
24. sij 2013.

Forever Girl Character Tour

Welcome to the Forever Girl Character Tour. We’re celebrating The Forever Girl’s one year anniversary—that means it’s been one year since The Forever Girl was released! Copies are still available at the same low price of $2.99 for ebook and $10.95 for print. But fear not, this tour is not without some really cool prizes for you to win, whether you already own a copy of The Forever Girl or never plan to read it. Each stop on the tour will feature one of the main characters from the book, and you can easily enter to win some of their favorite things! For a full list of stops on this tour, visit the author’s blog.


Sophia Parsons is a 22 year old college graduate with little life experience and strong roots in her Wiccan religion. She’s not very quick to make friends or start relationships, mostly because of her history of rejection—from the people of her town, to her own mother who died at Sophia’s touch during an exorcism on Sophia’s 18th birthday.

Here’s the top five fast “fun facts” about Sophia.
  1. Favorite Color: Pink
  2. Favorite Drink: Tea
  3. What she’s afraid of: The Dark
  4. Likes: Reading, History, Organic Products
  5. Dislikes: Coffee, Meat (she’s vegetarian), Vampires

Today’s character giveaway features some of Sophia’s favorite items: A Vera Bradley Purse, Midnight Blue Organic Nail Polish, and Organic Blue Eye Shadow. 

If you want to snag Sophia’s favorite items for yourself (or as a gift for a friend or loved one!) simply enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to follow the lovely blog tour host on their blog, Twitter, and Facebook! If you also want to connect with Rebecca, she can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and her Blog as well.

Learn more about Rebecca’s books and where to purchase them HERE.

Book summary: 

"Whatever you do, fight."
Sophia's family has skeletons, but they aren't in their graves.

At twenty-two, practicing Wiccan Sophia Parsons is scratching out a living waiting tables in her Rocky Mountain hometown, a pariah after a string of unsolved murders with only one thing in common: her.
Sophia can imagine lots of ways to improve her life, but she'd settle for just getting rid of the buzzing noise in her head. When the spell she casts goes wrong, the static turns into voices. Her personal demons get company, and the newcomers are dangerous.

One of them is a man named Charles, who Sophia falls for despite her better judgment. He has connections that might help her unveil the mystery surrounding her ancestor's hanging, but she gets more than she bargains for when she finally decides to trust him. 

Survival in his world, she learns, means not asking questions and staying out of the immortal council's way. It's a line she crossed long ago. If Sophia wants to survive the council and save the people she loves, she must accept who she is, perform dark magic, and fight to the death for her freedom.

The Forever Girl is a full-length Paranormal Fantasy novel that will appeal to lovers of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, witches, vampire fiction, ghost stories, paranormal mystery, and paranormal horror.

Until the next time, 

Broj komentara: 17:

  1. I hadn't seen The Forever Girl before but the cover looks gorgeous!
    Oh and Belated Happy Birthday Tanja! :*

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  2. belated happy birthday, Tanja! Thanks for hosting a stop on the tour!

  3. I've been following Rebecca on Twitter for quite some time and she always seems so nice to me, so I honestly expect to like The Forever Girl too. I'm trying to find a place for it in my reading schedule, hopefully in February. It sounds lovely.
    Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    1. I really liked it :) I can't wait to read the second book :) I hope I'll see your review for it soon :) You're welcome :)

  4. I would think she was not afraid of the dark or anything really with that dark summary. I missed your birthday? I suck. Happy belated Birthday!

  5. I have to admit I'm not a fan of the dark either, never have been. My mind just plays so many tricks on me when it's dark and then I work myself up so much that I'm utterly convinced things are there when they're not. *sigh* Such an amazing giveaway Tanja, love that purse!

    1. I'm not a fan of dark either!! :) Oh you're welcome :)

  6. I quite like the dark, even though my imagination nearly always runs wild. I am easily spooked, but I like being spooked... in a weird sort of way. ;) Anyway, this book sounds good! I've seen it around a few times, and I'm pretty sure I won a copy a while back too. I will have to check my kindle.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh I have a friend who can't sleep alone at night and every time her parents are out of town I sleep there. The house is enormous and I have no idea how they can live there. It's so scary. Not that you can't scare me easily :D

  7. This book sounds great... and Sophia sounds like my kinda girl.
    Happy reading with <3, Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    (not entering contest btw... just commenting)

    1. I hope you'll get a chance to read it ;) Happy reading to you too <3

  8. I loved this book, and I should finally find time to read Her Sweetest Downfall...
    I don't mind the dark, but dislike coffee? *gasp*
    Happy belated birthday, Tanja!

  9. when are the winners being announced
