
30. lis 2012.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines

Hello. This Tuesday is again time for another top ten Tuesday. As you all know it's a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week our task is to name ten books to get in the Halloween spirit. Just so you know we don't celebrate Halloween here so I'll just pick ten scariest books I know.

1. Alex from Covenant series. I love this girl. She is so kick-ass and funny and witty. I'd gladly switch places with her.

2. Rose from Vampire Academy. I've read this series a long time ago but Rose is really special.

3. Hermione from Harry Potter. Let's face it who didn't want to be her?

4. Elizabeth form Pride and Prejudice. She has Mr. Darcy so do I have to say more.

5. Tris from Divergent. She is very dear to me, cause I've seen her grow in the books.

6. Katniss form Hunger Games. This was my first dystopian book and Katniss will always be special for her strength.

7. Yukiko from Stormdancer. Imagine yourselves riding an arashtiora. I don't need more.

8. Calaena from Throne of Glass. Yes she is not perfect put she is a fighter and I love her for that.

9. Clara form Unearthly. She is part angel and she is really strong for her age.

10. And last but not least Katy form Lux series. We all book bloggers could find ourselves in her, only we don't have so good neighbors.

So I'd like to see your picks and you just have to link them up in comments and I'll check them out.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. Great choices, Tanja! I've only read and loved Hermione and Katniss, but the other girls seem pretty kick-ass too. :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  2. Thank you! :) Oh I love all these series! :) Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. Elizabeth from P&P. Of course! She's awesome. :)

    J'adore Happy Endings

  4. We don't religiously celebrate Halloween in my side of the world either, but i'm definitely going to snuggle up in bed reading one of these books!

    - Ellie @ The Selkie Reads Stories

  5. Agree, Rose is special <3 ahahahaha and the comment about Katy and the neighbor? hilarious!! Laughing like crazy right now :D Awesome list Tanja! :)

  6. I don't know for you, but I don't have any sexy neighbor! xD Thanks! :)
