
24. srp 2012.

Tanja's Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Most Vivid Book Worlds/Settings

It's Tuesday so it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday
This is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish, where every Tuesday we create top ten list on certain task. This Tuesday the task is Top Ten Most Vivid Book Worlds/Settings. Here is my list.

1. I actually had a hard time to decide which of those two to put on first and which on second place. It's a tie but I'll put The Magical World of Harry Potter first. I still remember dreaming about this world when I was a kid. Ever detail is created so carefully. I admire JK Rowling for that.

2. Another world that I met later and took my breath away is Middle Earth. Another world described in details and you could imagine that world perfectly.

3. I though about skipping fairy tales here but the truth is this one I can't. It's Wonderland. When I was a kid I didn't have illustrated book but still the world seemed so real to me.

4. Another story form my childhood is Narnia. I dunno for you but after reading this book I went to my wardrobe to check if there is magic land behind it.

5. Now one that took my breath away - Le Cirque des Reves. Ever since I've read The Night Circus this magic circus is on my mind. How author combines our and this world is pure magic.

6.. Another very popular world is Panem. It doesn't matter do you love or not The Hunger Games you must admit that the Panem look so real.

7. As I love fairy tales I can't skip this one cause you all know that The Iron Fey is magical place. This world is magical for me and another one that I wish to visit.

8. This one all of you know, the magic land Oz. No need to say more.

9. This one will maybe be unknown to you. It's magic world called Ourea from the Lichgates series by S.M. Boyce. I won't tell you much cause you must read this story. Just one thing not only the world is magic but all so the people in it.

10. This is not actually the new world but I can't make this list without The Cemetery of Forgotten Books. If you have read The Shadow of the Wind or Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon you for sure wished to enter there. I know I did, many time, cause it seems so mysterious and beautiful at the same time.

I'll probably remember some later, but that's it for now.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 17:

  1. We do have a lot of the same :-)

    I really want to read The Night Circus. So many people have put it down today.


  2. Yes I saw! :)

    Oh it's really great. I really love it.

  3. Love the list! I've only read the Harry Potter series and The Night Circus - and agree, both Worlds were spectacular.

  4. Hello Tanya (we have the same name, even though mine is spelled differently) :)

    Yes they are! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. I also love Harry Potter, Iron Fey and Narnia, great choices, and can I come live in them?
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  6. Glad to hear that! :) You can if you'll take me with you :)

  7. Great picks! A few of these are on my top 10, too :)

    I couldn't decide about places on any of my choices, so I listed them all random & noted that they're in no particular order :)

    I still haven't read Zafon's books, the first 2 books have been sitting on my shelf for years, now...

  8. I see! :) I'm happy to see another lover of Night Circus! :)

    I wrote then as they crossed my mind, no order, but first I remembered are here. :)

    Oh you must. I love his books just because of his writing, that I have fell in love with. :)

  9. I know, but I keep postponing reading them :) and I love unique writing styles :) Have you read the 3rd one & is it just as good if you have?

  10. Well, once when you start you'll read them quickly. :) His world is unique, I mean descriptions and everything it makes you fell like you're there.

    You mean Marina? Yes I have and it's great, even though my fave is The Shadow of the Wind. Did you know that there is fourth? Called The Prisoner of Heaven. I must wait for it in library and it's killing me!!

  11. Half of your list is my list. Haha. Great choices!

  12. Great minds think alike! ;) Thanks! :)

  13. We have the same first 5 picks! Good choices. Here's my list.

  14. I didn't know that Marina is connected with the CoFB, I thought it was stand alone, now I'll have to get it :) I meant The Prisoner of Heaven, I thought that one is the 3rd one? So, you haven't read it, ok :) I hope it will be available soon in the library for you :)

  15. Jenny yes, that's great! :) Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Aleksandra - It' not, but it's still placed in Barcelona and it's still great. But no matter what first one that you read will probably be your fave! I love The Shadow of the Wind. I hope! :)

  16. I definitely agree on Middle Earth and Narnia! You have such a nice blog, I'm thrilled to have found it! I'm following you and looking forward to your reviews.

    Here are my Top Ten list.

  17. Thank you! :) I really appreciate it! Thanks for following! :)
