18. kol 2014.

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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Our rating: 

Glass: 4 stars & Tanja: 5 stars 

Book summary:
The capital has fallen.
The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.
Now the nation's fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.
Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.
Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova's amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling's secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.
           You know how they say - all good things come to an end. Well sadly with this book two amazing things came to an end. First is this series, which blew us away and which we enjoyed a lot and second is our read-a-long with amazing Emma. But we're sure that there will be many more read-a-longs.
           As with the previous two books all three of us had a little brainstorm where we came up with the questions for our review which will be spoiler free. In the meantime you can go and check out Emma's review at Never Judge a Book by its Cover and if you wish you can check our reviews for Shadow and Bone or/and Siege and Storm. Now let's discuss Ruin and Rising.

What is your favorite scene in this series? 
Glass: Definitely that last scene with Darkling and Alina. If you've been following our reviews of The Grisha Trilogy, you may have noticed that I am quite fond of villain. (I blame Leigh Bardugo for that!) Usually, the final show down between good and bad guys is a little bit more melodramatic, black an white, but here you have no such thing. Oh, the feels...
Tanja: This should be easy one. It's for sure the bare ending of this book and this series. It has one of my favorite quotes and I actually reread that last page so many times (because it was so good and because my eyes were full of tears so it was blurry a bit) and I know it by heart. I can post you the whole quote as it'd be a major spoiler but one part goes like this:
“They had an ordinary life, full of ordinary things-if love can ever be called that.” 

This book also focuses on secondary characters. Which one was your favorite? 
Tanja: Well, I really liked David throughout the whole series and I also like how Zoe changed here. I mean she was still the same, but different. Somehow she grew on me. But without any doubt my favorite secondary character in this whole series is Sturmhond.
Glass: Yes, Surmhond was great charater, but I believe that I will pick a girl this time - Genya. She went trough such a transformation since the first time we read about her.

If Leigh wrote another chapter in alternative POV, who would you like to see?
Glass: Do I even have to say it? Darkling, of course.
Tanja: Darkling, that's for sure. You get some pieces of it here and there, but I'd love too see how he thinks of his past and how he sees his mission and everything he's doing. I'd really like to see his emotions, especially in the scene on the mountain top.

As this story progressed, how did you feel about the development of the "mythology" throughout the novel? 
Tanja: I know that girls had some issues with this, but I really liked it. I loved how Leigh used Grisha and this whole concept to give her look at mythology or better said religion. Somehow it really all made sense to me and I loved it how Leigh gave some her way of explaining things.
Glass: This is my last favorite part of the storyline, I have a lot of mixed feelings. I did like some parts while the others were a big issue for me. I am not a fan of religious topics and The Grisha is based on religious believes. True, modified, but still religious. I know that all of that goes with whole middle ages atmosphere and that for such a world all of that is logical. If you don't think too much about it or focus on different aspects of the story, it would probably be okay. If you are like me and you just can't let go of that... Well, we have a same problem.

What Grisha would you be? And why?
Glass: Oh, The Order of Summoners, Etherealki - I always was fascinated by concept of controlling the elements.
Tanja: Honestly, I wish I could say that I'm a brave one and that I'd for sure go and kick some asses here, but frankly I don't have brave bone in my body, nor do I have guts to be a Corporalki soldier. But I'm good with my brains so I'd hopefully be good as a Fabrikator and Alkemi would probably be happy to have me.

What are your thoughts about the ending of this book? 

**Image was taken from 
Leigh's website - source
Tanja: It was a perfection! I really, but really couldn't believe  
end like this. Don't get me wrong, the ending was perfect but out of all ideas and plans I had in my head about the ending this one didn't occur to me. But it's the best ending we could get.
Glass: Again, I have mixed feelings. Honestly, I didn't expect some things to happen like they did and that was great - unpredictable and keeps you on your toes until the very end. I will have to use spoilers now, so *spoiler alert*! I did not find that scene with Mal believable at all. Seriously??? After that melodramatic scene comes that?! Um...No! It might be okay if author tried to explain what happened better, but, unfortunately, she didn't. And that is one thing that is constant trough the whole series - every time you come to this big, messy part and expect something epic to happen - it doesn't. Magic vaguely saves the day. The end. 

Which book is your favorite in this series?
Glass: Shadow and Bone - it was the most consistent story in The Grisha Trilogy.
Tanja: It's really hard to decide. I'm torn between Shadow and Bone and Ruin and Rising. I love both, but I guess that if I really have to pick I'd find one small reason to go with Shadow and Bone.

Until the next time,

Broj komentara: 46:

  1. Wow, I'm so glad you girls loved this series so much! This is one series I haven't given hope on and I plan to read it sooner or later, which is the reason why I didn't read your review. I'd like to stay free of any spoilers or even hints. So anyway, you two have made me more eager and excited for Shadow and Bone (which has been sitting on my shelf since time immemorial). Here's hoping I get to it sooner rather than later. Absolutely great review!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. I really hope you'll pick it up Sarika. I'll be really curious to see what you think of it :)

  2. This is definitely a fun way to review a book. :) Loved it!

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

  3. This trilogy sounds so awesome! I really am dying to get my hands on it! Great review, it was extremely unique :)

    1. I really hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks, Laquesha :)

  4. I'm glad you two had such a good time reading this, Tanja and Glass. I loved this ending so much. It was everything that I needed from an ending and so much more.
    Sturmhound is so awesome! He needs to be in The Dregs!!!
    Great review!

    1. I'm so happy to hear that Nick. Yes he needs to be there :D

  5. Sounds like a great read, I have been wanting to read this one for a while

  6. I haven't read these yet, so I only skimmed your joint review, but it's obvious that you two liked it WAY more than Jessica. Speaking of which, I'm sure she'll be by shortly to compare notes. Hehe

    1. I really hope you'll give it a chance. Yes I have read Jess' review and I'm sad she didn't enjoy it as much as we did.

  7. I can't wait to finally get to this one ladies, I love this series so much! And a HUGE yes to a Darkling POV! Wouldn't that be amazing? I definitely want to crawl inside his mind and see what's going on there. I'm sad this series is ending, but it makes me happy to know you both thought it ended well:)

    1. That would be so amazing!! I would love to go there too. Thanks, Jenny :)

  8. Tanja, I love the last scene of this book the best too and that quote is unbelievably touching. Adore it. I do agree with both you ladies that I'd have loved to see a chapter from the Darkling's PoV but Glass, you bring up a good point about Genya's arc as a secondary character being so interesting in this one so I wouldn't mind a chapter from her or Stormhund's PoV either. Fantastic review, ladies, and I'm glad you enjoyed this trilogy!(:

    1. I cried my heart out, girl!!! Yes I'd love to have their POVs too! That would be really interesting. Thanks, Keertana :)

  9. I'm glad you both enjoyed the final chapter in this wonderful series ladies! I can't wait to finally read it myself. I would love to see an alternated pov from Darkling as well - who could resist that! Or even this Stormhund everyone talks about - lol. Wonderful questions and review Tanja & Glass :)

    1. I really hope you'll get to read it soon. Yes him as well. Thanks!

  10. Awww, thank you ladies! I really enjoyed myself too and I cant believe it ended so quickly. We must do another one soon... I agree with everything you said and its such a sad thing that it has to end, I'm hoping that Tanja is right and maybe Leigh will do a spin-off series. Hehe. Great review ladies, as always. :)

    1. We'll have plenty of read-a-longs for sure ;) Maybe we'll get that. Thanks, Em :)

  11. Oh I'm so thrilled your finally done this one! I have been waiting for your thoughts on R&R for what feels like ever. It in my opinion was the greatest conclusion we could have hoped for and that last scene with the Darkling...oh my heart! So crazy good!

    1. I really loved this and yes it was really unexpected and so emotional. Thanks, Lily :)

  12. Zoe, David, never heard of those...but that's coz I never read this series ah ah. :( Anyway, I'm glad it was a good one since I saw a very negative review and she kinda was very cnvincing. xd This author seems awesome!

    1. I really hope you'll give it a try!! Thanks, Lola :)

  13. It's rare that a series pleases so many readers! I'm glad this one made you both happy!

  14. Great review! Personally I've been stuck at about 100 pages into siege and Storm for a few months now and while I want to finish the series, I also don't want to. Glad you both enjoyed it though!

    1. I hope you'll continue! It's worth reading, trust me! ;)

  15. I need to read this, really. If I didn't sleep at night, I could make it :S

  16. Love, love, love your review! I really want to read this series now.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  17. Love this review! This has to be the best ending to a series I've read for a while!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  18. Oh I love your review ladies, and sadly I haven't read this series yet, but it is on my wishlist and I am so excited it ended strongly.

    1. I really hope you'll get to it soon. Thanks, Kim :)

  19. Great discussion review guys! Glad to hear you loved it and that it developed the secondary characters well. Most of all, I'm glad to hear that the ending was wonderful, even if you didn't see it coming :)

  20. I have seen so many reviews and positive comments about this series, I know I should really have picked them up by now. And I know this is a silly reason but... I really don't like the covers xD For some reason I don't. And I believe that has what has kept me holding off for a while. But I will get to them... eventually ^.^


    1. I hope you'll get to it. But lemme tell you these covers really fit the story ;) Thanks, Olivia :)

  21. I'm glad you ladies liked this. Overall, what I wanted to happen DID happen, I just objected to the means. Still though, I think it's a great series ;)

  22. I really hope you'll make some room soon ;) I cannot wait to see what you think of it :)

  23. Y'all have me seriously itching to read this trilogy! I already have the first two books - it's just finding the time to read it. But it's moved up the list a bit!



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