
21. velj 2013.

Timekeeper by Alexandra Monir

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Book summary:

When Philip Walker appears as a new student in Michele Windsor's high school class, she is floored. He is the love she thought she lost forever when they said goodbye during her time travels last century. Overjoyed that they can resume the relationship they had a lifetime ago, Michele eagerly approaches him and discovers the unthinkable: he doesn't remember her. In fact, he doesn't seem to remember anything about the Philip Walker of 1910.

Michele then finds her father's journals, which tell stories of his time-traveling past. As she digs deeper, she learns about his entanglement with a mysterious and powerful organization called the Time Society and his dealings with a vengeful Windsor ancestor. Michele soon finds herself at the center of a rift over 120 years in the making, one whose resolution will have life-or-death consequences.

      You have no idea how happy I was once this book was published. I waited for so long cause Timeless was something special to me. I couldn't wait to see what happens next. Oh you know that joy when you start reading the book you waited for so long - priceless.

       We're back with Michele. The girl who told us the story about time traveling, her family and her love in Timeless. Now after everything that happened her life is back to normal or at least for some time. The trouble is always at the corner how they would say it. Also something she couldn't believe happened - Philip kept his promise. This story is combination of Michele's and her dad's POV as well as the society that belongs to timekeepers. It's hard to explain how they all coexist in just this one book but for those who have read the Timeless might understand.

       To say that I enjoyed this story would be truth. But for one Timeless set my expectations on high, really high. I enjoyed that story and as much I enjoyed this one Timeless brought a real experience to me. I'm happy that this one didn't disappoint so much. Also I really should read more books that deal with time-traveling.

Rating: 4 stars.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 17:

  1. Well, Tanja, I LOVE your new blog look! Love the signature, too! Amazing
    Anyway, I have heard a lot of this series and it sounds intriguing and i love time travel stories. They always amaze me, like Once Upon a Remembrance and Grasping At Eternity
    GREAT review
    Your reader,

    1. Thank you Soma! :) Oh I must check those then :) Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I really need to pick up more time travelling books, this series sounds fantastic Tanja, I'm glad you were able to enjoy this just as much as the first book! Lovely review! :)

    1. Oh I hope you'll get to read this one soon :) Thanks :)

  3. So glad that it didn't disappoint. I have heard so many good thigs about this series, I can't believe that I haven't made time to read it.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. Oh then I hope you'll get some time to read it soon :) Thanks :)

  4. I've been waiting for this book for a while too! I really liked Timeless and the ending made me excited. I love that it's also told from her dad's POV! That really gives more information and background to the story. I'm happy it delivered! :D


    1. Yes I like his POV too :) I hope you'll get to read this one soon :) Thanks

  5. Huh.. i actually never heard of this series!! Im glad that it didnt disappoint you much compared to the first book! Great review!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

    1. Oh you should check it out then :) Thanks Farah :)

  6. I love time travel books Tanja! I really need to read this series:) I'm glad this second book delivered for the most part, I love when a book I've been dying to read for a long time makes that wait worthwhile:)

  7. I had some issues with the first book but I always wanted to know how it turned out. Good to see you were happy with the ending, Tanja. Great review. :)

    1. I hope that the second one will be better for you :) Thanks Rachel :)

  8. Oh no! I hope I didn't ruin anything by reading this review but I've got to say it does sound wonderful. I'm liking time travel books more and more so I've been looking for some good ones. I must try reading Timeless first!

    1. No it's spoiler free. :) Don't worry about it. I hope you'll get to read this one soon! :)

  9. I still haven't read the first book in this series, but I remember how much you were telling me about it and how much you enjoyed it, so I can't wait to start this. I am very much intrigued by the plot and I can't wait to meet the characters!

    Awesome review, Tanja! :D I'm so glad it didn't turn out to be a disappointment!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 
