
3. ožu 2013.

Dirty Red by Tarryn Fisher

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Book summary: 

Dear Opportunist,

You thought you could take him from me, but you lost. Now, that he's mine I'll do anything to keep him. Do you doubt me? I have everything that was supposed to be yours. In case you were wondering; he doesn't ever think about you anymore. I won't let him go....ever.

Dirty Red

     This series is another one from I-blame-Zemira list. She introduced me to this series and I was really  surprised by The Opportunist. I couldn't wait to see Leah's story even though she was never my type of the character.

      So Dirty Red continues where The Opportunist stopped. As you could see in my review I really enjoyed the story about Caleb and Olivia and I couldn't wait to see what happens next. I really can't tell you much about the story itself cause I'll spoil it for those who haven't read The Opportunist but let's just say that this book brought a lot of different feelings. I was never fan of Leah and I'd never be. She is basically everything I'm not but I still could understand her - up until one point. She knows what she wants and she is not going to stop until she has it. She'll do anything to get it. I admire her for that cause she has a real will and courage. What bothers me the most is the way she treats innocent people. That I'll never be able to forgive her. Those who have read this story will know what I'm talking about. But still the fact that Miss Fisher knows how to create a really strong characters and story and still so real is admirable.

     Now I can't wait to read the rest of the story from Caleb's POV. I really don't know how this will end or I don't know how I want it to end. I really hope that the author has a few surprises for us.

Rating: 4 stars

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 19:

  1. The cover of this is really eye-catching & it sounds like a good read!

    1. Oh yes it's great :) I hope you'll get to read it soon :)

  2. There seems to be so much love for this series at the moment, Rachel is a huge fan too, and I know she's eagerly awaiting the next installment! So glad you're enjoying it too Tanja! :)

    1. We're waiting for you to join us! :) I hope you'll soon. Thanks Jasprit :)

  3. I've actually never heard of the series before, but it sounds interesting! So glad you liked the book :)

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. Rly? Oh I hope you'll get a chance to read it :) Thanks Janina :)

  4. I've never really heard of this series. I think it will be another great addition to my TBR pile. I LOVE strong characters and It will be interesting to see how the story turns out. I'm glad you are liking this series.

    1. Oh you'll enjoy this series I believe! :) It's really not so typical and that's why I love it. Thanks :)

  5. This sounds like a great series. Also, the cover is super interesting :) I'll definitely have to check it out. Amazing review!

    1. Oh I can't wait to see what you think of it :)) Thanks :)

  6. This sounds good! I hadn't heard of it before, so thanks for sharing. I'm glad you liked it and great review, Tanja! :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Oh I hope you'll get to read it soon. Thank you Sarika :)

  7. Another sequel sigh... Don't want to ruin it again. Sounds like you liked it (: I love when I get to recommend books to my friends even if it means ruining them because they love the book or series so much. I'll have to check out The Opportunist soon.

    1. Yes this one was really good! I'd even say different cause we basically have a really different character :) I hope you'll :)

  8. I still have to read this series. I have been hearing amazing things about it, so I can't wait to check it out. Plus, I really LOVE the unique name of the series. :D

    Glad you liked this, Tanja! Fabulous review! :D

    ~ Maida

    1. Yes I love the uniqueness here too! :) Thanks Maida :)

  9. I haven't read the first, but not sure how I would feel about Leah.

    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. Well it's realistic here and that's what I love! :)

  10. I HATE Leah!! But I did love this book. I'm so addicted, but I have to say if Caleb and Olivia don't end up together, I will have to hurt someone!! Lol! Great review. :)
