19. svi 2014.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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Published May 13th, 2014

My rating: 5 stars

Book summary:

"A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth."

      Everyone needs to read We Were Liars. I usually end my reviews with "who should read this book" part, but I'll skip everything and tell you on the beginning that you do not want to miss this gem. My first E. Lockhart novel was unforgettable experience. I just hope that I won't be disappointed with her older books because I plan to read them all. 

     Four kids, complicated family and island. Did you read Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta? If your answer is yes, continue reading. If your answer is no, find the book and read it. Were you one of those readers who read all spoilers and ended up feeling left out of this whole hype surrounding the book? If you are, here is what you need to do --- We Were Liars by E. Lockhart should be read:
  • In one sitting under your favorite blanket.
  • Turn off your phone, go offline.
  • Do not read reviews or comments.
  • Do not ask people what they thought about it before you read it.
  • Tell your boyfriend, husband, kids, friends and  siblings to leave you alone. 
  • You might need coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Preferably, all three.
  • Make sure you have some paper and pen at hand, you'll need it. 
  • If you read it during workdays, take the next day off - you'll need some alone time after you finish it. 
      Lyrical writing is becoming my favorite. I always avoided novels in verse or too lyrical prose because it was hard for me to get into the story, but lately I feel drawn to that type of writing. This book is definitely one of those I plan to re-read many times. I hope you will like it as much as I did.

 Happy reading,
***Copy of the book provided by publisher, Delacorte Press, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.***
*Book read during Bout of Books read-a-thon.*

Broj komentara: 15:

  1. Sounds like this was a good one, I am looking forward to reading it now.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Glass! I feel so out of the loop since I wasn't a fan, but I think that's just a personal qualm on the writing style. I can't wait for other readers to fall in love with Lockhart's work too -- gorgeous review!

  3. I really loved this one; I'm so glad to see that you did too. It's definitely something to experience.

  4. Lyrical writing is still really hard for me to get into! I'm actually putting this one off because of it. :( I've read less than half so far and it's a bit of a bore. But I can't DNF it since I'm so curious about what will happen! Awesome review, Glass! <3

  5. wow it's nice to had such a great time with it! I keep hearing great things about the book.

  6. I'm definitely going to check this one out, Glass. Sounds FABULOUS ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed it. All the points you stated for reading We were Liars are absolutely right. I loved it as much as you did. I can't wait to read rest of E.Lockhart's books. Fantastic review, Glass (:

  8. I've not seen any reviews on this one, but it sounds pretty good from what you've said :) Definitely might be something I should get then!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  9. I love novels in verse AND lyrical prose! I'll be sure to have a notebook handy to write down all my favorite quotes =) It's too late to not read reviews because I've already read like a million, but everyone's been really good at not spoiling anything.

  10. Great to hear that you've come around to the lyrical, I am still not drawn to because its still too hard for me to get into

  11. Wonderful yet mysterious review, Glass! If I pick this up I'll take all your advisements. :)

  12. Well, your wish is my command, I'll read this as soon as possible! :D

    Rashika @ The Social Potato

  13. Aw, this sounds like such an interesting read and I've been hearing nothing but amazing stuff about it. I hope to read it soon before the wonderfulness surrounding it starts melting away. Better do it whilst in the mood and I'll definitely read it in my favourite spot. Brilliant review, Glass!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  14. I have a copy of this coming in the mail and I'm planning to read it the second I get it! The writing sounds incredible and I've heard that the mystery is shocking. Awesome review :)



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