble with Kiera. I don't do well with whiny girls, but it's good you were at least able to look over that with her!

    1. I read the first two book two years ago and at the time I haven't meet many annoying girls so I could get over it but with time you get older and you can't stand some things anymore. So I decided to ignore her xD

  8. Kiera sounds like a pain. I do like that this has to do with music. I've never been completely disappointed by books like this one. BUT, I don't think I will be reading this book because of the whole bitter taste in your mouth. I think you disliked it more than you think :/

    1. Oh there is plenty of good music! :D Yeah I probably did but dunno I'm sucker for HEAs. :)

  9. Frustrating characters can really put me off. I'm glad you were able to look past all of that eventually, though. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do the same! ;) Great review, Tanja!

    1. I'm sure you will :) All we need is just a little patience ;) Thanks :)

  10. I can't wait to read this series! I have heard nothing but great things about it and I just am soo curious about it in general. Although, I'm sorry you had concerns with this one but still ended up enjoying it! :D

    Great review, Tanja!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 
